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Ummmm.... Boo...

First off I said very clearly that I am guilty of hijacking. I have never claimed to be above anyone, and try to remain honest about my being human and having flaws. I did not claim to be perfect, I just made a suggestion, very clearly I would need to follow.

Second, I was using tongue in cheek with the audience.

Nothing personal? except the apparent opinion of me with which you read my posts.

I am sorry I hijacked threads in which you started without commenting on the topic. It must have really affected you personally, since you remember that I did not "once comment" on the topic (that you cannot remember) I did not intend to hurt you, and that is why I suggested that we try to be respectful by giving an on-topic comment if we want to play along, not as a rule, but to be considerate.

I am sure I have done it to others as well, nothing personal.

BooMerengue said:
Its interesting you saying that, Anna. You never once commented on the topic of either of my threads you helped hijack. Why do you have to capture an audience to flirt? You can't find a willing one? You could if you went to The Padded Room. Probably lots would go and watch.

And don't ask me now what the threads were about- it's been too long ago. I'm just making a point here. Nothing personal.
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Agree-- many creative things come from a more free flow tangential approach to conversation.

Tzara said:
Threads are like conversations. Conversations wander at times, sometimes way off track. That's the nature of things. It can be irritating to someone who is only interested in the original topic or question, but such is life. If you have a question that isn't being answered, ask it again. If you ask enough times, somebody will try to answer it.

I don't particularly want to feel that I might get my knuckles rapped with a ruler if I venture off-track on a thread. And I really don't want to worry that someone is going to get pissed off that I have "contaminated" a thread. This isn't a classroom. Having rules about what are proper comments and what are not just makes me want to deliberately muck up the thread.

But then I feel cranky today because I have a cold.
Tzara said:
Threads are like conversations. Conversations wander at times, sometimes way off track. That's the nature of things. It can be irritating to someone who is only interested in the original topic or question, but such is life. If you have a question that isn't being answered, ask it again. If you ask enough times, somebody will try to answer it.

I don't particularly want to feel that I might get my knuckles rapped with a ruler if I venture off-track on a thread. And I really don't want to worry that someone is going to get pissed off that I have "contaminated" a thread. This isn't a classroom. Having rules about what are proper comments and what are not just makes me want to deliberately muck up the thread.

But then I feel cranky today because I have a cold.

You don't get your knuckles rapped when you mind your manners. If I start a "Lets Bullshit" thread, then by all means, muck it up. If I start a thread asking advice on a poem or a lyric, then thats what I want. If you want to chitter chatter, then start a chitter chatter thread. It's very easy to do.

Which is sort of a moot point since I will never again ask for advice from this community in general. But I've seen and heard others with the same gripe as mine. They're maybe not as outspoken as me. When you ask advice (do you ever ask for advice?) isn't that what you want to hear? Do you really - when you're working hard on a poem - want to hear about someone's newest Av or the pussy they didn't get the night before? And have your questions just completely ignored?

This is a great bunch here, but quite a few are rude sometimes. Me too, probably. But I won't ever deliberately hurt someone's feelings. And hijacking a thread is just plain bad manners.

Has anyone guessed this is a pet peeve of mine? lol
annaswirls said:
I don't think it is necessarily disrespectful to hi-jack, as long as the hi-jacking comes along with at least a small nod to the topic at hand :)

I am not being goofy, I am serious. And besides, many threads are invitations to jack.

I mean
hi jack

oooh baby you wanna hijack this one by talking about spanking and how you would like it too much....and it would be more of a treat... we have not done that in a while :rolleyes:

Don't turn this into something it isn't. I used you as an example because of exactly what you said...

I don't think it is necessarily disrespectful to hi-jack, as long as the hi-jacking comes along with at least a small nod to the topic at hand

You hijacked with no nod to the thread starter.

Enough said? I think so.
BooMerengue said:
Don't turn this into something it isn't. I used you as an example because of exactly what you said...

I don't think it is necessarily disrespectful to hi-jack, as long as the hi-jacking comes along with at least a small nod to the topic at hand

You hijacked with no nod to the thread starter.

Enough said? I think so.

I don't.

I do not think I turned it into anything. I was making a suggestion for the future, not making any claim on having some kind of perfect record. I stated very clearly that I have been guilty of this, and do not understand why you needed to highlight my record with an "interesting you should say this" comment-- implying what?

You do not get to always be in charge of when enough is said, you do not get to control what people put in a thread you start in a public forum. You can hope that people do their best to follow what they think is right.
annaswirls said:
I don't.

I do not think I turned it into anything. I was making a suggestion for the future, not making any claim on having some kind of perfect record. I stated very clearly that I have been guilty of this, and do not understand why you needed to highlight my record with an "interesting you should say this" comment-- implying what?

You do not get to always be in charge of when enough is said, you do not get to control what people put in a thread you start in a public forum. You can hope that people do their best to follow what they think is right.

