Questions for submissives

Re: Re: Re: Re: Trim Those Split Ends!

CarolineOh said:

Would you be so kind as to explain to me how my simple request for clarification put Tammy on the spot, how you are aware how she feels about it, since she has not returned to the tread, and why you feel I should be fair game for abuse for merely asking a question, even if it may not have been worded to your or Lance's liking?

The fact that she hasn't returned speaks for itself, I would think.

You are not fair game for abuse by anyone except yourself in my book.

And I for one wont be playing your please explain game any further.

If you have something cogent to say, say it.

Otherwise, kindly step off.

Re: Re: Re: Trim Those Split Ends!

Ebonyfire said:
With all due respect, James, people could ask her to clarify without making her feel like she has to defend her position.

If I recall, very few of the folks on this board likes to be put on the spot either. So it would be nice if we extended that same courtesy to others.


Well, here's what I see, Ebony. Tammybabe posted a number of questions, and LilRedWolph, Dixicritter, carolineOh, Kuurspet and Artful's dream all answered her thoughtfully and courteously. MLadypain then mentioned her objection to th way Tammy used the term "punishment" in one of her posts, and Tammy responded with a rather inflammatory, and in my mind confusing, reply in which she said people here (not just LadyPain, the only person who appears to have taken direct issue with her) had "strange ideas" about BDSM and that "BDSM is just fantasy".
When Caroline asked her, in what I consider perfectly appropriate fashion, to explain what she was on about, lance jumped down her throat.
If anyone on this thread tried to put anyone on the spot, it was Lance, who seems for some reason to have a grudge against Caroline.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but that's what it looked like to me.
Re: Valentine's Day Is Over

Lancecastor said:

Aint that the truth.

This thread and the thread were both perfect examples of how:

1. Newbies are trampled by the frequently-posting "authorities" here , who are always at the ready to lift a word or two from your post to put you on the defensive, then club you en masse if you talk back, under the guise of wanting to "understand". Understand, my ass. They want to Tell;

2. If you say anything here that is not *kiss kiss, I share your pain, I feel for you* oriented...or godforbid, you should *gasp* disagree with one of the regular clique are summarily clubbed, complete with gradeschool name-calling.

Once the thing goes spinning out of control for a day or two, one of the Mods waltzes in, sighs at the *drama* and tosses off something banal that will of course, bring out all the *kiss kiss you're the voice of reason* crap.....then it all starts again.

It's self serving, cloistered, judgemental, unfriendly, mean-spirited and drearily repetitive here... at best.

The only points of view here that are welcome are the ones that comply with those of the few.

There's nothing "literary" about 95% of what is posted here.

There is nearly 0% academic discussion of anything.

It's mostly a wounded bird aviary and ego stroke....which is exactly what the Sticky says it is NOT...therapy is down the street, ladies.

And I for one am not going to participate in the baloney any further.

My posts will continue to be real and straight up.

Fuck with my syntax or play wounded bird with me from here on out and I'll be on you like a bad rash.

Valentine's Day is over.



Lance, your view of this board and the dynamic that operates on it is diametrically opposite of the way I see it. That is your right, and you are certainly free to expound on it all you wish.
But this is, by my count, the third threat you made tonight that you will disrupt the board if you are displeased, and I must tell you, frankly, that I am not intimidated, I will not sit still and watch you attempt to intimidate others, and I will do my damnedest to try to counter any attempts to attack and tear people down here. Things are said in the heat of the moment, and that is understandable. I hope you will see your way to let the emotionalism of the moment subside and let your better nature prevail.
I would ask that everyone calm down and take a deep breath, and in particular, I would ask Christa to cool out and not try to antagonize Lance. Your loyalty to a friend is admirable, but your comments are not helping the situation.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Trim Those Split Ends!

James Blandings said:

When Caroline asked her, in what I consider perfectly appropriate fashion, to explain what she was on about, lance jumped down her throat.
If anyone on this thread tried to put anyone on the spot, it was Lance, who seems for some reason to have a grudge against Caroline.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but that's what it looked like to me.

Here's the sequence you've characterizered as my having jumped down CarolineOh's throat:


Trim Those Split Ends!

