Picture This Poem Challenge

Angeline said:
The End of Rain.

I love it too, except for the word 'greener'... I must be reading it wrong because it doesn't quite seem to fit smoothly with the words on the right. Please tell me how to look at it properly. :)
wildsweetone said:
I love it too, except for the word 'greener'... I must be reading it wrong because it doesn't quite seem to fit smoothly with the words on the right. Please tell me how to look at it properly. :)

Good morning Wild. :rose:

I should have moved "greener" more to the left because it is the last word in that section, but I was trying to connect the sections of the poem by centering it. A failed experiment, lol, what can I say...
Alrighty then Ms. Boo

You get three choices.

This one.
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and then there's door number three (my favorite, btw).


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Heres an effort, but weak. I want to say more in fewer words.


  • horse free.jpg
    horse free.jpg
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BooMerengue said:
Heres an effort, but weak. I want to say more in fewer words.

Blimey, you're good, girl!

Fewer words? Hmm

Dimly, he recalls being free.

Ange, Good day to you! :rose:
And, thanks for the oh so obvious explanation! lol :)
BooMerengue said:
Heres an effort, but weak. I want to say more in fewer words.

Oh Boo! That's perfect with the sad eye and the fence behind. You rock!

It's sad that legislation may be passed allowing the wild horses over a certain age to be culled.
<waving at Ange, hope you're having a good day :) >

I would like to put an image here and would like an opinion on the font used please. What I secretly want is a wispy kind of font but there are bajillions in paint shop pro and I'm still learning them.


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    Still Pond.jpg
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wildsweetone said:
<waving at Ange, hope you're having a good day :) >

I would like to put an image here and would like an opinion on the font used please. What I secretly want is a wispy kind of font but there are bajillions in paint shop pro and I'm still learning them.

I am having a lovely day, my friend, and hope you are as well. :)

You might want to check out this site for fonts. You can preview them and download them for free, and will likely find just what you need.

Lovely poem, too.

Oh, and I agree--your poem wants a softer font. Maybe a Serif or a Script font would work best.
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Thanks Ange! :) I will have a look through this afternoon after work. That's one of tolyk's photos and I want the words to be secondary to the photo because it's so beautiful.
a double first for me

first attempt at an illustrated poem, and first attempt at a Triolet!


Edited the pic - lettering was too hard to read, so I solarised the image and relettered in white


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Alex De Kok said:
first attempt at an illustrated poem, and first attempt at a Triolet!


Excellente, Alex! My only suggestion might be to use white text instead of red on this illustration cause the red's a bit hard for me to see (but maybe that's just me). Great work though. :)

I see you like form poems. Have you ever tried a terzanelle? They're fun to write. If you're interested I'll post a link to the form.

Angeline said:
Excellente, Alex! My only suggestion might be to use white text instead of red on this illustration cause the red's a bit hard for me to see (but maybe that's just me). Great work though. :)

I see you like form poems. Have you ever tried a terzanelle? They're fun to write. If you're interested I'll post a link to the form.

The white got lost when I tried it! I'll play about with the illustration later (busy this afternoon) and see if I can make the text more legible. Terzanelle I never heard of. Terza rima, yes. Post the link, you have me curious. As for form poems, I dunno. I'm just playing about, and the triolet is short . . .


PS: I've edited the picture
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Alex De Kok said:
The white got lost when I tried it! I'll play about with the illustration later (busy this afternoon) and see if I can make the text more legible. Terzanelle I never heard of. Terza rima, yes. Post the link, you have me curious. As for form poems, I dunno. I'm just playing about, and the triolet is short . . .


PS: I've edited the picture

Good on you for editing your illustrated poem!

Here is a good explanation of the terzanelle with an example of one. As you see, the terzanelle combines the interlocking feature of the terza rima with the rhyme scheme and repetitions of another French form, the villanelle. I find them easier to write than villanelles, so I can be a bit more creative with them. Good luck!

Alex De Kok said:
first attempt at an illustrated poem, and first attempt at a Triolet!


Edited the pic - lettering was too hard to read, so I solarised the image and relettered in white

I just knew you'd blow me away. You make it look so flipping easy too. lol

Beautiful illustration and lovely Triolet Alex. :rose: Now submit it so I can vote! :)
