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flyguy69 said:
I confess to a creeping discomfort with one of the topics here: threads that do not want off-topic posts. I fear that this well-intentioned requirement can spawn some unpleasant results.

That requirement seems to contradict the egalitarian spirit of the forum. Much as we say that once a poem is released into the wild the author surrenders control to readers and critics, thread starters should also be expected to tolerate alternative views of the purposes of the thread. On threads recently started for acrimonious debate some posters deliberately added silly, off-topic posts in an attempt to defuse the tension. I suspect the thread starters would have seen that as irritating distraction from the original intent, but it served a legitimate purpose in the minds of the posters.

I don't know that for sure, which may be the most important point. Since I can't know what service my threads will provide others, I must surrender some of the control to them. This cyber space is none of our personal domains, and none of us can legitimately restrict what others might want to say about anything we post.

I recognize there are situations in which compromising this principal benefits the community as a whole-- poems posted for contest evaluation, perhaps even reviews. But as a general rule I am opposed to any restrictions on the participation of other members.
I think the real problem is non-stop chat that gets far away from the original topic. And the new poems thread is cleaned often. Many posters don't want to wade through chat to find the reviews.
WickedEve said:
I think the real problem is non-stop chat that gets far away from the original topic. And the new poems thread is cleaned often. Many posters don't want to wade through chat to find the reviews.
That is a problem. I worry about another, potentially bigger one.
flyguy69 said:
That is a problem. I worry about another, potentially bigger one.
We just have certain threads that we try to keep the chat limited. The majority of the threads aren't like that.
So what is your potentially bigger one?
The Poets said:
A special thank you to LeBroz who has made almost 1,700 comments on new poetry. Commenting is a great way to learn more about poetry and a wonderful way to support your fellow poet.


Oh my. :eek:
That's all I need ~ more encouragement!

But seriously I think it's a small price to pay for reading free poetry. Though I must admit that at times, reading some of them starts turning my brain to mush. Then I must take a breather. Or perhaps it's just my time of month!
WickedEve said:
We just have certain threads that we try to keep the chat limited. The majority of the threads aren't like that.
So what is your potentially bigger one?
The bigger ones are charges, founded or unfounded, of censorship and favoritism. While I don't expect those to be leveled with these threads (but I can't rule it out), I think a dangerous precedent is set if we allow thread-starters to specify the sort of participation that will be allowed.

I'm not opposed to "certain threads" that limit chat. But I think the expectation ought to be that participation is unfettered unless there is a very strong case for restriction.
LeBroz said:
Oh my. :eek:
That's all I need ~ more encouragement!

But seriously I think it's a small price to pay for reading free poetry. Though I must admit that at times, reading some of them starts turning my brain to mush. Then I must take a breather. Or perhaps it's just my time of month!
You're such a sweet man. And your comments are wonderful. I see you comment on poems that receive no other recognition, and I know that means so much to many poets--especially new ones.
flyguy69 said:
The bigger ones are charges, founded or unfounded, of censorship and favoritism. While I don't expect those to be leveled with these threads (but I can't rule it out), I think a dangerous precedent is set if we allow thread-starters to specify the sort of participation that will be allowed.

I'm not opposed to "certain threads" that limit chat. But I think the expectation ought to be that participation is unfettered unless there is a very strong case for restriction.
Don't you have a butt to scratch or maybe a photo of your abs to take? :cathappy:
wildsweetone said:
- it'd be nice to have tutorials (do such things exist) where poets can try out a poetry form they've not tried before, or want to learn - but we need experts to put in a great deal of effort and time and i'm not sure people are free to do that.

I do recall a couple or threads by killermuffin that were very informative. I think she had poetry "boot camp" threads.
We do have quite a few posters here who know it all. I mean that in a good way. lol Maybe they'll be willing to get something started.
flyguy69 said:
The bigger ones are charges, founded or unfounded, of censorship and favoritism. While I don't expect those to be leveled with these threads (but I can't rule it out), I think a dangerous precedent is set if we allow thread-starters to specify the sort of participation that will be allowed.

I'm not opposed to "certain threads" that limit chat. But I think the expectation ought to be that participation is unfettered unless there is a very strong case for restriction.

I disagree, Fly, my love. It can be very disheartening to start a thread where you have a legitimate concern, only to come back in an hour and find folks doing everything except reply to your original topic. It happens here all too often.To me it says the the people doing all the shenanigans could give a shit about your topic. It's just plain bad manners.

You want to screw around? Fine- go make yourself a screw around thread. Otherwise, stay on topic.

my 2 cents
BooMerengue said:
I disagree, Fly, my love. It can be very disheartening to start a thread where you have a legitimate concern, only to come back in an hour and find folks doing everything except reply to your original topic. It happens here all too often.To me it says the the people doing all the shenanigans could give a shit about your topic. It's just plain bad manners.

You want to screw around? Fine- go make yourself a screw around thread. Otherwise, stay on topic.

my 2 cents
I read what fly had to say and your opinion, boo.
We need something somewhere in the middle.
We all make off-topic posts and get a little away from the main topic. I think what annoys many posters is when they have to wade through 20 nonsense or flirt posts just to get back to the main topic.
How about a "free chat" thread? We have the "keep the review thread clean" thread. I've been dumping off-topic posts in there for the past year. Maybe a chat thread would be a good place for posters to move their off-topic conversations when they realize that what they have to say is going to eventually hijack a thread.
the problem with starting a separate free chat threads is that when Jane is inspired to respond to John, Jane will not want to post it somewhere other than the original post, because John will not know where to find their witty and intelligent comeback :) It defeats the purpose of free association play that many of us have come to enjoy.

bottom line: I think we just have to try to be respectful.