Originally posted by CarolineOh

Well, first of all, discipline does not equate to punishment. Discipline can be, and is for most of us I believe, dedication to honoring the commitment we have made to our relationship.
I am confused about your attitude Tammy. On the one hand you seem to want not consentual bdsm, but actual punishment, and on the other you dismiss those who advise you to play safe by saying, hey it's only a fantasy.

Discipline can most certainly equate to punishment....especially if Tammy wants it to.

It's also totally okay for Tammy to want to play out the fantasy of being punished as the scene by which she engages in BDSM.

And it certainly doesn't mean she is not honouring her relationship if she does so.

I don't see anything confusing about what she has said.

Tammy's ideas are as valid as anyone else's....this isn't and shouldn't be a "My way or the highway" place by any stretch of the imagination.

Rock on, Tammy!


I've read plenty of sequences here that I would characterize as throat-jumping, James....but the one in this case doesn't read like it to me.

I acknowledge that as the writer of the post I see it differently than you.

What I saw.... was someone telling the thread starter that her views on discipline and punishment were wrong.

To me, it seemed like splitting hairs....a word game...and an ego stroke.

We see a lot of that here....duelling dictionaries, etc.

It's grandstanding.

So I called it.

And encouraged newbie Tammy to keep posting, as her views are as valid as the next....that we are not a one way street here.

From there, Caroline wigged on me, as she always does.

Do I have a grudge against her for driving people away with her need to Tell People what is "right"?

Yep. It's bullshit; self-serving twaddle.

She should stop telling people what is "right" about BDSM.

Nobody here has the lock on righteousness despite their many efforts.

You, a Moderator, also used words that called Tammy's post into question in an authoritative, aggressive way.

You contributed to the mess, then later got pissy with me when I spelled it out for you.

The whole thread is a prime example of the semantic big dick baloney that keeps people away.

I have put the key elements of the sticky on how this place should operate in my sig line. As a mod, you should encourage proper behavior here, not contribute to the judging and blamecasting.

I intend to look after myself with great care until people start communicating like adults here.

My 3 cents;
Words in my mouth, no thanks.

James Blandings said:

But this is, by my count, the third threat you made tonight that you will disrupt the board if you are displeased,


My command of the English language is fairly well developed.

At no time have I ever threatened anything to or about anything or anyone, especially the efficient operation of this Board within the terms of the Sticky....that's your job..

But I have served notice that I am not the board's jovial little whipping boy any more.

When I am slandered, misquoted or have dirty words stuffed down my throat improperly atributed as mine...I'll be on it like a rash to defend my character and name and to point out the errors as appropriate.

And I won't be happy about it.

I therefore suggest that people tread lightly from here on out when they try to lift words out of context from my posts or call me names.

Because I'm not standing for it anymore.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Trim Those Split Ends!

Lancecastor said:

Here's the sequence you've characterizered as my having jumped down CarolineOh's throat:


Trim Those Split Ends!

Originally posted by CarolineOh

Well, first of all, discipline does not equate to punishment. Discipline can be, and is for most of us I believe, dedication to honoring the commitment we have made to our relationship.
I am confused about your attitude Tammy. On the one hand you seem to want not consentual bdsm, but actual punishment, and on the other you dismiss those who advise you to play safe by saying, hey it's only a fantasy.

Discipline can most certainly equate to punishment....especially if Tammy wants it to.

It's also totally okay for Tammy to want to play out the fantasy of being punished as the scene by which she engages in BDSM.

And it certainly doesn't mean she is not honouring her relationship if she does so.

I don't see anything confusing about what she has said.

Tammy's ideas are as valid as anyone else's....this isn't and shouldn't be a "My way or the highway" place by any stretch of the imagination.

Rock on, Tammy!


I've read plenty of sequences here that I would characterize as throat-jumping, James....but the one in this case doesn't read like it to me.

I acknowledge that as the writer of the post I see it differently than you.

What I saw.... was someone telling the thread starter that her views on discipline and punishment were wrong.

To me, it seemed like splitting hairs....a word game...and an ego stroke.

We see a lot of that here....duelling dictionaries, etc.

It's grandstanding.

So I called it.

And encouraged newbie Tammy to keep posting, as her views are as valid as the next....that we are not a one way street here.

From there, Caroline wigged on me, as she always does.

Do I have a grudge against her for driving people away with her need to Tell People what is "right"?

Yep. It's bullshit; self-serving twaddle.

She should stop telling people what is "right" about BDSM.

Nobody here has the lock on righteousness despite their many efforts.

