Questions for submissives

Re: Re: As much as...

cymbidia said:
Oh Lance honey!
You're so good with the way you string words together!

Just look at what you've got cooking that one sentence:
1. MzChrista is "mean-mouthing" you.
2. I'm really busy cultivating some kinda bad rep toward you via pm's.

Passive-aggressive people: they're not just in your "real life" life anymore.

You didnt send me no PM. I got to think up my own damn bad things about him.
Good thing it aint that hard.
Re: Re: Please....don't let the facts...

MzChrista said:

FACT is, C Oh wasnt even talkin to you, and you took off after her and now you want to know why she got a problem with you.
I dont know if she got one or not, but I do. You shit on my friends you shit on me.

Hmmm...well, since you're speaking for CarolineOh now...please ask her to drop me a PM and let me know what I did this time so I can apologize.

I used to be a big fan of Another remind me of the older Iris, but with a heep street accent.

In fact, there's a gaggle of you here that really ought to have an afternoon drama....hey, apparently I'm a drama queen, so perhaps I could be the mysterious drifter that comes to Bay City and gets all the ladies a Sam Fowler, except I'd talk you know, that old evil Brit geezer with the gray pony tail and big ears.....what WAS his name???

Re: Re: Re: Please....don't let the facts...

Lancecastor said:

Hmmm...well, since you're speaking for CarolineOh now...please ask her to drop me a PM and let me know what I did this time so I can apologize.

I used to be a big fan of Another remind me of the older Iris, but with a heep street accent.

In fact, there's a gaggle of you here that really ought to have an afternoon drama....hey, apparently I'm a drama queen, so perhaps I could be the mysterious drifter that comes to Bay City and gets all the ladies a Sam Fowler, except I'd talk you know, that old evil Brit geezer with the gray pony tail and big ears.....what WAS his name???


I dont speak for nobody but me. And I sure aint getting no atwitter over no man, even one who sits home and watches soaps.
But hey, maybe you can send C Oh a phony pic of yourself and see if she likes it.
If you guys don't start playing nice soon, I'm gonna be forced to hose you down with some ice water. geez ... dammit, I forgot who I was talking to. Some of you would probably enjoy the sensation!:p

OK, back to the original discussion. If I hose you down, would that be discipline or punishment? Does the definition change if you actually enjoy it or if you only fantasize about it? Come on now. Enquiring minds want to know.
Thanks Cym....

cymbidia said:
Oh Lance honey!
You're so good with the way you string words together!

Just look at what you've got cooking that one sentence:
1. MzChrista is "mean-mouthing" you.
2. I'm really busy cultivating some kinda bad rep toward you via pm's.

Passive-aggressive people: they're not just in your "real life" life anymore.

....for the kind words.

1. Mz Christa is *not* mean mouthing me?

2. I covered this in the "sparky is a good thing?" post

I think I'm caught up I can probably take a few more of you on if that's what you really want.

I think you all have crushes on me; there's no other rational explanation for this attention.

Have I told you all how lovely you look when you're bitchy?

Hugs....more drugs!
Well, at least you're listening....

MzChrista said:

I dont speak for nobody but me. And I sure aint getting no atwitter over no man, even one who sits home and watches soaps.
But hey, maybe you can send C Oh a phony pic of yourself and see if she likes it. my every word, so there's hope.

C'mon...admit are atwitter, aren't you? I'll keep being a twit if you keep atwittering....

Re: Well, at least you're listening....

Lancecastor said: my every word, so there's hope.

C'mon...admit are atwitter, aren't you? I'll keep being a twit if you keep atwittering....


So Lance,how long you had this idea that women are all in a conspiracy against you?
I think it started....

MzChrista said:

So Lance,how long you had this idea that women are all in a conspiracy against you? a young boy, Dr. Christa.

There was this eight foot salmon that lived in my father's trousers, and my mother was never very affectionate.

She walked like a duck, and talked like a duck.

So, I thought she was a duck.

But I was wrong.

She was a salmon fisher! With a big set of hooks on her fly caster!

I know..time's up.
Re: I think it started....

Lancecastor said: a young boy, Dr. Christa.

There was this eight foot salmon that lived in my father's trousers, and my mother was never very affectionate.

She walked like a duck, and talked like a duck.

So, I thought she was a duck.

But I was wrong.

