Pretty please, play with me.

Re: Hey _land

Goodguy2 said:

you fish? Table Rock?



Yes, although I spend more time below the damn then above...........I do fish T-rock frequently........though people kind of give my fly rod funny looks LOL

_Land said:
Yes, although I spend more time below the damn then above...........I do fish T-rock frequently........though people kind of give my fly rod funny looks LOL

Okay assuming you're not calling your pecker a fly rod, what the hell ya fishing a fly rod when ya got one of the best bass lakes in the nation right there? I guess one could ask me the same question since I live in arguably the best trout area in the world and I bass fish. LOL

Re: Huh??

Im originally from washington state, I grew up on salmon steelhead and trout, I guided for some time up there. I do fish for bass, but i havnt the time or money to spend on all that hanus equipment required............ and im kind of used to the method, although i did a lot of bow fishing on bull shoals this year
Tagged a 47 pound carp...............:)

Goodguy2 said:

Okay assuming you're not calling your pecker a fly rod, what the hell ya fishing a fly rod when ya got one of the best bass lakes in the nation right there? I guess one could ask me the same question since I live in arguably the best trout area in the world and I bass fish. LOL

That's a nice fish....

Ta stick a arrow in! :) I hear ya on doing what ya grew up doing. That's why I gave up the Fly fishing and went back to the bass.

If ya ever come through ID going home, let me know and maybe we can hook up for a fishing trip?

Later, gotta run.

Re: That's a nice fish....

Goodguy2 said:
Ta stick a arrow in! :) I hear ya on doing what ya grew up doing. That's why I gave up the Fly fishing and went back to the bass.

If ya ever come through ID going home, let me know and maybe we can hook up for a fishing trip?

Later, gotta run.

Dont plan on being back that way till june next year
But i would be happy to look ya up.....

The subject is a stolen dildo. Ahem. And you're making Rybka nervous.
GG, my comment wasn't directed at all PhDs, just he ones that get pissy about it.

One of my profs in college was one of the best people I ever met. After I got to know him just a little, it was 'Fred'. He said that the whole doctor thing was far to pretentious for him. This from an internationally known behavioral physiologist. Great guy, but he's gone now.
Back to the task at hand

In bed, the thief dreamed long and clear
Of the purloined one that was now so loved.
Inhaling deep, she pictured it here
In bed, the thief dreamed long and clear
Of its size, its fit - the perfect gear
For desire and need as she hotly shoved
In bed, the thief dreamed long and clear
With obsession for her long, thin beloved

I think the size is incorrect
it not that big of a deal
it was embellished for effect
I think the size is incorrect
you'll never find your suspect
searching for the wrong size squeal
I think the size is incorrect
it not that big of a deal [/B][/QUOTE]
New Stanza

Back to the task at hand
Or poor ted will be abused
The thief has Wicked planned
Back to the task at hand
For ted a ransom demand
Angeline you look amused
Back to the task at hand
But the jury's not excused
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Not Dreck, drunk

Granted! - If you are a surgeon.

Regards, Rybka


Or a pilot :D


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Angeline said:
The subject is a stolen dildo. Ahem. And you're making Rybka nervous.

Who says fishing and dildos can't be in the same subject? I present you with two good examples of this. The first specimen is 5.5" long and the second is 7.625" long. Use your imagination!


He he he
I know KD

karmadog said:
GG, my comment wasn't directed at all PhDs, just he ones that get pissy about it.

One of my profs in college was one of the best people I ever met. After I got to know him just a little, it was 'Fred'. He said that the whole doctor thing was far to pretentious for him. This from an internationally known behavioral physiologist. Great guy, but he's gone now.

I was kinda giving you some shit. I do agree that a lot of them have their heads up their asses but(t) on the other hand, there are a lot of good ones too.

Where I work, we have about 25% PhD's. I can say that all but one of them have a great attitude. The one though is the biggest ass I have ever met. And, I let him know it every chance I get. :)

Would you like to be "caught" with one of those?


