Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

darkerdreamer said:
Love the cover. You all are making it very difficult not to make smart ass "your space" comments, by the way.


crack away, man. that's what we do here. :)

hey, i read your new poems today. some good stuff.

welcome to Lit -- hang here for a while. you'll fit fine . . . in lots of spaces.
clutching_calliope said:
But you really are number one in my book, even though it's your number two book.

Congratulations Rainy Bo Bainy!! Hooray!!! :rose:

The cover looks awesome. Hey, T-man, if you put me in your space will I look as good?

thanks, sweetie. :kiss:

and you would look good anywhere.


wildsweetone said:
congratulations RainMan, that cover work looks awesome and oddly enough makes me thirsty.

quit teasing about the inside.


grazie . . . i love the cover, too. :)

how am i going to get you to buy one if i don't tease a bit? ;)

TheRainMan said:

crack away, man. that's what we do here. :)

hey, i read your new poems today. some good stuff.

welcome to Lit -- hang here for a while. you'll fit fine . . . in lots of spaces.

I'll put my....

Your space will be...

I give up, I have been overloaded with smartassism.
TheRainMan said:

grazie . . . i love the cover, too. :)

how am i going to get you to buy one if i don't tease a bit? ;)


buying one is a foregone conclusion :rolleyes:

you still haven't signed the one i have now. :p
clutching_calliope said:
(You know you're our best hope for the continuity of the poetic civilization as we know it, don't you?)

if anyone's counting on me to be the best hope for anything, they'd be wise to re-evaluate. :) . . . unless it's to buy the next round.

you can count on me for that. ;)

and thanks for the heart, Calli -- you sure have a lot it.

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Congrats, Pat!!

I always admired you and your ability, now just more to admire and bigger goals to strive for!!

good thing I am not a competitive person, I would be SO miserable right now!!! ;)


normal jean said:
Congrats, Pat!!

I always admired you and your ability, now just more to admire and bigger goals to strive for!!

good thing I am not a competitive person, I would be SO miserable right now!!! ;)



thanks, julie.

competition's got nothing to do with it, i don't think. other's successes should have as little bearing on one's level of misery as their failures should have on one's level of joy.

i have enough rejection slips to wallpaper my attic. :) i don't list those here. ;)

you are a writer -- a fine one . . . get your work out there, to the eyes of qualified, objective strangers, not friends or enemies.

they'll tell you all you need to know about your poetry, and about what you need to do next.

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Congrats Pat on your acceptances


and Julie, you're a great poet,

don't ever forget that

congratulations patrick, those are some nice looking Reviews you're entering. and congratulations on the tenacity, it's nice to know it does pay off, eventually.

TheRainMan said:
thanks, julie.

competition's got nothing to do with it, i don't think. other's successes should have as little bearing on one's level of misery as their failures should have on one's level of joy.

i have enough rejection slips to wallpaper my attic. :) i don't list those here. ;)

you are a writer -- a fine one . . . get your work out there, to the eyes of qualified, objective strangers, not friends or enemies.

they'll tell you all you need to know about your poetry, and about what you need to do next.


okay, Pat :)

all I meant about being competitive was that thing some writers get, envy perhaps? I admire you and yes, your successes do inspire me, but in a good way, not in a way that makes me feel bad or unworthy. I do, however, know people who are actually disacouraged by the success of other people and for some odd reason, base their chances of success or failure on the efforts and successes of their peers. They perceive, wrongly, that their successes or failures are somehow tied to the accomplishemnts of other people. But that isnt me, not at all!!!

I am not unhappy or miserable, I take true delight in seeing people I know from this place achieve good things in their lives. I am glad though, that I am not a competitve person because that would interfere with how I do feel about other people making it with their writing.

Im just a different person when the warm weather comes. More than giddy and silly, it is like beig reborn. I wont ever give up on submitting my work, and truthfully, I have done better than I ever expected I would do with my writing. If i were to die today, I would be able to say that I didnt waste my life. Maybe I havent tried as hard as I should have, but all in all, I have done enough that i am not disappointed in myself.

As always, I appreciate your kind words and inspiration. You are a gem and I adore you!!

keep up the good work and thank you for posting u[dates toyour successes here for us to look up to. You help me in that manner as well. I wont give up as long as it is something that interests me.


All I know is that it gets rarer and rarer for a writer of true quality to get noticed, I couldn't be happier to see it happen. Kudos, Rainbow!