Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

vampiredust said:
Congrats Pat on your acceptances
wildsweetone said:
congratulations patrick . . .
normal jean said:
You are a gem and I adore you . . .

thanks, you 3. :)

darkerdreamer said:
All I know is that it gets rarer and rarer for a writer of true quality to get noticed, I couldn't be happier to see it happen. Kudos, Rainbow!

and you too, new poet. your words are very kind, darkerdrummer. ;)
annaswirls said:
Congratulations, big time poet!
It must feel so great to have your hard work paying off like this. Roll on roll on :rose:

you're an inspiration for me, jenny. :)

TheRainMan said:
gotta share these two acceptances -- they're big doors to knock down. i've been ramming into them for a while:

The Connecticut Review

The Evansville Review
Very impressive, Mr. Man. The link to The Evansville Review notes the current issue has work by T.C. Boyle, Robert Olen Butler, W.D. Snodgrass, and Richard Wilbur. Oh yeah--these guys Borges, Cavafy, and Rilke, too. Probably others I should recognize, but don't. Pretty heady company. Are you on the board in Vegas yet for the Pulitzer? If they're giving you good odds, I might risk a fin or two. ;)
Tzara said:
Very impressive, Mr. Man. The link to The Evansville Review notes the current issue has work by T.C. Boyle, Robert Olen Butler, W.D. Snodgrass, and Richard Wilbur. Oh yeah--these guys Borges, Cavafy, and Rilke, too. Probably others I should recognize, but don't. Pretty heady company. Are you on the board in Vegas yet for the Pulitzer? If they're giving you good odds, I might risk a fin or two. ;)

lol . . :) thanks, Seattle.

good stuff, no?

save the sawbuck. next time i'm out west, maybe you can buy me a black & tan. ;)
TheRainMan said:
thanks, julie.

competition's got nothing to do with it, i don't think. other's successes should have as little bearing on one's level of misery as their failures should have on one's level of joy.

i have enough rejection slips to wallpaper my attic. :) i don't list those here. ;)

you are a writer -- a fine one . . . get your work out there, to the eyes of qualified, objective strangers, not friends or enemies.

they'll tell you all you need to know about your poetry, and about what you need to do next.


going through the patting the backs...very lax in the congrats...very impressed...belated congrats to all here...very special congrats to you Pat, :rose: very special good luck to you Julie. :rose:
MyNecroticSnail said:
going through the patting the backs...very lax in the congrats...very impressed...belated congrats to all here...very special congrats to you Pat, :rose: very special good luck to you Julie. :rose:

thanks, Anton.

much appreciated. :)

Great, great poems. :)

*doffs cap while bowing from da waist*

Brava, girl.


Angeline, you have the enviable ability to make form poetry look so very easy to achieve. you write it so well, that the reading is smooth, the repetition heavy with impact. i always enjoy reading your poetry and these two poems are no exception. congratulations.

TheRainMan said:
good stuff, Miss Maine. :)


I'm sorta confused....Ange, did you post something new there? I read those wonderful pieces a long time ago, in fact you were the one who told me about the PAW site.

Congrats, Sis, keep up the excellent, touching work. You inspire in so many different ways. I know you gave me the confidence to keep trying with my poetry when I was ready to give up, many, many times!!

Love you and miss you. I hope you are feeling much better than you had a while back.



oop! Sorry for the confusion-- they were new to me :)

Maria2394 said:
I'm sorta confused....Ange, did you post something new there? I read those wonderful pieces a long time ago, in fact you were the one who told me about the PAW site.

Congrats, Sis, keep up the excellent, touching work. You inspire in so many different ways. I know you gave me the confidence to keep trying with my poetry when I was ready to give up, many, many times!!

Love you and miss you. I hope you are feeling much better than you had a while back.



hot off the presses --

just letting everyone know Codhill has released Thirst.

break the piggy banks and order a copy here: Codhill Press . . . you'll see it in the "New for 2007" list to the left.

thanks again, in advance, for your support, friends.


Patrick :rose:
TheRainMan said:
hot off the presses --

just letting everyone know Codhill has released Thirst.

break the piggy banks and order a copy here: Codhill Press . . . you'll see it in the "New for 2007" list to the left.

thanks again, in advance, for your support, friends.


Patrick :rose:

congrats, Patrick

TheRainMan said:
hot off the presses --

just letting everyone know Codhill has released Thirst.

break the piggy banks and order a copy here: Codhill Press . . . you'll see it in the "New for 2007" list to the left.

thanks again, in advance, for your support, friends.


Patrick :rose:

one day you're going to have to 'Get International' with your publications you know, patrick. this is the second time i've had to dangle emails back and forth in order to pay to read you - online forms are so American. it's becoming a habit. lol

maybe i should just buy direct from you and paypal you the money.

oh.. congratulations! ;)

TheRainMan said:
hot off the presses --

just letting everyone know Codhill has released Thirst.

break the piggy banks and order a copy here: Codhill Press . . . you'll see it in the "New for 2007" list to the left.

thanks again, in advance, for your support, friends.


Patrick :rose:

Can you slow down the pub schedule, Pat? Sheesh. You're publishing so often that you're consuming my book-buying bandwidth, dude. What am I gonna do when Dan Brown publishes another book? Two words: Hobson's choice. ;)

Ah, hell. Congratulations, sir. You are inspiration.

Now if I could only remember where the hell I left my talent.... In the basement someplace, I think, but I can't seem to find the effing thing. I did find that 9/16ths socket wrench I was looking for, though, so that rummaging around down there warn't all to waste. I was sure that's where I left my talent, though. Last place I saw it, anyway. I know it's someplace around here. I keep telling my agent it's just misplaced.

Anyway. Hey. Not your problem. My congrats. I'll even buy you a beer next time you're in WA. May even excursion to PT, if that's what it takes. :)
champagne1982 said:
Now I know you're on the Grammer Police force, you even have secret agents!! </jealous fit>
Shhh! I'm undercover, m'dear. ;)
thanks, Christian. :)

and Bill -- your talent sparkles every time you post. even your posts are poems . . . and, i'll take you up on that beer, when i'm out there. ;)

wildsweetone said:
. . .this is the second time i've had to dangle emails back and forth in order to pay to read you - online forms are so American. it's becoming a habit. lol . . .

that's what you get for living on a remote island, darling. :cool:

. . . (and thanks for the congrats, and the support, sweet one.)

TheRainMan said:

that's what you get for living on a remote island, darling. :cool:

. . . (and thanks for the congrats, and the support, sweet one.)


you're welcome, and i'm going to have to write about this island a little more, methinks.
vampiredust said:
I have something here



oh my! that is ONE HECK of a something! thank you sweet man, i am most definitely enjoying. wonderful! congratulations on another great publication!

let me know when you've got one out that i can pay for!


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