I am too smart and most beautiful to be caught! :p


Regards, Rybka
Hey guys back to the Poem.........................I want to know who has the didldo, and what they are asking for ransom!!!!!!!
boy boy boys...

rybka, its all your fault...
damn fish AV.. all 3 of you men need to get yourselves a fishing poetry thread :) and quit messing up a perfectly good dildo one .
Beth Beth Beth.....

beths-virtue said:
rybka, its all your fault...
damn fish AV.. all 3 of you men need to get yourselves a fishing poetry thread :) and quit messing up a perfectly good dildo one .

If ya don't be nice, I'm gonna tie ya down and do ya with the woodchopper. I'll take to hooks off but not the blade. :)

Ivory Tower Trashed

(inspired by the wonderful karmadog)

Ivory tower trash -
Someone throw them a sash
Or a badge to wear,
As if we'd care.
I hope it gives them a rash.

Stuck in their tiny corner
Like a myopic Jack Horner
Assembling some facts
About disjointed Yaks
For a paper that would chill a coroner.

I give them this, they're persistent
And deserve a whipped assistant,
Who'll finish the work
For the egoist jerk
Whose whim makes them subsistant.

Meaningful is not the intent -
For this, their schools should get bent,
But publish they must
Or the coffers will rust
And the Alumni would be less content.

For me, degrees all invoke
A desire to lay back and choke,
But the dollars are there
With endowments to spare -
A self-perpetuating scholarly joke!
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lol judo--you inspired me!

publish or perish
this credo we cherish
thus more useless research
is born

department heads scheme
the backbiting extreme
in Washington bureaucrats

and poor little man
works hard as he can
because his old car is
a wreck

but this year it won't be
what? hypocrisy?
just smile and write your
tax check

(uh, i did say i was cynical, right?)

meanwhile back at the purloined dildo....

i'm off to edit our lastest version and maybe even add a few surprises.
Unregistered said:
Hee, hee, hee.

Pure genius ladies!


um K-dog ,, if you keep coming here unregistered some ones gonna call the pound ,,, lol
Anybody see a stolen dildo?

oookay. Here we go again. The strange case of Eve's missing dildo, or Rowdy Ted Goes Hawaiian (wait that's Gidget, I'm getting confused again) will NOT become an unsolved mystery! I have gone into the desert of seclusion with your many stanzas (either that or I procrastinated again, you decide), and I have fiddled, faddled, and edited. No there was no diddling: Rowdy Ted is missing, remember? My goal was to get the stanzas in logical order that move the plot forward. I've added stanzas, too, in the process absolving myself of the theft (editor's priviledge :p)

So, here's the deal. You have until Friday to suggest further edits, write new stanzas, pin the theft on me, whatever. I have an ending and only I (and those two geeky guys from Price-Waterhouse--no wait that's the Oscars)know who done it. So without further ado or blather, here you go:


PART 1: Our Hero, Rowdy Ted, is Taken

Eve's dildo was named Rowdy Ted.
Her favored "boy," so thick so strong
who lived sequestered by the bed.
Eve's dildo was named Rowdy Ted.
When powered up, when glowing red,
abuzz he whirred libido's song.
Eve's dildo was named Rowdy Ted.
Her favored "boy," so thick so strong

In bed, a thief dreamed long and clear
Of the dildo that it now so loved.
Inhaling deep, pictured it here.
In bed, a thief dreamed long and clear
Of its size, its fit--the perfect gear
For desire and need as it hotly shoved
In bed, the thief dreamed long and clear
Of the dildo that it now so loved.