You, a Moderator, also used words that called Tammy's post into question in an authoritative, aggressive way.

You contributed to the mess, then later got pissy with me when I spelled it out for you.

The whole thread is a prime example of the semantic big dick baloney that keeps people away.

I have put the key elements of the sticky on how this place should operate in my sig line. As a mod, you should encourage proper behavior here, not contribute to the judging and blamecasting.

I intend to look after myself with great care until people start communicating like adults here.

My 3 cents;

You are entitled to your opinion Lance. I personally think your view of events and interpretation of both my posts on the thread and Caroline's are erroneous and colored by preconceptions, but there seems little to be gained by an endless argumentative loop on the subject.
I would say that if there is anyone, poster or lurker, who feels they are in danger of being been driven away by anything I , or anyone else, has written on this board, please PM me and let's discuss it. I frankly think these hordes of terrified newbies are largely phantasmal, but my mail box is always open.
Re: Words in my mouth, no thanks.

Lancecastor said:


My command of the English language is fairly well developed.

At no time have I ever threatened anything to or about anything or anyone, especially the efficient operation of this Board within the terms of the Sticky....that's your job..

But I have served notice that I am not the board's jovial little whipping boy any more.

When I am slandered, misquoted or have dirty words stuffed down my throat improperly atributed as mine...I'll be on it like a rash to defend my character and name and to point out the errors as appropriate.

And I won't be happy about it.

I therefore suggest that people tread lightly from here on out when they try to lift words out of context from my posts or call me names.

Because I'm not standing for it anymore.


It is absolutely proper and right that you defend your views and rebut charges against your character.
If comments about "going thermonuclear" and being on people "like a rash" are not threats, then we don't have a problem in that regard.
Re: Re: Words in my mouth, no thanks.

James Blandings said:

It is absolutely proper and right that you defend your views and rebut charges against your character.
If comments about "going thermonuclear" and being on people "like a rash" are not threats, then we don't have a problem in that regard.

I am the perfect model of decorum when treated with the same, James.

Putting people on notice that their existing, posted slanders and name-calling are going to be dealt with in future using the harshest words possible are not threats. They are corrective measures and advisories as to a change in my posting policies, respectively.

If the Moderators proactively correct the offenders before I get to them, that would be my preference.

Goodnight James;

I have been reading this and trying so hard to understand what is going on - but have given up. *sigh*

May I please ask one question though?

What is a 'schill'
Sorry - can't find it in my dictionary ... and maybe that is a key word.

WillowPuss said:
I have been reading this and trying so hard to understand what is going on - but have given up. *sigh*

May I please ask one question though?

What is a 'schill'
Sorry - can't find it in my dictionary ... and maybe that is a key word.

In commercial terms, to shill/schill is more or less to send a party into a negotiation to upset it, affect the price or gain knowledge.

Used in the context of this thread....and given the way it veered off course and stayed there...I was beginning to wonder if the thread starter was actually a cover for someone with other motives.

Not a key word.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Trim Those Split Ends!

Lancecastor said:

The fact that she hasn't returned speaks for itself, I would think.

You are not fair game for abuse by anyone except yourself in my book.

And I for one wont be playing your please explain game any further.

If you have something cogent to say, say it.

Otherwise, kindly step off.


I will post what I wish, when I wish and how I wish. I will not be intimidated by your bellicose posturing. Nor need you worry that I will ask you to explain anything. If you will scroll back up this thread you will see that I said I had no interest in conversing with you at all. I don't know why you have developed this bizarre conception of me, but I see little chance of you changing it, and I don't intend to waste my time worrying about it. I find it ironic that you pout that people distort your words, when you have built a straw man to which you have attached my name, and attributed all manner of motive and intent to it, none of which has any connection with the reality of who I am.
This board is too valueable to too many people to let it be ripped apart by this ridiculous fighting. The solution is simple. I have said more than once now that I want nothing to do with you. Now I simply ask you, stop stalking my posts looking for ways to stuff more straw in your make believe Caroline. Just leave me the fuck alone.
Dear CarolineOh

CarolineOh said:

I will post what I wish, when I wish and how I wish. I will not be intimidated by your bellicose posturing. Nor need you worry that I will ask you to explain anything. If you will scroll back up this thread you will see that I said I had no interest in conversing with you at all. I don't know why you have developed this bizarre conception of me, but I see little chance of you changing it, and I don't intend to waste my time worrying about it. I find it ironic that you pout that people distort your words, when you have built a straw man to which you have attached my name, and attributed all manner of motive and intent to it, none of which has any connection with the reality of who I am.
This board is too valueable to too many people to let it be ripped apart by this ridiculous fighting. The solution is simple. I have said more than once now that I want nothing to do with you. Now I simply ask you, stop stalking my posts looking for ways to stuff more straw in your make believe Caroline. Just leave me the fuck alone.

