Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

WickedEve said:
I got my free copy and bought 2 at $18 each. $18 is too much. :eek:
Um, did the guy who made the site, also do the cover art?

Um a poet named Lila Zais did the cover art. Your bio is awesome. I want your bio. I have bio envy. :cool: I realized that the thing I thought was my bio is actually the acknowledgement page :rolleyes: which makes sense.

I have a little blonde girl visiting for a playdate. Why didn't I get any daughters? She is so sweet! I think I will invite her over every day. My son is so happy having someone cooler than Mom to play with.


Veddy veddy curious.

That poem of mine about low down bassist sex,
originally workshopped right here on Lit!--
good enough for a Pushcart nomination nod, but
no inclusion in their anthology.

Oh well.

That Sam Rasnake guy aint
in it either, and his work kicks ass all
over mine.

No SP either, they need ta seriously fix their Picker.


An extra Ambien CR tonight,
and I will lose not a wink of
sweep, tinking on it.


Congrats Eve, Anna, Vamp et al, all the whip smart Litsters rock. :)
Last edited:
denis hale said:

Veddy veddy curious.

That poem of mine about low down bassist sex,
originally workshopped right here on Lit!--
good enough for a Pushcart nomination nod, but
no inclusion in their anthology.

Oh well.

That Sam Rasnake guy aint
in it either, and his work kicks ass all
over mine.

No SP either, they need ta seriously fix their Picker.


An extra Ambien CR tonight,
and I will lose not a wink of
sweep, tinking on it.


Congrats Eve, Anna, Vamp et al, all the whip smart Litsters rock. :)

Congrats to all!! what a wonde4rful accomplishment. I am proud to know ya's.

ps, denis, I didnt see any angeline there either. yeah ther picker is broke!

Hi Dennis! Good to see you :heart:

Dude, you had to submit work specifically for publication in the anthology :( being in Erosha was not even a pre-requisite. I just sent them the work I had on their site.

Come over here a little closer, let me be your Ambien and your cardiovascular workout all wrapped up in one velvet pouch :rose:

I don't think I would do an anthology like that but c'est la vie. Your Aural Sex SHOULD have been in there if it were done by picking through the work that had been published at Erosha. I wrote to Donna Hill about including smithpeter (or Peter Smith as they published him) :cool: but she was not sure about the copyrights, how to clear that up so she skipped it.

denis hale said:

Veddy veddy curious.

That poem of mine about low down bassist sex,
originally workshopped right here on Lit!--
good enough for a Pushcart nomination nod, but
no inclusion in their anthology.

Oh well.

That Sam Rasnake guy aint
in it either, and his work kicks ass all
over mine.

No SP either, they need ta seriously fix their Picker.


An extra Ambien CR tonight,
and I will lose not a wink of
sweep, tinking on it.


Congrats Eve, Anna, Vamp et al, all the whip smart Litsters rock. :)

I get it.

Thick as a brick, I is.
Sometimes, ya gots
to spiel it out fer me!

Congrats again, to U, Eve and Vampire Dust.

And hello there, Normal Jean!
My, but you sound very familiar.

hmmm... :rolleyes:

And yes--a very cogent comment concerning
how Angeline should be in the Antho, also.

Who else is Ms. Laine missing?

denis hale said:
I get it.

Thick as a brick, I is.
Sometimes, ya gots
to spiel it out fer me!

Congrats again, to U, Eve and Vampire Dust.

And hello there, Normal Jean!
My, but you sound very familiar.

hmmm... :rolleyes:

And yes--a very cogent comment concerning
how Angeline should be in the Antho, also.

Who else is Ms. Laine missing?


It's Haling!

I'll send you emails of my poems, dear. :p

annaswirls said:

The good people at The Hiss Quarterly have recognized Mannequin Envy. Makes me wanna dance. Anyone wanna boogie on down?

So many people here are directly and indirectly linked to the site, some from the very first issue, people here let me publish their work when all I had was a name and an idea.... and I want to send out Congratulations and THANKS!!!!

Big Hugs to Patrick who has been responsible for keeping me on task and getting such great poetry!

I want to start to list people here who have had their work in Mannequin Envy, but I know I will miss someone! I will start another post :) because I am giddy.

Congratulations! It is well deserved. M.E. is a quality venture--verrra classy.

denis hale said:
I get it.