One moonlit night, a thief stole in
a-creeping quiet toward Eve's bed
lost in desire compelled to sin
One moonlit night, a thief stole in
and claimed Ted with triumphant grin
and capered, moaning lust and dread
one moonlit night, the thief stole in
a-creeping quiet toward Eve's bed

Ted stood full fourteen inches long
and more than three around.
No wonder someone stole this dong.
Ted stood full fourteen inches long.
Tis no surprise twas praised in song.
Such length and girth astound.
Ted stood full fourteen inches long.
and more than three around.

The Drake
Rowdy Ted was a Wicked dildo,
who took the treasure Eve had to give
and left her asleep, her head on the pillow.
Rowdy Ted was a Wicked dildo.
An open window; the curtains billow;
our darling was visited by a thief!
Rowdy Ted was a Wicked dildo.
Who took the treasure Eve had to give?

Wicked Eve
Rowdy Ted was taken by a thief,
snatched by nimble little fingers -
feminine hands is my belief.
Rowdy Ted was taken by a thief
looking for D battery relief -
Eve unaware as vibration lingers.
Rowdy Ted was taken by a thief,
snatched by nimble little fingers.

Who stole Ted the rowdy dildo?
Who is our Wicked Nemesis,
perhaps a hobbit named Bilbo?
Who stole Ted the rowdy dildo?
Who knows how far this thief will go,
a new trilogy genesis?
Who stole Ted the rowdy dildo?
Who is our Wicked Nemesis?


I think the size is incorrect
it not that big of a deal
it was embellished for effect
I think the size is incorrect
you'll never find your suspect
searching for the wrong size squeal
I think the size is incorrect
it not that big of a deal


In a lonely hovel by the sea
ringed in witch grass, set apart
behold this monstrous tragedy
In a lonely hovel by the sea
It keens and holds Ted tenderly
A twice-made thief with poet's heart
In a lonely hovel by the sea
ringed in witch grass, set apart

It stole the member long and thick,
payback for imagined scorn.
iIt fucks itself with Eve's prized prick!
It stole the member long and thick
I’ll take another, it forewarned.
It stole the member long and thick.
payback for imagined scorned.


Ted's thief is foul and also shrewd
its greatest fear: that it be seen
or victimized by poets rude
Ted's thief is foul and also shrewd
It plies a plot that's dark and crude:
sneaks Ted in bed with Angeline!
Ted's thief is foul and also shrewd
its greatest fear: that it be seen

My lord it's big as a baleen!
Whispered softly to herself.
Transfixed was honest Angeline.
My lord it's big as a baleen!
Why should he serve the Wicked queen-
await her, lonely, on some shelf?
My lord it's big as a baleen!
Whispered softly to herself.

Rowdy Ted is cheating,
in and out, the thief’s delight.
His heft her false unseating.
Rowdy Ted is cheating,
all thoughts of Eve’s loss fleeting,
as Angeline enjoys her plight
Rowdy Ted is cheating,
in and out, the thief’s delight.

Why should the girls have all the fun?
Said wicked REDWAVE in his cave.
I'll ream myself to kingdom come.
Why should the girls have all the fun?
There's plenty there for everyone!
Fourteen will make me scream and rave.
Why should the girls have all the fun?
Said wicked REDWAVE in his cave.

With timid knock upon cave door,
exhausted, ill, and barely dressed,
Take him please she doth implore.
With timid knock upon cave door,
Dear REDWAVE keep it evermore:
Take it--my God--it’s possessed!
With timid knock upon cave door,
exhausted, ill, and barely dressed.

Poor angeline is plumb wore out
exhausted, ill, and barely dressed
A hussy, a dildo whore no doubt
Poor Angeline is plumb wore out
Old Ted has fucked her made her shout
Poor Wicked Eve she is depressed
Poor angeline is plumb wore out
exhausted, ill, and barely dressed


Back to the task at hand
Or poor ted will be abused
The thief has Wicked planned
Back to the task at hand
For ted a ransom demand
Angeline you look amused
Back to the task at hand
But the jury's not excused

That's it so far--there are a few minor corrections left, but it's late! Enjoy and add to if you like!
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