panties yes or no

The stuff inside the cunt is far too throthy. I like the squirty stuff that pours out of their pee holes when they go crazy. I dont really give a shit if it is piss or not it tastes bloody fantastic. The cunt juice is lubrication and tastes fine the more you let it hang around and spread over the lips. Very metallic tasting and where their sexy smell comes from.....

haha well it's good you like it and she goes crazy for you.
TMI I thinks there Twist. If she reads back on that later I am on a SEX BAN for sure mate :devil:

LOL, yeah I'm thinking the same thing. I guess you had better keep her busy so she doesn't get a chance to read it before the weekend is up and you've all had your fun.
LOL, yeah I'm thinking the same thing. I guess you had better keep her busy so she doesn't get a chance to read it before the weekend is up and you've all had your fun.

She never misses a thing. I was going to be barred from Literotica a few years ago for being a perv. I did make friends with some lasses who liked it. Thing is I offended some people and dont come on that often.....eyes watching and all that. I have to live with the consequences I post on here :rolleyes:
She never misses a thing. I was going to be barred from Literotica a few years ago for being a perv. I did make friends with some lasses who liked it. Thing is I offended some people and dont come on that often.....eyes watching and all that. I have to live with the consequences I post on here :rolleyes:

True you do and it's good you own up to that. She probably won't be too upset since it's just you and I talking and we are just talking about how hot and sexy Sie is so what harm is there is that?
True you do and it's good you own up to that. She probably won't be too upset since it's just you and I talking and we are just talking about how hot and sexy Sie is so what harm is there is that?

No harm in my case Twist. She likes you, like I like a lot of women I meet, especially at work. Its tempting sometimes to want quickies. Its only fun online and total harmless activity, besides it makes her horny :devil:
No harm in my case Twist. She likes you, like I like a lot of women I meet, especially at work. Its tempting sometimes to want quickies. Its only fun online and total harmless activity, besides it makes her horny :devil:

You're right about online being fun and harmless and does have that benefit of making her horny but when is she not? :devil:
Checking to see who is brave enough to go without panties in the cooler weather or does it matter?
Lazy day today...wearing WSU shorts...white sweatshirt panties. :devil:
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