Thick as a brick, I is.
Sometimes, ya gots
to spiel it out fer me!

Congrats again, to U, Eve and Vampire Dust.

And hello there, Normal Jean!
My, but you sound very familiar.

hmmm... :rolleyes:

And yes--a very cogent comment concerning
how Angeline should be in the Antho, also.

Who else is Ms. Laine missing?


hey Denis :)

you know me as maria, normal jean is her without all the baggage :D

good to see you back!!

My mail just came and included an early Christmas present to myself. Rise, Fall and Acceptance is out and in my hands. Congratulations, TRM! The book looks great. :rose:
Tzara said:
My mail just came and included an early Christmas present to myself. Rise, Fall and Acceptance is out and in my hands. Congratulations, TRM! The book looks great. :rose:

thanks, TZ. :rose:

hey -- you got a copy before i got my copies. that's pretty wild.

of course, you're a paying customer. mine are free.

capitalism. :cool:
TheRainMan said:
thanks, TZ. :rose:

hey -- you got a copy before i got my copies. that's pretty wild.

of course, you're a paying customer. mine are free.

capitalism. :cool:
I'm still waiting on mine. I bought it months ago and I want it NOW! I want my Pat Book! :D
WickedEve said:
I'm still waiting on mine. I bought it months ago and I want it NOW! I want my Pat Book! :D

you would think, since Main St. Rag is in North Carolina, that they'd take care of their Virginia customers before those left-coasters, now wouldn't you. :)

poor business model.

My Erotic Trail said:

December Issue; "Seasons Fleeting"
this site/ e-zine currently accepting submissions...
Art, I moved this post to submissions calls, thinking you were just posting a submission call. I forgot you have poetry and art in the December issue. Very nice. :)
WickedEve said:
Art, I moved this post to submissions calls, thinking you were just posting a submission call. I forgot you have poetry and art in the December issue. Very nice. :)

thank you eve,

the post was actually made with the duality of expressing both <grin (~_*)
My Erotic Trail said:
thank you eve,

the post was actually made with the duality of expressing both <grin (~_*)

Congrats, Art!! I just read your work posted there!! You chose some of your very best works!!

( hugs for using spell check :D)


TheRainMan said:
you would think, since Main St. Rag is in North Carolina, that they'd take care of their Virginia customers before those left-coasters, now wouldn't you. :)

poor business model.

It just arrived in the mail. What a fabulous book! And a free bookmark came with it. :D
Oh, and there's a photo--not the cover--on the back page. I didn't know you were nominated for a 2007 pushcart. And there's mention of Mannequin Envy, so congrats to anna, too.
I can't decide if I should read this book tonight or read porn. Oh, the decisions. :catgrin:
WickedEve said:
Oh, and there's a photo--not the cover--on the back page. I didn't know you were nominated for a 2007 pushcart. And there's mention of Mannequin Envy, so congrats to anna, too.
I can't decide if I should read this book tonight or read porn. Oh, the decisions. :catgrin:
Very cool, TRM! Congrats on the release!
Rise, Fall and Acceptance

Well it must be good..... my husband is still on the porch reading it :cool:

Congratulations! Wish we were all close so we could throw you a coming out party :)

Congratulations, Mr. Rain Man. I suspect my copy will be delayed a bit, but I look forward to it. :)

I can finally say, hellooo New York

My edition of Chronogram finally came today. My little poem 'Brainstorming' is in there.

Rise, Fall and Acceptance - A book

You arrived on my tray
in time for breakfast,
along with a red rose
laying as if bleeding to death
beside my orange juice
and toast. I read you
between the covers
devoured you
until your words
smeared my lipstick
smudged my mascara
stabbed my heart
and still I starve
for more.

congratulations patrick. when's the next one due out?

wildsweetone said:
Rise, Fall and Acceptance - A book

You arrived on my tray
in time for breakfast,
along with a red rose
laying as if bleeding to death
beside my orange juice
and toast. I read you
between the covers
devoured you
until your words
smeared my lipstick
smudged my mascara
stabbed my heart
and still I starve
for more.

congratulations patrick. when's the next one due out?


i need to get the finished manscript together, find a publisher, have it printed, and so forth.

give me a few days, and i'll get it right out to you. :)

thank you so much for the poem. it is quite complimentary, and you are very very sweet, Wild One.
