Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

WickedEve said:
The images are fine.
If the friend is rybka, it's just his computer, which must be 80 years old! I've changed a lot of things on my site because of that fish. :D

No, I have not heard any feedback from the fishy yet, but thank you for the tip! I will ask him to check it out on his dinosaur!

So, do you program a special site for him with those punch cards?

I remember turning on the casette player to load space invaders before supper so by the time we were done eating it would be loaded and (maybe) ready to run.

Does he have a Commodore 64?

I am babbling.
annaswirls said:
No, I have not heard any feedback from the fishy yet, but thank you for the tip! I will ask him to check it out on his dinosaur!

So, do you program a special site for him with those punch cards?

I remember turning on the casette player to load space invaders before supper so by the time we were done eating it would be loaded and (maybe) ready to run.

Does he have a Commodore 64?

I am babbling.
Here's a tip that I meant to give you the other day. If you ever get front page (try ebay if you want it cheap, but check out their feedback carefully) open up other sites in it and start playing around. Highlight sections, then switch over to html and check out how things are done. Great way to learn.

And tath, congrats on your zygotes. :cathappy:
you can buy frontpage on Ebay? Damn! I never thought of that!! Thanks for the tip! hmm... do I dare....switch AGAIN? grrrr..... I did like frontpage....hmmm....

I can check out the HTML on Mozilla, and know I need to start writing my own source code to really clean things up. I have just been using wysiwyg NYU, which seems pretty good, but often times does things in a round about way which fucks things up.

Am I allowed to say Fuck?

You know in my first or second post here, I used the word Fuck and then asked if it was okay and someone, I really think, someone told me to avoid the word whenever I could.


sometimes I just want to say it.
fuckitty fuck.

I sat next to a crazy haired skinny ass poet man on the plane (my husband could not believe the coincidence and was stuck with the two of us being terribly embarassing)

oh and he said his mother asked him why he uses the word Fuck so much in his poetry and he said mom sometimes you just have to swear and sometimes you just have to fuck.

he was drunk. he promised to try his best not to vomit on me. he liked the sequins on my jeans. drunk people often like shiny objects.

there is something wrong with me, I keep babbling. I need to go find something to paint. Spackle. Organize.

The devil will find work for idle hands to do and look at me babbling to try to stay out of trouble.

blah blah blah

WickedEve said:
Here's a tip that I meant to give you the other day. If you ever get front page (try ebay if you want it cheap, but check out their feedback carefully) open up other sites in it and start playing around. Highlight sections, then switch over to html and check out how things are done. Great way to learn.

And tath, congrats on your zygotes. :cathappy:
annaswirls said:
Spring Edition of Mannequin Envy is live

...with a new lit contributor. I am not sure if they are shy or not... if not, eh hem, speak up.

Thanks to the Rain Man for making the poetry pour down on us... I am exhausted.

The artwork is incredible, thanks Bogusbrig for referring Juul to me.

Thanks for stopping by!

One word: gobsmacked

congrats on producing it

annaswirls said:
you can buy frontpage on Ebay? Damn! I never thought of that!! Thanks for the tip! hmm... do I dare....switch AGAIN? grrrr..... I did like frontpage....hmmm....
I just checked and you can get one around 40 or 50 dollars for the 2003 version. Probably an OEM version (no box, instructions) but you get the key to activate it and the software is the real thing . I bought an OEM version of paintshop pro X and it works great. Make sure you don't get some copy that someone burned, though. Check feedback and see if others bought software from the user and if they had any problems or not.
eve's habit has a new issue that looks a bit different. I spent the entire month of April changing it around and basically abusing it. There are new photos and an interview. New poems by poets you may know. A contest! And this and that. If you get a chance, check out the site and poems by some of our litsters.
WickedEve said:
eve's habit has a new issue that looks a bit different. I spent the entire month of April changing it around and basically abusing it. There are new photos and an interview. New poems by poets you may know. A contest! And this and that. If you get a chance, check out the site and poems by some of our litsters.

poetry in a bottle contest sounds cool <grin
I almost didn't spot WSO's tiny font. :D
Way to go Pat, you talented nut.
Geez. I can read that even without my glasses.

Well-deserved congratulations, Mr. C. :rose:
Keith Brighouse in Oysters and Chocolate


Congratulations Keith! :kiss:

And think, we get him here for free :) we are lucky indeed​
I know it's wrong!

But I'll tell you, this is a real friend. I wish we were both living in the same city. I'll never forget how great he made me feel. He was my savior in a time when I was just about to quit writing. Thank God for real human beings!!!:):):)

poetry as it stands is a collection of words used to
invoke feelings and emotion.(and if it doesnt it gets
pilloried)- the satisfaction is getting the required

your work seems to be emotion, creating words..leading
to thought... - the satisfaction lies in the journey
itself..and the conclusion....and there is no
'required' solution..

no wonder you have had some negative reactions!


Imagine my surprise when I found out who you were! We used to vie all the time for Poetry prizes across three continents, I was frankly gutted when you picked up the ILP Grand Prize...that piece of work was mediocre by your standards...but I am pleased I can now say, hey I know this guy, and he deserves what he's achieved...and he's a good laugh to boot...(some of our peer group really are pretentious arseholes)

Its been my honour and pleasure to share this time and space with you...

May good fortune always accompany you on your way.


Sorry TMV but poetry with your moniker on it appeared in poetry anthologies and competitions in the UK, and Australia as well as the US.

I remember you won one of the big ILP awards one year, (i was an also ran finalist)and you've won at least four 'editors choice awards'..your name is pretty unless you have a 'doppleganger' I believe its you..

and the rhythmn structure of your work is not only amazing but I've never seen another style like it...