Anna? We're all in charge here. We all, through concensus, deem what is good and what is not good. I am merely defending my take on a multi sided ongoing debate. I used your example as I said... to point out that not always do any of us practice what we preach, myself included. I, too, have hijacked. And when I realized what I was doing, and felt how it felt when it was done to me, I quit it.
You are taking this as a personal assault. Had it been meant as such it would have been done privately. Would you like me to go delete what I've said? If it upsets you, I will.

I am sorry for upsetting you. I never thought you would react as you did.
No, I would never ask you to delete anything you say, it is your opinion and your right. You can say that it was just an example, I just did not feel that your tone was fair - the implied hypocrisy- and accusation that I never posted on-topic on your threads was fair either-- and feel it is important to clarify. You might not have intended it as a personal assult, but it was unfair. I am not sure why you would take a personal assult in private :eek: I am getting images of a dark back alley :)

I also quickly looked through the threads you have started to see what I had done that made you remember and mention specifically that I personally never posted an on-topic reply, and could not find it on any of your advice threads. I was actually surprised because I was sure I must have fucked up. It must have been on the thread you had deleted. I really do try my best to at least acknowledge the topic before being more playful.

BooMerengue said:
Anna? We're all in charge here. We all, through concensus, deem what is good and what is not good. I am merely defending my take on a multi sided ongoing debate. I used your example as I said... to point out that not always do any of us practice what we preach, myself included. I, too, have hijacked. And when I realized what I was doing, and felt how it felt when it was done to me, I quit it.
You are taking this as a personal assault. Had it been meant as such it would have been done privately. Would you like me to go delete what I've said? If it upsets you, I will.

I am sorry for upsetting you. I never thought you would react as you did.
annaswirls said:
No, I would never ask you to delete anything you say, it is your opinion and your right. You can say that it was just an example, I just did not feel that your tone was fair - the implied hypocrisy- and accusation that I never posted on-topic on your threads was fair either-- and feel it is important to clarify. You might not have intended it as a personal assult, but it was unfair. I am not sure why you would take a personal assult in private :eek: I am getting images of a dark back alley :)

I also quickly looked through the threads you have started to see what I had done that made you remember and mention specifically that I personally never posted an on-topic reply, and could not find it on any of your advice threads. I was actually surprised because I was sure I must have fucked up. It must have been on the thread you had deleted. I really do try my best to at least acknowledge the topic before being more playful.

Anna, you have mail.
BooMerengue said:
Anna, you have mail.

yes, I have a little thinggie that pops up in my window to let me know, but thanks for the personal alert (do you do wake up calls)

annaswirls said:
yes, I have a little thinggie that pops up in my window to let me know, but thanks for the personal alert (do you do wake up calls)


lol As a matter of fact I can do just that! I now have very cheap International Long Distance, so I can wake you up in Sydney, or Berlin, or Toronto! Where shall it be??
BooMerengue said:
You don't get your knuckles rapped when you mind your manners. If I start a "Lets Bullshit" thread, then by all means, muck it up. If I start a thread asking advice on a poem or a lyric, then thats what I want. If you want to chitter chatter, then start a chitter chatter thread. It's very easy to do.
Of course it is. But that isn't the point. Most of the "hijack" comments are responses to earlier comments where things have wandered away from the point. They are part of a continuing conversation. The fact that the conversation has a different topic than when it started is sometimes how life is. The person starting the conversation (the thread starter) doesn't own the conversation.

BooMerengue said:
Which is sort of a moot point since I will never again ask for advice from this community in general. But I've seen and heard others with the same gripe as mine. They're maybe not as outspoken as me. When you ask advice (do you ever ask for advice?) isn't that what you want to hear? Do you really - when you're working hard on a poem - want to hear about someone's newest Av or the pussy they didn't get the night before? And have your questions just completely ignored?
Yes, if I start a thread for advice, that is obviously what I am looking for. But I can't force anyone to give me advice, nor would I want to. If I ask about something and all I get are flirty comments between different people, then I can either ask again or just drop it. No one is obligated to answer any questions I might ask. I appreciate it when they do and sometimes feel disappointed when they don't, but that's the way it goes. It may just be that no one has anything they want to say about my issue.

BooMerengue said:
This is a great bunch here, but quite a few are rude sometimes. Me too, probably. But I won't ever deliberately hurt someone's feelings. And hijacking a thread is just plain bad manners.

Has anyone guessed this is a pet peeve of mine? lol
People get angry or hurt about all kinds of things. That seems to happen quite frequently around here. I suppose it is because all the visual queues are missing—body language, facial expression, etc. I doubt most people intend to be rude or exhibit bad manners. They are just being silly and having fun.

