Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

Congrats to the Mannequin Envy team - an awesome issue!


Ditto on the 'Good Poet' comment, Tzara. Well worth reading. :)







How many lit poets can you find in this issue?
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I know you have wanted this for a very long time, so Congrats to you and all the others whom I do recognize!!!



annaswirls said:


How many lit poets can you find in this issue?
annaswirls said:







How many lit poets can you find in this issue?

Congrats to you and Calli


Nothing mysterious about the talent in Lit-Land.

It's a great issue--so congrats to all!

And thank you for the kind words, Ms. Swirly!

Cookie Jar Girl... yah.

denis hale said:
Nothing mysterious about the talent in Lit-Land.

It's a great issue--so congrats to all!

And thank you for the kind words, Ms. Swirly!

Cookie Jar Girl... yah.


ha I love that you know my what the fuck crazy motherfucker is a kind comment :) I love what you have done with the Ghazal. Who knew?
Maria2394 said:

I know you have wanted this for a very long time, so Congrats to you and all the others whom I do recognize!!!



Thank you Maria :heart: Did I whimper to you when they rejected my first batch? :eek:
denis hale said:
Nothing mysterious about the talent in Lit-Land.


damn straight. :)

Lit storms the Friggin' walls.

great issue is right!

terrific stuff, anna, calli, sara, and denis.

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
Sara Crewe said:
Calli and vampiredust have a whopping eleven poems posted between the two of them in the current edition of Word Riot! Congrats!!

great stuff, both of you!

it's great to see all this talent spreading itself around.

there is so much of it here.

:rose: :rose:
Tzara said:
The new Word Riot also has a review of the first book publication by an important "new" poet, here. Good poet, I think. Charles Ries gives a fair, though not fawning, review of the book, which can be ordered here. Read and judge for yerselfs, peoples.

Oh and, yup, you should buy it. Should. 'K? :)

P.S.: Also, Calli and vampd rock! Just sayin'. :)

Tzara said:
You all may recognize the featured writer in the current issue of Artistry of Life. He's been in the news a lot lately. ;)

i may want to hire you as my west coast PR man. :)

. . . thanks, Seattle.

okay guys, its been a LONG LONG time since I was able toot ,my anything, especially since hubby is in Nebraska working, but I got this really cool email to day from EditRed writing community and they chose one of my babies for the February Writers choice award.

There is no voting over there---the person who wins the prior month makes a nomination and the board reviews it and I dont even know the guy that chose my work, but heres the email they sent me. this came at a good time , I was about to become a poetryquitter-- lol


Dear Julie,

Just a quick email to congratulate you on winning the WC Poetry award for February. Last month's winner noneedtofocus was adamant, and we agree, that A Pussy's Philosophy on War is outstanding.

We will shortly be adorning your profile with the much-coveted award artwork, and you'll be up for the 2007 WC prize (and a place in the anthology). See this link for more details.

EditREd is a great place if anyone here should happen that way, you'll be made most welcome


EVie, I WISH wish wish you were there, I would choose yoru Conrad Dimple poem, since I get to pick March's winner, wish you were there poet friend :rose:
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Congratulations Maria! They have great taste :)


Maria2394 said:
okay guys, its been a LONG LONG time since I was able toot ,my anything, especially since hubby is in Nebraska working, but I got this really cool email to day from EditRed writing community and they chose one of my babies for the February Writers choice award.

There is no voting over there---the person who wins the prior month makes a nomination and the board reviews it and I dont even know the guy that chose my work, but heres the email they sent me. this came at a good time , I was about to become a poetryquitter-- lol


Dear Julie,

Just a quick email to congratulate you on winning the WC Poetry award for February. Last month's winner noneedtofocus was adamant, and we agree, that A Pussy's Philosophy on War is outstanding.

We will shortly be adorning your profile with the much-coveted award artwork, and you'll be up for the 2007 WC prize (and a place in the anthology). See this link for more details.

EditREd is a great place if anyone here should happen that way, you'll be made most welcome


EVie, I WISH wish wish you were there, I would choose yoru Conrad Dimple poem, since I get to pick March's winner, wish you were there poet friend :rose:
Flash ahhhh.... she'll save every one of us....

I am pleased to announce that Mannequin Envy will be publishing Flash Fiction once again, under the editorial leadership of the lovely, talented Ms. Jai Britton.

We asked, she said yes! Whoohooo!!! Come on, fill her new editorial mail box with a flash flood!!!

vampiredust said:
I have 3 poems up at Dogmatika


finally the link worked for me this morning. congratulations Chris, more great published poetry under your belt! i think my favourite is Winder Dew. i do love the quirky in If Romulus had been born in the 20th Century and Goddess just begs worshiping. aw heck, i like 'em all! :D
