Picture This Poem Challenge

I so love all the poems I've seen so far and have been trying for days to try and get one done. Let's see if this works...


  • Whispers(a).jpg
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WSO, you are growing and growing every day! That is so beautifully done!

Keep an eye out for The Glosa Challenge... I think you'll like it!
wildsweetone said:
I so love all the poems I've seen so far and have been trying for days to try and get one done. Let's see if this works...

You're on the path now, baby! And the poem is beautiful.

Here are two pictures I would love to see someone use.. these are taken by me, so feel free to mess with them however you want :) (or even submit something)

And as a slight plug.. I have some nature photography posted here that anyone is more than welcome to use.. just check out my Photography thread in the AH.
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Oh gosh Tolyk, I think I'm going to be drowning in your photos for years to come! Thanks so much for sharing them! I have words banging into the walls of my brain already. lol

wildsweetone said:
Oh gosh Tolyk, I think I'm going to be drowning in your photos for years to come! Thanks so much for sharing them! I have words banging into the walls of my brain already. lol

*blush* Thank you :)

I have over 600 nature photos... it's my favorite hobby.

Edit: Monochrome river
One of my favorites: Still Pond
I can see I am going to have to learn my photoshop program. *groan* The illustrated poem I just did took me DAYS to figure out how to work so that the picture and the words were in the same place at the same time.

Now I'm itching to write and write and write and write! lol

I wish I came born with IT knowledge.

Tolyk, do you mind if I print the occasional nature image off so that I can work on capturing the words in the evening when I'm offline? (or at work, like in half an hour? *giggling*)
wildsweetone said:
Tolyk, do you mind if I print the occasional nature image off so that I can work on capturing the words in the evening when I'm offline? (or at work, like in half an hour? *giggling*)

I don't mind at all, and if you ever need a hand with altering an image, I'm none too shabby with Adobe Photoshop..

Just a warning, my new pictures are taken with a 3 megapixel camera, but the old ones are all done on a 1.3, which means that they can't print out very large at all, even the 3 MP ones get blotchy if you print them too large (I think you can't go above 6 by 4 inches or so with 3 MPs)
I am going to have to learn what that last paragraph means, methinks. I know nothing about this stuff. It took me a couple of hours just to get the one I had done to the right size for posting in here this morning. I want to write and I want to be able to put the writing with the pictures, but the frustration of the latter (due to my lack of knowledge) is daunting. In the good old days I could have moved my carriage and started the typing wherever I liked. lol hmm. Okay, I'll learn. I love this creative side, so it shouldn't take me too long. *crossing fingers*

(...I've just managed to save the Monochrome River to my drive, resized it to 60% of the original (I think, or maybe I did that twice), and I've printed it. So that takes care of work breaks today. lol)
wildsweetone said:
I am going to have to learn what that last paragraph means, methinks. I know nothing about this stuff. It took me a couple of hours just to get the one I had done to the right size for posting in here this morning. I want to write and I want to be able to put the writing with the pictures, but the frustration of the latter (due to my lack of knowledge) is daunting. In the good old days I could have moved my carriage and started the typing wherever I liked. lol hmm. Okay, I'll learn. I love this creative side, so it shouldn't take me too long. *crossing fingers*

(...I've just managed to save the Monochrome River to my drive, resized it to 60% of the original (I think, or maybe I did that twice), and I've printed it. So that takes care of work breaks today. lol)

Well, depending on what program you are using, I can give you some pointers.. and if not me, then Weird Harold probably knows ;)

I like that Monochrome River.. was at the right place with my camera :)
Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 is the one I've been using these last few days. Never opened it before and suddenly there's a huge array of buttons and knobs to fiddle about with - it's like a Whole New World. lol And no I haven't read the manual/help topics yet. *hanging head in shame*


These pics are conjuring up so many 'feelings' inside that my writing urge is going to drive me nuts, I can tell already. lol

Time for me to go to work - I'll be around again in a few hours. May I PM you if I get stuck Tolyk? Have a nice evening. :)

---Sorry about being kind of Off Topic, everyone. Put it down to me being thick. lol
You can PM me any time Wild ;) I've never used Jasc, but most photo programs are similar. And as I said, if in doubt, ask Harold :)

I'm glad my photography inspired you, it's a wonderful compliment. :D

Thank you Flyguy. I have an eye for photography, or so I'm told.. but I don't have very good equipment yet. Time will show improvements :)
tolyk said:
You can PM me any time Wild ;) I've never used Jasc, but most photo programs are similar. And as I said, if in doubt, ask Harold :)

I'm glad my photography inspired you, it's a wonderful compliment. :D

Thank you Flyguy. I have an eye for photography, or so I'm told.. but I don't have very good equipment yet. Time will show improvements :)

Then who took the pictures of you that I saw?


*crumbles to the floor in a heap...
BooMerengue said:
Then who took the pictures of you that I saw?


*crumbles to the floor in a heap...
You're refering to the ones in my picture thread? I did. Self timers are useful.
BooMerengue said:
Then who took the pictures of you that I saw?


*crumbles to the floor in a heap...

How'd I know you'd go drooling all over those pics eh Boo? ;)

Tolyk, just while she's in a bit of a faint on the floor... ;)

Where on earth did you take these pics? You have captured some beautiful moments. :)
BooMerengue said:
Then who took the pictures of you that I saw?


*crumbles to the floor in a heap...

Fans Boo and loosens clothing - not that there's much need.


Great nature pics Tolyk. I love the Still Pond.
wildsweetone said:
How'd I know you'd go drooling all over those pics eh Boo? ;)

Tolyk, just while she's in a bit of a faint on the floor... ;)

Where on earth did you take these pics? You have captured some beautiful moments. :)
I live in a small town with a nice river that goes through.. They're all taken here. I live about 4 blocks from said river. :)

Thank you Tesse :)
wildsweetone said:
PMing you Tolyk before somebody tells me off for diverting the thread. lol

babe! Even when I drool I can still think! And who's going into the PM closet? Huh? Huh? lol

I don't have the works right now to do these Picture Poems ( The AOL on this PC has 4 versions and 2 copies of 2 versions, so it won't let me do my thing. I'll fix that today when I get permission from my Sis- it's her PC.

Just in case anyone's interested. Remember my horse Poem Pic? I put it here in the thread, not as an attachment. If anyone's interested in doing it that way all you have to do is make a web page and upload your pic there. That gives you a web address. Then you can just use (insert picture address) [/img ( I left off the last bracket on purpose) It's easy. Watch...

Just letting everyone know that I'm leaving the forums.. if anyone wants more of my photography, get ahold of me, tolyk@hotmail.com

Be well all.
tolyk said:
Here are two pictures I would love to see someone use.. these are taken by me, so feel free to mess with them however you want :) (or even submit something)

And as a slight plug.. I have some nature photography posted here that anyone is more than welcome to use.. just check out my Photography thread in the AH.

beautiful photos! more please. :)