She was a salmon fisher! With a big set of hooks on her fly caster!

I know..time's up.

She sure as shit aint breast fed you neither did she.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Please....don't let the facts...

MzChrista said:

But hey, maybe you can send C Oh a phony pic of yourself and see if she likes it.
After what he posted in my thread, THAT gave me a laugh!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Please....don't let the facts...

lilminx said:

After what he posted in my thread, THAT gave me a laugh!!!

Well, Lance, see he gots issues. His dick aint as big as his Dads and C Oh reminds him of his Mom who didnt breast feed him.
We gonna discuss his potty training next.
dixicritter said:
Ok you people make it hard not to respond (said with all the love and admiration I have for everyone on this board...just so you know)

I've noticed that we tend to be very quick to jump on each other here. Now I know I'm very new to BDSM and this board, but I feel comfortable here, and these are my opinions. I do respect everyone's right to their opinion.

When I answered this thread originally it was to answer specific questions posed. I don't ask the person making inquiries about their reasons for asking, as I feel this place is for learning. I answer to the very best of my limited knowledge and real life experience. That's it.

However, I must say looking over this and other threads like it, that with our questioning of people's motives for their questions we tend to send them away more confused or possibly even angry than they were to begin with. Debates are great, don't get me wrong, but they have a place my opinion. Talking about this posters feelings or any other posters feelings or thoughts is something I will never do. I don't know what they are thinking, and in a written word community like we have here, there is no way to tell the tone of voice someone is speaking in.

Oh hell, I'm on my soapbox......stepping off here. I'm not attacking anyone in this thread, just stating my thoughts, feelings and reactions. I've also noticed that the thread starter hasn't returned since the debate over her feelings started....just an observation.

Be safe, sane and consentual folks......its the only way.


I hope that Tammy will return and explain her thoughts to us. I did not ask her to clarify her post as any sort of an attack, but because it seemed to be contradictory to me, and I would like to understand her point of view.
CarolineOh said:

I hope that Tammy will return and explain her thoughts to us. I did not ask her to clarify her post as any sort of an attack, but because it seemed to be contradictory to me, and I would like to understand her point of view.

"Again, welcome to our community. We thank you in advance for respecting the deliberately cultivated atmosphere of acceptance, inclusion, reality, and calm discussion that we’ve so carefully fostered here over time. "
CarolineOh said:

I hope that Tammy will return and explain her thoughts to us. I did not ask her to clarify her post as any sort of an attack, but because it seemed to be contradictory to me, and I would like to understand her point of view.

I hope you know Carolyn, I didn't mean you were attacking her, I have nothing but respect for you. And after re reading this thread, it would be nice to have clarification on some things that she said. I must agree with that.

My first post in this thread was answering my thoughts on what she wanted to know, what she said she wanted to know. Now after her other comments I'm not sure what she really wanted to ask. I do hope she comes back and asks her questions more.

Re: Re: Trim Those Split Ends!

With all due respect, James, people could ask her to clarify without making her feel like she has to defend her position.

If I recall, very few of the folks on this board likes to be put on the spot either. So it would be nice if we extended that same courtesy to others.


James Blandings said:

I don't believe anything caroline said in her post can be fairly interpretted as a "My way or the highway" statement.
I also find Tammy's position somewhat confusing, and I hope she will clarify it for us, after all, we are all here to increase our understanding, are we not?
Discipline CAN mean punishment, but to think it ONLY means punishment is to take the narrowest possible derfinition. The rub here is that discipline does not equal punishment IF Tammy wants it to, it is either punishment or it is not, and her agreement to it isn't relevent. This is why so many people get their hackles up when the word punishment is used in BDSM, there is a taint of non-consent to it in many people's view.

I certainly hope Tammy will explain to us what particular "strange ideas" about BDSM she read here, so that perhaps those who espoused them can explain their views.
Valentine's Day Is Over

Ebonyfire said:
With all due respect, James, people could ask her to clarify without making her feel like she has to defend her position.

If I recall, very few of the folks on this board likes to be put on the spot either. So it would be nice if we extended that same courtesy to others.


Aint that the truth.

