PM asshattery

Great. Now his mommy is sending me messages?

When you stumbled in here 2 months ago, you did realize that you stumbled into a "lit"erate crowd?

The kind of folks that read voraciously and like as not, have their own scribblings, here and there?

Lots of people have great creative ideas, check the Story Ideas forum. Not everyone is gifted their ability to bring the story to life.

I know you think you are super-villain IQ material, but creative writing is not your bailiwick.

Ever heard of a concept called author's voice? I realize you are only looking for a distraction from this post...but to sell this story, the various characters you are creating need to differentiate themselves as individuals.

This is more than giving them an accent, or a rakish hat. It goes to their tone, delivery, rate of speech, vernacular, habituated punctuation, and a lot more.

It is hard to describe but glaring to the readers "ear".

This is why even when you tried to copy as best you can LusterMunky's speech and style, it came off 'tinny'. You aren't good at alts. Stick to bluster.

Never argue with your characters; they know themselves better than you do. - Laurel K. Hamilton

It's a fun exercise and good practice, so carry on if you wish.
These and much more fit nicely in my Caboodle.

Would you believe I still have my Caboodle? It holds all my stage makeup. Even though I no longer dance, I still get called upon to be a back stage mom, and I get to make sure the makeup passes muster. You wouldn't believe the amount of blush and red lipstick I go through during recital season. :rolleyes:
Thread hijack!

J - who are you rooting for in this season of the Voice? I'm totally in love with Sisaundra Lewis.
Bonne Belle roller gloss? Loved it! I, however, was a Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth gal for the perfume. These and much more fit nicely in my Caboodle.

As to the song for the pic - Stairway to Heaven. Absolutely.

Would you believe I still have my Caboodle? It holds all my stage makeup. Even though I no longer dance, I still get called upon to be a back stage mom, and I get to make sure the makeup passes muster. You wouldn't believe the amount of blush and red lipstick I go through during recital season. :rolleyes:

I had forgotten all about caboodles. The one I had gave up sometime in the 90s. I was hard on that thing, it was stuffed to the hinges.
I kind of wish I had written something that elequoent.

For what it's worth, it's the "asshat" thread....not the "what I chose to take offense with" thread.

If an olive branch that magnanimous incised a wound, perhaps it's time to take a cloth to the mirror.
You have got your dialogue going on over in the GB - take it back there - and stay.
No one is interested in your ego puffing. Your alts, your trolls are a big fucking yawn.
Is anyone else tired of the goddamned motherfucking horseshit on this fucking thread? Because Jesus H. Tebow on a bitchcuntwhoring pogo stick it's gotten real fucking old.