Part II: Who are we?

I am:

  • a heterosexual female

    Votes: 30 21.4%
  • a heterosexual male

    Votes: 34 24.3%
  • a homosexual female

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • a homosexual male

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a bisexual female

    Votes: 37 26.4%
  • a bisexual male

    Votes: 5 3.6%
  • a bi-curious female

    Votes: 15 10.7%
  • a bi-curious male

    Votes: 10 7.1%
  • other

    Votes: 6 4.3%

  • Total voters
I voted for bi-sexual. I'm primarily het, but I enjoy sex with women also.
heterosexual... so far. have yet to find a guy I'm attracted to. my first threesome was with a married couple who are great friends (he's bi, but knows I'm not.) I've usually had gay friends throughout my life, so don't have any issues with being attracted to men. just... not. doesn't revolt me, but doesn't turn me on.

not the jealous type, prefer my partners bi-sexual (ex wife is gay though, which is taking things a little too far for my preference.) tend towards open and poly relationships.
I'm one of those Others. I'm queer, and I primarily identify as a dyke. Aw hell, read the link in my sig. :)
I'm a bi-sexual female, though I tend to lean more towards women than men lately. Sometimes I get all cock-hungry and it leans back towards the other way. Either way, I'm as bi as they come.
"I am sexual, period."

Exclamation point.

Never -> gay female.
i'm about as heterosexual as they come....a dying breed it seems...perhaps it's human evolution and all. the vast majority of the women i meet in, and out of the lifestyle...bisexual. a good deal of the men...bisexual, or "curious". i say that i am straight, and i'm looked at like i have 3 purple heads, lol.

but yep, i adore men and everything about them...their smell, their taste, their strength (physical), their cocks. ;) i have done sexual things with other women (against my own choosing) and never got anything out of it, other than extreme discomfort.
Re: lesbian

lark sparrow said:
Here's an "Other" category to consider.

How about those who would or have played with either gender in a limited BDSM scene though their primary romantic/sexual orientation is not bisexual?

For instance, a whipping scene.

Would you?

I have, though intercourse and other overtly sexual or romantic activities were not included.

Thats where i would fit in......have played with other of the same sex but am a primarily hetero i guess its other for me :)
het female here but i have had the cliche "college experimentation" with women, althought it wasnt just in college LOL I find the female form to be beautiful...often more visually stimulating to me than the male form, but when it comes right down to getting it on...I like to be with men...
Heterosexual male

And hey, this is interesting. Where's part three of this thing? Someone start it up! :devil:
Well, what am i...


ok now that i'm amused... i consider myself bisexual and as far as the gender i'm pretty sure i'm female... (the vagina and tits give it away)

I had a girlfriend. My very first relationship ever... i think i did nearly feverything with her but fingering and going down... I think if i ever wind up spending the rest of my life with the man i'm with now I'll be sad to have missed out on those sexual expierences. I like looking at women and touching women... i love the feel of their soft flesh and the slight curve of a female body. I tend to have a preference of skinny women. I dno't know why... probably everything i'm not... a skinny woman with a soft body but a dominent attitude MMM. I was jsut thinking "come to mama" but than i couldn't help but think "No, rather, i'll come to you."
I always seem to wind up with men. as much as i adore women... their not as useful, easy, and convient as men. I mean think of how convient the penis is most of the time. It can get up with slight attention to be used than deflates when done. men are more functional. I'd rather stare at a woman or draw a woman or touch a woman. I'd rather ride a man.
(not to mention i don't think my peers and family would take to the idea of me being in an intimate relationship with a female, and damnit i LIKE to pda [he thinks it humiliates me when he grabs my ass in public, i actaully like it] and it sucks when i can't)

has anyone else noticed i've been very verbose on lit lately?
ammre said:
has anyone else noticed i've been very verbose on lit lately?

yes, and I for one think it is to read and contemplate a variety of responses, clearly and generously expressed on any topic I find of please keep it up!!

catalina_francisco said:
yes, and I for one think it is to read and contemplate a variety of responses, clearly and generously expressed on any topic I find of please keep it up!!


hahah thanks!@# since i got my comp fixed i've been posting like mad on here and i can never seem to cut my rambling down to a few simple good sentences.

so yeah... Yay for sexuality!
Bi-sexual here, though I really prefer men... I enjoy sex w/ women, but there is just something missing. (and yes, I have heard of strap-ons... :p )
I voted other...i consider my self lesbian with hetero tendencies. In other words...I choose women for l/t relationships, but every once in a while (though not recently at all) i just need a big ole dick to ride....(the craving gets smaller and smaller as the days roll by)

Het male, but been done there done that in experimenting, from a Top perspective no less.

Newp, no way to get away from what's inside.
Het female.

curious? sure, but the drive to actively seek it out (same sex liasons) isn't nagging me.

I just spent about five minutes contemplating “Other”. I once knew a guy who completely swore off sex but if you called him abstinent he’d become very upset and claim that he was not abstinent he simply could not find it rational to love anyone more then he loved himself. I guess that’s an “Other” right?
I think women with strange mental instabilities attractive. It’s not the fact that they are quite insane that I find attractive it’s usually not until much later that I find they’re on medication or have scared wrists from multiple suicide attempts. I think they have a sort of aura about them that my depression clings to misery loves company I guess. Could tragically disturbed be another “Other”?
I find bi sexual women attractive, so would this be another category? I don’t think its because they are bi sexual usually I don’t find out they are until I meet their girlfriend or I find myself and my date are checking out the same girl or in one case she starts hitting on my sister.
StarCandies said:
... he simply could not find it rational to love anyone more then he loved himself. I guess that’s an “Other” right? ...
That would be a narcissicist, and a good way to clean the gene pool.