This thread and the thread were both perfect examples of how:

1. Newbies are trampled by the frequently-posting "authorities" here , who are always at the ready to lift a word or two from your post to put you on the defensive, then club you en masse if you talk back, under the guise of wanting to "understand". Understand, my ass. They want to Tell;

2. If you say anything here that is not *kiss kiss, I share your pain, I feel for you* oriented...or godforbid, you should *gasp* disagree with one of the regular clique are summarily clubbed, complete with gradeschool name-calling.

Once the thing goes spinning out of control for a day or two, one of the Mods waltzes in, sighs at the *drama* and tosses off something banal that will of course, bring out all the *kiss kiss you're the voice of reason* crap.....then it all starts again.

It's self serving, cloistered, judgemental, unfriendly, mean-spirited and drearily repetitive here... at best.

The only points of view here that are welcome are the ones that comply with those of the few.

There's nothing "literary" about 95% of what is posted here.

There is nearly 0% academic discussion of anything.

It's mostly a wounded bird aviary and ego stroke....which is exactly what the Sticky says it is NOT...therapy is down the street, ladies.

And I for one am not going to participate in the baloney any further.

My posts will continue to be real and straight up.

Fuck with my syntax or play wounded bird with me from here on out and I'll be on you like a bad rash.

Valentine's Day is over.


Re: Valentine's Day Is Over

Lancecastor said:

Aint that the truth.

This thread and the thread were both perfect examples of how:

1. Newbies are trampled by the frequently-posting "authorities" here , who are always at the ready to lift a word or two from your post to put you on the defensive, then club you en masse if you talk back, under the guise of wanting to "understand". Understand, my ass. They want to Tell;

2. If you say anything here that is not *kiss kiss, I share your pain, I feel for you* oriented...or godforbid, you should *gasp* disagree with one of the regular clique are summarily clubbed, complete with gradeschool name-calling.

Once the thing goes spinning out of control for a day or two, one of the Mods waltzes in, sighs at the *drama* and tosses off something banal that will of course, bring out all the *kiss kiss you're the voice of reason* crap.....then it all starts again.

It's self serving, cloistered, judgemental, unfriendly, mean-spirited and drearily repetitive here... at best.

The only points of view here that are welcome are the ones that comply with those of the few.

There's nothing "literary" about 95% of what is posted here.

There is nearly 0% academic discussion of anything.

It's mostly a wounded bird aviary and ego stroke....which is exactly what the Sticky says it is NOT...therapy is down the street, ladies.

And I for one am not going to participate in the baloney any further.

My posts will continue to be real and straight up.

Fuck with my syntax or play wounded bird with me from here on out and I'll be on you like a bad rash.

Valentine's Day is over.



Of course if anyone wanted to look up my old posts, I have probably said the same thing (differently) at least 20 times. And, many a time I have been clobbered for my efforts.

Not everyone is gonna lie down and take it. Lord knows I don't.

I happen to agree with Lance 150%. And at this point I do not give a rat's ass if you don't like it!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Please....don't let the facts...

MzChrista said:

Well, Lance, see he gots issues. His dick aint as big as his Dads and C Oh reminds him of his Mom who didnt breast feed him.
We gonna discuss his potty training next.

I would have to say that everyone on this forum has issues...even you MzC. And as for Lance's dick, well since dick;s aren't your thing, why care?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Please....don't let the facts...

Ebonyfire said:

I would have to say that everyone on this forum has issues...even you MzC. And as for Lance's dick, well since dick's aren't your thing, why care?

<Vol.XX, Issue XXXVI>
Re: Re: Re: Trim Those Split Ends!

Ebonyfire said:
With all due respect, James, people could ask her to clarify without making her feel like she has to defend her position.

If I recall, very few of the folks on this board likes to be put on the spot either. So it would be nice if we extended that same courtesy to others.


Would you be so kind as to explain to me how my simple request for clarification put Tammy on the spot, how you are aware how she feels about it, since she has not returned to the tread, and why you feel I should be fair game for abuse for merely asking a question, even if it may not have been worded to your or Lance's liking?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Trim Those Split Ends!

CarolineOh said:

Would you be so kind as to explain to me how my simple request for clarification put Tammy on the spot, how you are aware how she feels about it, since she has not returned to the tread, and why you feel I should be fair game for abuse for merely asking a question, even if it may not have been worded to your or Lance's liking?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Trim Those Split Ends!

Ebonyfire said:

NO. I can state my opinion without explaining diddly. Since only certain people around here are calle dupon to explain themselves.
