Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

looks like I get to put up some new work (photography) for Antimuse in June :)
I'll post a link when it is up and runnin'
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
looks like I get to put up some new work (photography) for Antimuse in June :)
I'll post a link when it is up and runnin'
I can't wait to see it! :)

Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
looks like I get to put up some new work (photography) for Antimuse in June :)
I'll post a link when it is up and runnin'

congrats and thanks for keeping us up to date as to where we can find you. Antimuse is a good zine!

Thank you, Calli for the toot (my horn is a toot whore) you are so kind.


And congrats again to Tath, it is a funny poem, y'all should go read it.

What the fuck is Lyn Lifshin doing in zygote? Is nothing sacred? Is there nowhere we can hide from the uber internet shotgun poet?

hey, zygote is putting out its first print edition! should be interesting what they come up with!

:rose: :rose:

clutching_calliope said:
I'm sure that this has been mentioned long and far ago and probably in a galaxy far away but I wanted to toot Tathagata (if he reads anything here anymore :confused: ) and Annaswirls for their offerings in the April issue. Nice going, poets!
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I thought I'd toot my horn. I rarely do but thought it'd be good to let it out once in a while. Thought I'd share some of my latest successes: My poetry will appear in Zygote In My Coffee in June, has been accepted for Chantarelle's Notebook (both print and web) , SOFTBLOW, a couple of UK anthologies and a UK print journal aimed at new poets.
vampiredust said:
I thought I'd toot my horn. I rarely do but thought it'd be good to let it out once in a while. Thought I'd share some of my latest successes: My poetry will appear in Zygote In My Coffee in June, has been accepted for Chantarelle's Notebook (both print and web) , SOFTBLOW, a couple of UK anthologies and a UK print journal aimed at new poets.
Congratulations, VD! Well done!
vampiredust said:
I thought I'd toot my horn. I rarely do but thought it'd be good to let it out once in a while. Thought I'd share some of my latest successes: My poetry will appear in Zygote In My Coffee in June, has been accepted for Chantarelle's Notebook (both print and web) , SOFTBLOW, a couple of UK anthologies and a UK print journal aimed at new poets.

good for you, cw.

you are a whirling bundle of energy, and a fine writer, so i'm sure there is a lot more to come. ;)
I did Syndra's thing....

The listenandbeheard dot whatever. I sent a poem there a month or two
ago and it was in the newsletter. It was cool to see my name on the screen.
Still, I write for sandspike. If you don't get it out, u loose your soul. Thanks
cyndi. :rose:
Congrats to Sand and Dust! You must both feel great about getting your work out there-- you guys both deserve to be proud, getting recognition for your hard work :)
vampiredust said:
I thought I'd toot my horn. I rarely do but thought it'd be good to let it out once in a while. Thought I'd share some of my latest successes: My poetry will appear in Zygote In My Coffee in June, has been accepted for Chantarelle's Notebook (both print and web) , SOFTBLOW, a couple of UK anthologies and a UK print journal aimed at new poets.

sandspike said:
The listenandbeheard dot whatever. I sent a poem there a month or two
ago and it was in the newsletter. It was cool to see my name on the screen.
Still, I write for sandspike. If you don't get it out, u loose your soul. Thanks
Wonderful news, guys. :cathappy:
good stuff in artistry of life

I was perusing the ezines, looking for homes for my little poems, and I saw a certain poetess, whom I adore has 2 works in the current issue and our beloved Pat C will be the featured artist in the winter issue, ( right?)


its been a long time since I read any catbabe, and I have missed her terribly and cant wait to read what pat has coming up!! IM so excited, feels like I won something, lol



ps, anna, loved your Clone poem, excellent work, I could almost smell her myself :)
Patrick was the featured artist in their fall issue of last year, I am not sure if he will be again:

Anna was the featured artist in their winter issue,

and yes, it was awesome to see Catbabe there, what a talent that woman is :) Miss Angeline was there as was (oh my goodness, was it Boo?) I have a hard time connecting real names with Lit names.

