Please don't delete another of my threads

The dumping of WriterDom?

  • Was long overdue

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • he does have a point.

    Votes: 26 63.4%

  • Total voters

Yes, I re read the posts and apologize for responding too quickly.


There are days and there are days.

In terms of the rest of the issues, I am going to wait idly by and think before I post again, so as not to creat the third lit misunderstanding in two days.

Be well, everyone.
I'm not the one that's keeping this going. I'm here because I got an email accusing me of being the troll, the registered troll, and who know what else. I have no interest in disrupting the board. I'm staying away so it can get back to some sense of normalcy.

I guess from now on, I'll shoulder the blame for any trolling. That's fine if you believe that. But don't be sending me emails about it. And for the accuser, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't contact me in any manner in the future. Starting now. Thank you.
The fact of the matter is you don’t have to stay away, because you disagreement with Cym, you are a part of this place just like she is.

RisiaSkye said:

I've never done anything to any person here that would warrant their fear of posting something to me, for whatever reason. I may be long winded, but I'm not hot-headed or rash, and I don't treat people unfairly--at least, I make every effort not to do so.

I also try to treat others with respect and the assumption of good will. This is not something I can say for everyone in this forum, which is neither condemnation nor approbation. But, we choose how we comport ourselves and I believe I've always been ethical in my time here.

Personal attacks, of all kinds and between all people, are inappropriate and destructive. I would think that everyone involved in this would know better; this is far from our best moment as a community, and it saddens me to see the exchanges here turn so needlessly hostile and relentlessly focused on board politics and personality conflicts rather than our proposed topic--BDSM. Nobody is excused from responsibility for bad behavior, no matter the excuse or perceived provocation.

I would also expect people to realize and understand that lumping all Moderators (no matter who fills the job at any given time) together is an inappropriate reduction. We are all individual people, and deserve to be treated as such. If anyone here has a question, a personality conflict, or a complaint about me or anything I've said, I would encourage you talk to me in public or private, as appropriate, so that we can resolve the problem. However, if you choose to make asides and vague inferences which seem to attack a perceived position of influence rather than address a person or action, there is little chance that we will be able to reach some kind of accord.

Thank you.
BDSM Forum Moderator

I fully endorse the 3 Moderator positions on the BDSM Forum, and I can personally testify to the statements made in Risia's post above. :rose:
On Cym

The text below is a PM I sent to Risisa on 2nd of June. I have recieved no reply and so am unaware if Risia chose to act on it but what it says is pertinent now.


I have read the best(worst ) part of the "Everything.." thread with all the acrimony and histrionics between Artful and cym then everybody else. I can see issues in how everybody has conducted them selves and do not take a side here. I do feel the need to comment though.

There is a level of elitism here that stifles true growth and freedom of expression. It appears most often in B's posts as she is one of the most energetic contibutors. There is some blindness to this on the part of "old timers" as they have a different world view (of lit) compared to many of the newer folk. The old timers know B in real life or from long term OL interaction and make "room " for her as a friend. In addition B is very easy to like but has temendous capacity to inflame as well. Some of us find intollerance and snobbery(in her and other old timers) and we HATE it. The forum loses it's value for us who have come searching and I wonder how many have never contibuted because of this.

I have been one that has ended with my "lingerie in disarray" and have made "global inferences" from throw away lines and maybe I have been at fault for being hasty or overly sensitive but I know from PMs that I am not alone in how I feel and react.

Are you in a position to help B as a friend? I know she is vulnerable and has much on her plate but I don't think the way lit is going will help if she is always in hot water. Since our row she has had at least two others both more intense than the last. What is next?

I do not feel able to take this directly to B(she is ignoring me at present) but hope maybe you can in your powerful way. Good luck in what ever you decide to do(if anything).


You can make up your own minds about Cyms behaviour and how she treats people. This is what I saw then and I believe it is worse now. We have lost a very quiet and thoughtful moderator in WriterDom. Risia does the type of work one would expect from a mature and peaceful person. Cym is very experienced and knowledgeable but CAN be very intimidating by her choice

Is it right to have a "moderator" who starts posts like this

"Oh for gods sakes. This again? "

and one who calls folk cowards, wankers, asshole and the like or invites them to answer ten questions all aimed at incriminating themselves? One who resorts to shouting language and huge bold text if somebody disagrees at all?