I'm sorry my friend neither genius nor insanity can be hidden...

sorry for any confusion...


Your work was distributed (and discussed) within the United Society of Poets in the UK for sure - I know, I was there...

The worse thing is that those pedantic arseholes actually prevent the evolution of poetry and written language by trying to confine it within their own small ideologies and needs..Their dismissal of it is often a knee jerk reaction to ANYTHING new in case it supplants their 'position'...and WOE! to those who try and change 'established rythmical format' - we've all been there..but how can one describe the beauty of a rainbow to someone who is blind?

Yes, I am tooting my own horn. Nobody else is willing here in the states.
Last edited:

Congratulations! I am glad that you shared your success stories with us (even though you have such a low opinion of us) How nice to have someone who supports your writing. You are fortuate. I have found some support like that from around the globe, right here.

I cannot help but feel that I was not given a chance before being lumped into a giant evil stereotype, but I suppose it is something I have gotten accustomed to.

I do not know your poetry very well, as I am pretty sure you do not know mine. I would love for you to read mine too, we can all use support. I hope I can give you another chance, but you have bitten randomly, so people generally do not hold out their hand to be bitten again. Can you give us another chance, or do you wish to keep the negative stance?

I hope that you can provide the encouragement that your friend has provided you.

People here are not the evil you have imagined. You have not given yourself a fair chance.

All the best, and congratulations, it is always great to see a writer flourish and reach personal goals,

all the best,

The Mystery Valiant said:
But I'll tell you, this is a real friend. I wish we were both living in the same city. I'll never forget how great he made me feel. He was my savior in a time when I was just about to quit writing. Thank God for real human beings!!!:):):)

poetry as it stands is a collection of words used to
invoke feelings and emotion.(and if it doesnt it gets
pilloried)- the satisfaction is getting the required

your work seems to be emotion, creating words..leading
to thought... - the satisfaction lies in the journey
itself..and the conclusion....and there is no
'required' solution..

no wonder you have had some negative reactions!


Imagine my surprise when I found out who you were! We used to vie all the time for Poetry prizes across three continents, I was frankly gutted when you picked up the ILP Grand Prize...that piece of work was mediocre by your standards...but I am pleased I can now say, hey I know this guy, and he deserves what he's achieved...and he's a good laugh to boot...(some of our peer group really are pretentious arseholes)

Its been my honour and pleasure to share this time and space with you...

May good fortune always accompany you on your way.


Sorry TMV but poetry with your moniker on it appeared in poetry anthologies and competitions in the UK, and Australia as well as the US.

I remember you won one of the big ILP awards one year, (i was an also ran finalist)and you've won at least four 'editors choice awards'..your name is pretty unless you have a 'doppleganger' I believe its you..

and the rhythmn structure of your work is not only amazing but I've never seen another style like it...

I'm sorry my friend neither genius nor insanity can be hidden...?

sorry for any confusion...


Your work was distributed (and discussed) within the United Society of Poets in the UK for sure - I know, I was there...

The worse thing is that those pedantic arseholes actually prevent the evolution of poetry and written language by trying to confine it within their own small ideologies and needs..Their dismissal of it is often a knee jerk reaction to ANYTHING new in case it supplants their 'position'...and WOE! to those who try and change 'established rythmical format' - we've all been there..but how can one describe the beauty of a rainbow to someone who is blind?

Yes, I am tooting my own horn. Nobody else is willing here in the states.
wildsweetone said:
seems we have in our mortal midst a
Main Street Rag
Book Award Finalist.​

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s
Patrick Carrington!

thank you, wild and sweet. :rose: . . . i've shrunken down your congrats to a more mortal size. :)

and thanks also -- eve, tzara, denis and anna. love you all.

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annaswirls said:
Keith Brighouse in Oysters and Chocolate


Congratulations Keith! :kiss:

And think, we get him here for free :) we are lucky indeed​
I'm tired of saying congrats, so I'm just going to holler out your names from now on. :D
annaswirls said:

Congratulations! I am glad that you shared your success stories with us (even though you have such a low opinion of us) How nice to have someone who supports your writing. You are fortuate. I have found some support like that from around the globe, right here.

I cannot help but feel that I was not given a chance before being lumped into a giant evil stereotype, but I suppose it is something I have gotten accustomed to.

I do not know your poetry very well, as I am pretty sure you do not know mine. I would love for you to read mine too, we can all use support. I hope I can give you another chance, but you have bitten randomly, so people generally do not hold out their hand to be bitten again. Can you give us another chance, or do you wish to keep the negative stance?

I hope that you can provide the encouragement that your friend has provided you.

People here are not the evil you have imagined. You have not given yourself a fair chance.

All the best, and congratulations, it is always great to see a writer flourish and reach personal goals,

all the best,
Your reply is more tactful than some people deserve.
The Mystery Valiant said:
..but how can one describe the beauty of a rainbow to someone who is blind?[/i][/color]


you must never have seen the movie, Mask, with Cher.... the part where the kid showed the blind girl a rainbow still makes me cry.

congrats to all who have climbed yet higher since I last popped in.

ps...I noticed the theme of character AV's and resurrected Quigley... ;)
WickedEve said:
I'm tired of saying congrats, so I'm just going to holler out your names from now on. :D


I like my women tired, especially when I've done the tiring! :D

First post in a while. I'm so so busy. :rolleyes:
bogusbrig said:

I like my women tired, especially when I've done the tiring! :D

First post in a while. I'm so so busy. :rolleyes:
I really do need someone to tire me out. :D
I bet you are busy, you talented, wonderful man. (It's really early in the morning, and I tend to be sweeter when half my brain is still snoozing.)