Artistry of Life would be a wonderful place for your poems, Maria, Cassandra would be lucky to have you :)


Maria2394 said:
I was perusing the ezines, looking for homes for my little poems, and I saw a certain poetess, whom I adore has 2 works in the current issue and our beloved Pat C will be the featured artist in the winter issue, ( right?)


its been a long time since I read any catbabe, and I have missed her terribly and cant wait to read what pat has coming up!! IM so excited, feels like I won something, lol



ps, anna, loved your Clone poem, excellent work, I could almost smell her myself :)
Sealace said:
Patrick was the featured artist in their fall issue of last year, I am not sure if he will be again:

Anna was the featured artist in their winter issue,

and yes, it was awesome to see Catbabe there, what a talent that woman is :) Miss Angeline was there as was (oh my goodness, was it Boo?) I have a hard time connecting real names with Lit names.

Artistry of Life would be a wonderful place for your poems, Maria, Cassandra would be lucky to have you :)


Upcoming themes:
Summer 06, All Creatures Great and Small--Featured Writer: Suzanne Keyworth
Fall 06, The Pilgrimage of Childhood--Featured Writer: Lynn Strongin
Winter 07, Roots--Featured Writer: Patrick Carrington.

I went back and checked, to make sure I wasnt trippin' ;)

hes coming up again....

I might send something, at the last minute, when I can say, awww, i didnt ,ake it cause I was too late and justify my rejection..( dont you wish you didnt know me so well?:D)

thanks for your vote of confidence

wow, crazy she is featuring the same writer again and so far ahead of time, she must really be diggin' Mr. Carringon's poetry!

I like the Fall theme (and featured writer)

You should definitely send something in, now. And then. And then again.

I just got another rejection from Jan 06, I almost forgot I had sent it. Rejections are not so bad. Just send to enough places that something gets in to soften the blows. I swear, after about 100 rejection letters, the pain starts to subside.

Maria2394 said:
Upcoming themes:
Summer 06, All Creatures Great and Small--Featured Writer: Suzanne Keyworth
Fall 06, The Pilgrimage of Childhood--Featured Writer: Lynn Strongin
Winter 07, Roots--Featured Writer: Patrick Carrington.

I went back and checked, to make sure I wasnt trippin' ;)

hes coming up again....

I might send something, at the last minute, when I can say, awww, i didnt ,ake it cause I was too late and justify my rejection..( dont you wish you didnt know me so well?:D)

thanks for your vote of confidence

Sealace said:
wow, crazy she is featuring the same writer again and so far ahead of time, she must really be diggin' Mr. Carringon's poetry!

I like the Fall theme (and featured writer)

You should definitely send something in, now. And then. And then again.

I just got another rejection from Jan 06, I almost forgot I had sent it. Rejections are not so bad. Just send to enough places that something gets in to soften the blows. I swear, after about 100 rejection letters, the pain starts to subside.

oh dear, I whine, seek pity and get it and feel bad about that, lol..I havent really been submitting anything lately. Last time I did was pemmican and I knew it wasnt my best, so I didnt cry.

Besides that I have sent anything out since last year before my computer died... but my reject /accept ratio is pretty good, just considering it I got lucky, ya know? I only cried a couple of times then realized I needed to just work harder, nothing good comes easy, right?

love you!!

Sealace said:
Patrick was the featured artist in their fall issue of last year, I am not sure if he will be again:

Anna was the featured artist in their winter issue,

and yes, it was awesome to see Catbabe there, what a talent that woman is :) Miss Angeline was there as was (oh my goodness, was it Boo?) I have a hard time connecting real names with Lit names.

Artistry of Life would be a wonderful place for your poems, Maria, Cassandra would be lucky to have you :)

I would say they are wonderful writers; but that would be nothing new.
Let me just say I'm jealous, which really is a higher compliment. :rose: :rose: :rose:
vampiredust said:
have had some poetry accepted today by Other Poetry

forgot the link

Other Poetry

awesome! I was going to ask for the link :) thanks for letting us know, and I hope you know your poems here are read and appreciated, admired...and the like....
clutching_calliope said:
Toots to Tatha who is at Thieves Jargon this week, and to VampireDust who will outlive us all (especially if he keeps sucking our necks. Damn hickeys... :rolleyes: ) for Tatha!!

some excellent poems there this week-- James Lineberger, Spencer Troxell...
and Tath is becoming a regular!

and yes it is going to be fun watching the Dust of Vampires soar...
annaswirls said:
some excellent poems there this week-- James Lineberger, Spencer Troxell...
and Tath is becoming a regular!

and yes it is going to be fun watching the Dust of Vampires soar...

I saw Taths poem on tj!! excellent!!! and you are right about Chris. I am constantly amazed at the work he is turning out on the passion thread. just wow!!!