The post I made which seemed to inflame Cym so much exhorted her to make some self examination with some blunt examples of what I felt was wrong. For this temerity i was invited to

"kiss my ass"

and you know the rest.

Well folk I come here everyday and read and watch but post little preferring on the whole to keep my thoughts to myself.

I don't troll and I don't constantly attention seek and I count nobody here as an enemy dispite what another seems to think. I have no anti Cym agenda and wish for more harmony than there is at present. This is a nice place most of the time, call me naive but I would love that to be all the time. That is why I believe Cym would be well served if she tempered her ways just a little.

I came here looking for writing ideas and thankfully they flow. I have also met some good writers here and enjoy their work. I offer them feedback as they will atest if they so choose.

I live my own version of the lifestyle and have found much that is helpful here, Cym has contributed to that more than anybody. I hope others have the opportunity to be as fortunate and are not frightened off by an attitude which too often comes through here.

Least of all would I like to see Cym gone. Just a sane and calm Cym enjoying her interaction, not falling into conflict so often.

I've edited my angry comments. I won't let the haters pull me down to their level.
Last edited:
Reply to H

pierced_boy said:
The text below is a PM I sent to Risisa on 2nd of June. I have recieved no reply and so am unaware if Risia chose to act on it but what it says is pertinent now.


I have read the best(worst ) part of the "Everything.." thread with all the acrimony and histrionics between Artful and cym then everybody else. I can see issues in how everybody has conducted them selves and do not take a side here. I do feel the need to comment though.

There is a level of elitism here that stifles true growth and freedom of expression. It appears most often in B's posts as she is one of the most energetic contibutors. There is some blindness to this on the part of "old timers" as they have a different world view (of lit) compared to many of the newer folk. The old timers know B in real life or from long term OL interaction and make "room " for her as a friend. In addition B is very easy to like but has temendous capacity to inflame as well. Some of us find intollerance and snobbery(in her and other old timers) and we HATE it. The forum loses it's value for us who have come searching and I wonder how many have never contibuted because of this.

I have been one that has ended with my "lingerie in disarray" and have made "global inferences" from throw away lines and maybe I have been at fault for being hasty or overly sensitive but I know from PMs that I am not alone in how I feel and react.

Are you in a position to help B as a friend? I know she is vulnerable and has much on her plate but I don't think the way lit is going will help if she is always in hot water. Since our row she has had at least two others both more intense than the last. What is next?

I do not feel able to take this directly to B(she is ignoring me at present) but hope maybe you can in your powerful way. Good luck in what ever you decide to do(if anything).


You can make up your own minds about Cyms behaviour and how she treats people. This is what I saw then and I believe it is worse now. We have lost a very quiet and thoughtful moderator in WriterDom. Risia does the type of work one would expect from a mature and peaceful person. Cym is very experienced and knowledgeable but CAN be very intimidating by her choice

Is it right to have a "moderator" who starts posts like this

"Oh for gods sakes. This again? "

and one who calls folk cowards, wankers, asshole and the like or invites them to answer ten questions all aimed at incriminating themselves? One who resorts to shouting language and huge bold text if somebody disagrees at all?

The post I made which seemed to inflame Cym so much exhorted her to make some self examination with some blunt examples of what I felt was wrong. For this temerity i was invited to

"kiss my ass"

and you know the rest.

Well folk I come here everyday and read and watch but post little preferring on the whole to keep my thoughts to myself.

I don't troll and I don't constantly attention seek and I count nobody here as an enemy dispite what another seems to think. I have no anti Cym agenda and wish for more harmony than there is at present. This is a nice place most of the time, call me naive but I would love that to be all the time. That is why I believe Cym would be well served if she tempered her ways just a little.

I came here looking for writing ideas and thankfully they flow. I have also met some good writers here and enjoy their work. I offer them feedback as they will atest if they so choose.

I live my own version of the lifestyle and have found much that is helpful here, Cym has contributed to that more than anybody. I hope others have the opportunity to be as fortunate and are not frightened off by an attitude which too often comes through here.

Least of all would I like to see Cym gone. Just a sane and calm Cym enjoying her interaction, not falling into conflict so often.