There was a poem posted here a few weeks ago for review, and there was one kind of cutsie comment and then a long thread of flirting and being silly, which is fun for those involved but I could not help but wonder how the poet felt.

I am not pointing fingers.

I do this, it is fun, and we should be able to have fun, to fuck around whatever, just try to keep in mind if you are going to screw around on a thread at LEAST to take the time to post an on-topic response first, to show respect for the person who started it.

I think communities will pretty much police themselves if people are honest and up front about how they are affected by each others actions. If off topic posting is an accepted practice in a community then it will continue to happen, if it isn't, people will speak up and if other's agree, they will follow suit.

Sometimes I think we all just need gentle reminders :)
When Jane and John.....

get off topic why don't they just PM each other or find a dark corner
in a chat room. The first couple of off topic posts are usually cool but
then the thread looses the point as all parts of the globe are heard from.
I'm about as unserious as anyone here but don't see the need to high jack
a post. Don't worry...I ain't in an airport. High jack is ok for me to use.....
See the damn point of the thread is broken that easily.
I agree, Anna. It is disrespectful to hijack a thread (I may have even done it, once ;)), but it should not be against the law. We all need to consider the goals of the threads, but a range of mannerliness is to be expected.

And you are welcome to spank me if I get off-topic again.
annaswirls said:
the problem with starting a separate free chat threads is that when Jane is inspired to respond to John, Jane will not want to post it somewhere other than the original post, because John will not know where to find their witty and intelligent comeback :) It defeats the purpose of free association play that many of us have come to enjoy.

bottom line: I think we just have to try to be respectful.

There was a poem posted here a few weeks ago for review, and there was one kind of cutsie comment and then a long thread of flirting and being silly, which is fun for those involved but I could not help but wonder how the poet felt.

I am not pointing fingers.

I do this, it is fun, and we should be able to have fun, to fuck around whatever, just try to keep in mind if you are going to screw around on a thread at LEAST to take the time to post an on-topic response first, to show respect for the person who started it.

I think communities will pretty much police themselves if people are honest and up front about how they are affected by each others actions. If off topic posting is an accepted practice in a community then it will continue to happen, if it isn't, people will speak up and if other's agree, they will follow suit.

Sometimes I think we all just need gentle reminders :)
flyguy69 said:
I agree, Anna. It is disrespectful to hijack a thread (I may have even done it, once ;)), but it should not be against the law. We all need to consider the goals of the threads, but a range of mannerliness is to be expected.

And you are welcome to spank me if I get off-topic again.

Hijacking a thread should NOT be against the law. But it was deeply insulting to me both times it happened. I just had the thread deleted, cuz every time I went looking hoping to find the advice I asked for, all I saw was nonsense, and I didn't even know some of the folks. (Tho the nonsense coming from my friends stung harder)

So I created this thread...

Poets Padded Room

A perfect place for Inanities and Insanities!
You people are so smart. :)
I think many of us catch ourselves after a few posts and realize that we need to calm down. I don't think we have a great problem to start with. I still think it's necessary to have a few threads that remain off-topic chat free or lite.
But it is no fun to flirt when you don't have an audience! :cool:

pssst.. you come here often baby?

sandspike said:
get off topic why don't they just PM each other or find a dark corner
in a chat room. The first couple of off topic posts are usually cool but
then the thread looses the point as all parts of the globe are heard from.
I'm about as unserious as anyone here but don't see the need to high jack
a post. Don't worry...I ain't in an airport. High jack is ok for me to use.....
See the damn point of the thread is broken that easily.
I don't think it is necessarily disrespectful to hi-jack, as long as the hi-jacking comes along with at least a small nod to the topic at hand :)

I am not being goofy, I am serious. And besides, many threads are invitations to jack.

I mean
hi jack

oooh baby you wanna hijack this one by talking about spanking and how you would like it too much....and it would be more of a treat... we have not done that in a while :rolleyes:

flyguy69 said:
I agree, Anna. It is disrespectful to hijack a thread (I may have even done it, once ;)), but it should not be against the law. We all need to consider the goals of the threads, but a range of mannerliness is to be expected.

And you are welcome to spank me if I get off-topic again.

I thought this thread was a little too deep for me. :(

"But it is no fun to flirt when you don't have an audience! " Anna S.

You are right. Kind of a party atmosphere. :)
Its interesting you saying that, Anna. You never once commented on the topic of either of my threads you helped hijack. Why do you have to capture an audience to flirt? You can't find a willing one? You could if you went to The Padded Room. Probably lots would go and watch.

And don't ask me now what the threads were about- it's been too long ago. I'm just making a point here. Nothing personal.
BooMerengue said:
Its interesting you saying that, Anna. You never once commented on the topic of either of my threads you helped hijack. Why do you have to capture an audience to flirt? You can't find a willing one? You could if you went to The Padded Room. Probably lots would go and watch.

And don't ask me now what the threads were about- it's been too long ago. I'm just making a point here. Nothing personal.
I think I remember the padded room. I'll go see if I can find it. ;)
Threads are like conversations. Conversations wander at times, sometimes way off track. That's the nature of things. It can be irritating to someone who is only interested in the original topic or question, but such is life. If you have a question that isn't being answered, ask it again. If you ask enough times, somebody will try to answer it.

I don't particularly want to feel that I might get my knuckles rapped with a ruler if I venture off-track on a thread. And I really don't want to worry that someone is going to get pissed off that I have "contaminated" a thread. This isn't a classroom. Having rules about what are proper comments and what are not just makes me want to deliberately muck up the thread.

But then I feel cranky today because I have a cold.