Thread rules that prohibit certain kinds of comments take away the fun. My opinion, of course. Obviously different from yours.
um, is WSO near Sydney? You think she would take a cranky old poet on board? I would like to get very far from here for a few weeks.... but then again, if I am there I would not want a wake up call, hmmm.... I will have to get back to you on that.

ps I have three little alarm clocks.
one goes "Mommy downstairs, eat breakfast, go downstairs, sit table, eat" until I get out of bed, the other goes "arf whiiiiine whimper sniffle arf arf" and the third is more of a physical call of climbing over top of me with bony elbows trying to get to the cat, which reminds me, I actually have five alarm clocks, but what was the topic of this board, I have forgotten :cool:

it wasn't about my waking habits, I am guessing heh heh

BooMerengue said:
lol As a matter of fact I can do just that! I now have very cheap International Long Distance, so I can wake you up in Sydney, or Berlin, or Toronto! Where shall it be??
BooMerengue said:
You don't get your knuckles rapped when you mind your manners. If I start a "Lets Bullshit" thread, then by all means, muck it up. If I start a thread asking advice on a poem or a lyric, then thats what I want. If you want to chitter chatter, then start a chitter chatter thread. It's very easy to do.

Which is sort of a moot point since I will never again ask for advice from this community in general. But I've seen and heard others with the same gripe as mine. They're maybe not as outspoken as me. When you ask advice (do you ever ask for advice?) isn't that what you want to hear? Do you really - when you're working hard on a poem - want to hear about someone's newest Av or the pussy they didn't get the night before? And have your questions just completely ignored?

This is a great bunch here, but quite a few are rude sometimes. Me too, probably. But I won't ever deliberately hurt someone's feelings. And hijacking a thread is just plain bad manners.

Has anyone guessed this is a pet peeve of mine? lol

You know I don't agree with you--to a point--because I think hijacks are born of spontaneous reactions. I have a hard time limiting my chitter chatter to threads designed for that because my intention is often not to chitter chatter: I go into a thread and someone says something and I just respond to it. If I have to relegate it to certain threads, then it feels forced and I'm less likely to even go in those threads--the spontanaity is gone.

On the other hand I know that some people don't like lots of joking or sidetracks in their threads for various reasons (but usually because they don't want to lose the train of poems or poem-specific discussion, I think), so I try to respect those people's wishes and keep my eye on the prize.

Not that I always succeed as you know. :)


PS Anyone can feel free to hijack my threads however they like. I do prefer they not be mean and angry--especially to me, but I get mean and angry too sometimes, so if you do I forgive you all in advance. :D
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annaswirls said:
um, is WSO near Sydney? You think she would take a cranky old poet on board? I would like to get very far from here for a few weeks.... but then again, if I am there I would not want a wake up call, hmmm.... I will have to get back to you on that.

ps I have three little alarm clocks.
one goes "Mommy downstairs, eat breakfast, go downstairs, sit table, eat" until I get out of bed, the other goes "arf whiiiiine whimper sniffle arf arf" and the third is more of a physical call of climbing over top of me with bony elbows trying to get to the cat, which reminds me, I actually have five alarm clocks, but what was the topic of this board, I have forgotten :cool:

it wasn't about my waking habits, I am guessing heh heh

Listen up, y'all!

Anna? I truly apology for (seemingly) attacking you. It was NOT my intent. I was using Anna's remark to reinforce my side. Inadvertently, I hurt Anna's feelings and I am sorry for that. I'm almost always well intentioned but more often than not I am not well spoken. (did that make sense?) The remark was NOT a barb fired at Anna. I should have stated somewhere that Anna was no different from a lot of you. But I did not, and for that I really am sorry.

Ange? Have we ever really agreed on anything??? lol And we've had this discussion before so I'll leave it alone now. I'm busy playing games anyway!! G'night everyone!!
BooMerengue said:
Listen up, y'all!

Anna? I truly apology for (seemingly) attacking you. It was NOT my intent. I was using Anna's remark to reinforce my side. Inadvertently, I hurt Anna's feelings and I am sorry for that. I'm almost always well intentioned but more often than not I am not well spoken. (did that make sense?) The remark was NOT a barb fired at Anna. I should have stated somewhere that Anna was no different from a lot of you. But I did not, and for that I really am sorry.

Ange? Have we ever really agreed on anything??? lol And we've had this discussion before so I'll leave it alone now. I'm busy playing games anyway!! G'night everyone!!
G'night, Boo. And thanks for speaking your piece.
flyguy69 said:
G'night, Boo. And thanks for speaking your piece.

G'night FlyBoy and you're welcome though I do wish I had just kept my mouth closed. I'll learn someday. *sigh
Thanks for the apology Boo, that was polite and kind and all good things, but my feelings were not hurt, and intent is always a tricky thing. I am sorry to have stirred things up, I should have just let your comment and accusation pass like so many things pass in life and smile :)

because it is so easy to smile :)
see? :)

I understand how you feel, I often feel that what I say is (mis)interpreted with a negative slant when often the complete opposite was my intention which is why I was guess is why I was sensitive to your comment.


Angeline said:
Der flu.

And I don't feel so great now either. Wanna write my poem for today? Think Neo would let me have a Designated Poet? :p

i think they might complain
a shabbas goy poem?