I am only posting so there is LESS confusion on proper identification. Many of my Lit friends know me by Harry. I am not pierced_boy, and I have never posted in the BDSM Forum under any ID other than artful. I have never posted in the BDSM Forum UNREGISTERED.
Man, what a load of crap.
I am new here, and I have put up my opinions about BDSM which I dont think One single person agrees with, but nobody has been anything except nice to me.
But then again I have no interest in trying to show people I have big balls. Which I do, ya know. I have several pairs, in Mason jars.
MzChrista said:
Man, what a load of crap.
I am new here, and I have put up my opinions about BDSM which I dont think One single person agrees with, but nobody has been anything except nice to me.
But then again I have no interest in trying to show people I have big balls. Which I do, ya know. I have several pairs, in Mason jars.

Are they pickled or stored in fermaldehyde?

CarolineOh said:
I've edited my angry comments. I won't let the haters pull me down to their level.


You are an incredibly noble and wonderful person. My comment is not simply based on this, but on all that I know about you.

ms christa? you make me laugh so hard sometimes.

I'm relatively new and no-one has made me feel inferior or stupid, or as if my bdsm isn't good enough to join this elitist club that is apparently here.

Ive had pm's from old timers welcoming me, including the "evil cym".

i'm aware of the harry/cym traumas (told you i lurked for ages!) and i stick by my point that this s NOT the place to air personal grievances, by that i mean those directed at ONE person.

y'all grow up.
When the kids throw sand, the mods are to send them to their

Though there is 'free speech' the mods are to control the flamers.

But then the Mods (except RS) start to flame. Who controls them?

Normally a Head Mod or Sys Admin or Grand Fromage. Where is Laurel?

Mod A (Cym) stole X-Mod B's fruit loops.
X-Mod B (WD) pulls Mod A's hair.
Mod A calls X Mod B a doo-doo head.

And so it goes. With Jerry Springer's guests one wonders if they're capable of embarrassment; then one realizes that the joy of network-wide exposure outweighs all else.
Pure said:
<snip> Where is Laurel?

although it *may* fall under Laurel's responsibilities to moderate situations like this,

i am truely embarassed that we have let this get to the proportions it has grown to.

where are our manners?
where is our tolerance?
where is our patience?
where is our common sense?
where is our acceptance?

WHERE is the commitment to communication everyone's talking about?

and... where is everybody going? :confused:
Pure said:
When the kids throw sand, the mods are to send them to their

Though there is 'free speech' the mods are to control the flamers.

But then the Mods (except RS) start to flame. Who controls them?

Normally a Head Mod or Sys Admin or Grand Fromage. Where is Laurel?

Mod A (Cym) stole X-Mod B's fruit loops.
X-Mod B (WD) pulls Mod A's hair.
Mod A calls X Mod B a doo-doo head.

And so it goes. With Jerry Springer's guests one wonders if they're capable of embarrassment; then one realizes that the joy of network-wide exposure outweighs all else.

IT is OVER people.

The mods have and are dealing with issues.

One mod has rethought their position and is taking a breather from lit in order to regroup.

Why keep posting about this shit?

Could we please get on with the business of being perverts?

Situations only become melodramatic on line when others make them so. If we had all ignored the arguement to begin with, life would be much simpler now and much easier.

Just because things are posted publicly, doesn't mean we need to respond.

And PURE? While I can understand where you may have come up with this observation in the short term, you are very mistaken with your last comment. The mods involvement here has nothing to do with network-wide exposure. That can be attained with far less effort and vulnerability than the mods have put into this forum.

So, please, everyone......let this go.

MissTaken said:

IT is OVER people.

The mods have and are dealing with issues.

One mod has rethought their position and is taking a breather from lit in order to regroup.

yes, they are wise.
More flattery....

Unregistered said:

yes, they are wise.

.....from the trolls, copping my style again.

*hugs*, troll-baby!

Lance "Often Imitated, Never Duplicated" Castor
Re: More flattery....

Lancecastor said:
Lance "Often Imitated, Never Duplicated" Castor

Seriously,how much time does it take to come up with those names?
Re: Re: More flattery....

lovetoread said:

Seriously,how much time does it take to come up with those names?

I've been writing ad copy and humour columns on and off for more than 25 years...the machine is nearly always on.


Lance "Popcorn Machine" Castor
OMG roflmfao

Miss T, MzC, Tassie, Miss kittycat , omg and Lance!! T!! heheh will somebody just please spank me for " misbehavin and get this all over with??""