pussy or vagina, clit or clitoris

naughtymom4321 said:
But really, how does one find entertaining ways to describe an erection?
Mom, 'entertaining' is the operative word. Well describe the entertainment and the moniker don't matter.

non-maternally, Perdita
Hmm, perhaps it's time for more Monty Python.....

The Not Noel Coward Song

Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?
It's swell to have a stiffy,
It's divine to own a dick,
From the tiniest little tadger
To the world's biggest prick.
So, three cheers for your Willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one-eyed trouser snake.
Your piece of pork, your wife's best friend,
Your Percy, or your cock.
You can wrap it up in ribbons,
You can slip it in your sock.
But don't take it out in public,
Or they will stick you in the dock,

And you won't come back.
Seattle Zack said:

Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?
It's swell to have a stiffy,
It's divine to own a dick,...

Heh, I heard that last week, preformed barbershop style by three local old geezers on a park bench. They were a little tipsy, but they sang awfully good. Put a smile on my face, at least.
naughtymom4321 said:
But really, how does one find entertaining ways to describe an erection?

Depends on what you mean with 'entertaining' I guess. If it's a good laugh you're after, I'm sure I can whip something up...or out.

Are we writing for arousal here, I think 'erection' works just fine. It's not what you call it, it's what you make it do.

naughtymom4321 said:
My related question is....how many ways are there to describe an erect cock? A few replies back, it was almost nailed (bad pun). But really, how does one find entertaining ways to describe an erection?

It really depends on what context you are speaking of it in and how raunchy or romantic the story is. However you use it, I think an erect penis is very exciting..lol.:kiss:

I also think it depends on the context. I never use vagina in fiction because I think its just too clinical, reminds me of sex ed.

I favor "fuck hole" if its a kind of rough, non-consent things.

"Pussy" if its playful
Re: Parts

Marie Lavallois said:
I favor "fuck hole" if its a kind of rough, non-consent things.
Dear Ms Lav,
You certainly have a gift. Those two words are so ... mellifluous ... poetic.

MathGirl said:
Dear Z,
Next line (from fish tank): "Oh, shit! It's Mr Creosote!"

eric idle dressed as noel coward sang the song didn't he mg honey.

just one tiny mint:D
Re: giggle

LorriLove said:
eric idle dressed as noel coward sang the song didn't he mg honey.just one tiny mint:D
Dear Ll,
Yes, he did.
Ps. "Just one thin whaffer."
*Sigh* I love that movie.... Meaning Of Life is beatiful... in a twisted sense.

personal preference on penis is erection, cock, but never dick, as I stated, because unless I'm being a jerk which I've done... I think twice in my life, half of which accidentally, but both deserved.

I'm not really a fan of my own nakedness, I know some people like it thwir own but I try to cover me up.

I'm randomly reminded of some authors use of dirty talk during sex, and Robert Shimmels comedy routine about it.

Rob: "In bed I love trying new things so one night I look to my wife and say 'talk dirty to me baby'"
Rob's wife: "Go fuck yourself."
Rob: "Not that dirty..."
Medieval-Man said:
I'm not really a fan of my own nakedness,

I love you more each post. You certainly have a femme side, most young boys do, but yours is uniquely refreshing and appreciated by this lady. You're an utterly beautiful boy.

with continuing affection, Perdita :heart:
Medieval-Man said:
I'm randomly reminded of some authors use of dirty talk during sex, and Robert Shimmels comedy routine about it.

Rob: "In bed I love trying new things so one night I look to my wife and say 'talk dirty to me baby'"
Rob's wife: "Go fuck yourself."
Rob: "Not that dirty..." [/B]

Which triggers my memory of another comedy skit..

"Mywife and I have oral sex every night?"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, we stand at opposite ends of the bed and shout dirty words at each other..."

Raph, who generally alternates between pussy and cunt, depending on the needs of the situation.
A lady whose features cherubic
Was famed for her area pubic
When asked of it's size
She replied with surprise
Are you speaking in square feet or cubic?

Great golden copulations

James Douglas Morrison
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Mouth Wide Open

Okay, after lurking on my own thread for a few days I see how this process works. It's apparently similar to throwing an exploding firecracker into a very small circle of completely naked people...you just sit back and try to decipher all the overlapping conversations that ensue...hmmmm.

But it's FUN!!!
Re: Mouth Wide Open

markyoni said:
But it's FUN!!!
Marco, that's the operative phrase. Glad you caught on. Do hang about more.

regards, Perdita :rose:
Dear Perdita,
About your current AV with the pink building. I know some parts of Venice are kind of run down, but that's the worst I've seen. Even the roller bladers would avoid that area.
Ah, Maths, you cute/ugly American. I'd give plenty to live in that building or any number of run-down centuries old ca (that's what they call homes in Venice, e.g., Ca d'Oro; even if they are really palazzi).

raphy said:
Which triggers my memory of another comedy skit..

"Mywife and I have oral sex every night?"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, we stand at opposite ends of the bed and shout dirty words at each other..."

Raph, who generally alternates between pussy and cunt, depending on the needs of the situation.

Raph... that is so true for my parents, but even nearing 50, their sex life is active, and outspoken. I still recall something I posted here (but I can't remember the thread) describing my parents example of how they react, should I foget to knock.

Thank god old men can jump under covers fast,
Medieval-Man said:
Raph... that is so true for my parents, but even nearing 50, their sex life is active, and outspoken.

Completely off topic...

Funny how thoughts of my parents being intimate causes me to cringe and cry out in agony. *laughs* After all... where it not for their coupling, I would not exist.

It is a standard joke in our house, even now that my siblings and I are grown, that any time there is reference made to, or my dad starts chasing my mom around the house, we all react with shocked outrage and cover our ears... eyes... etc which is followed by... "You're not allowed to think that way about our mother!!!" To our dismay... this never discouraged them.

When we where children, we'd try to worm our way in between them if we caught them smooching, or in the mornings when they were "rough housing" we would always come rushing headlong into their bed room and take turns trying to push our parents out of their bed.

At the same time however... this sort of behavior from my parents taught us to cherish our mates. That open love and affection are things that make us feel secure. We learned to not be ashamed of how we feel for those we care about.

My parents are in their mid fifties and my father, someone's god bless the old man, he still chases my mother around the house like he did when they were 30...

It's my hope that I can leave that legacy for my daughter as well.

Okay... I'm sorry about that... your statement just made me think... (I do do that on rare occasion, contrary to popular belief ;) )



peechka pie
Well Peechka, as a resident of Lakewood, Ohio, I must say two things, have a seat and stick around the room a while, and I'm glad to know I'm not the only suffering person here ^_^
Originally posted by Medieval-Man I'm glad to know I'm not the only suffering person here ^_^
Dear MeM,
From what, pray tell, are you suffering?
Ps. Perdita, Don't the basements in Venice get sort of damp? Maybe the residents should move a few miles over to Long Beach.
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Well MG, I'm suffering from parents who talk about their sex lives often, it's terrorizing, the thought of... my parents *ICK!* Anyway, Enough on that.

I'm getting ready to cracsh into a sleep state, I;ll see you all tomorrow!