You are correct; I have an impression of you that seems quite set at this point in time. I find your screen presence less than genuine and mostly passive-aggressive. You are pleasant enough unless and until someone disagrees with you, then you can get snippy in a hurry, usually by first acting "confused" or by seeking "clarification" of a word or two pulled from a post. From there, you tend to get snarly if your pov remains in dispute and beyond that, you seem to take no responsibility for your part in the scraps you start before suylking about how your feelings are hurt and how everyone else likes you. So, yes, I find that stuff about CarolineOh annoying and unpleasant and less than genuine.

Plus, you send others to fight for you instead of telling me in clear terms yourself what the beef is.....and that's just spineless passive aggression of the lowest variety in my book.

However, as I've said before...I think IRL that we'd get along just fine.

Your latest appelation for me is bellicose, and I think you've used the word abusive in connection with me, along with jackass, of course, and a few I have a pretty good sense of how you view Lance Castor...some of which is my doing and is to varying degrees true of Me, some of it is your doing in order to scrap with me, possibly because I remind you of someone IRL you don't like, dunno.

I am, I think, probably equally as keen on having the last word as you are....which means that though I set you to "ignore" yesterday, I'll still look at your words if you post next to me, because I know you're looking for a scrap when you do it.

And you'll get one when you do it. Partly because I'm not going to let you have the last word and partly because I think you like getting yourself wound up and blaming it on someone else now and then...otherwise you wouldn't do it.

But all of this is unhappy and unfriendly by its very nature, this thing we are doing here. It's unseemly as well. And I believe that it's quite unlike our true natures.

So, I'll leave you with those thoughts.

And , as I've said before, if there's something you want to hash out further, PM me.

Re: Re: Valentine's Day Is Over

James Blandings said:

Lance, your view of this board and the dynamic that operates on it is diametrically opposite of the way I see it. That is your right, and you are certainly free to expound on it all you wish.
But this is, by my count, the third threat you made tonight that you will disrupt the board if you are displeased, and I must tell you, frankly, that I am not intimidated, I will not sit still and watch you attempt to intimidate others, and I will do my damnedest to try to counter any attempts to attack and tear people down here. Things are said in the heat of the moment, and that is understandable. I hope you will see your way to let the emotionalism of the moment subside and let your better nature prevail.
I would ask that everyone calm down and take a deep breath, and in particular, I would ask Christa to cool out and not try to antagonize Lance. Your loyalty to a friend is admirable, but your comments are not helping the situation.

Im chilly like willy baby cool like a popsicle. But thats for respect to you and c Oh and not any other reason dig?
Re: Dear CarolineOh

Lancecastor said:

You are correct; I have an impression of you that seems quite set at this point in time. I find your screen presence less than genuine and mostly passive-aggressive. You are pleasant enough unless and until someone disagrees with you, then you can get snippy in a hurry, usually by first acting "confused" or by seeking "clarification" of a word or two pulled from a post. From there, you tend to get snarly if your pov remains in dispute and beyond that, you seem to take no responsibility for your part in the scraps you start before suylking about how your feelings are hurt and how everyone else likes you. So, yes, I find that stuff about CarolineOh annoying and unpleasant and less than genuine.

Plus, you send others to fight for you instead of telling me in clear terms yourself what the beef is.....and that's just spineless passive aggression of the lowest variety in my book.

However, as I've said before...I think IRL that we'd get along just fine.

Your latest appelation for me is bellicose, and I think you've used the word abusive in connection with me, along with jackass, of course, and a few I have a pretty good sense of how you view Lance Castor...some of which is my doing and is to varying degrees true of Me, some of it is your doing in order to scrap with me, possibly because I remind you of someone IRL you don't like, dunno.

I am, I think, probably equally as keen on having the last word as you are....which means that though I set you to "ignore" yesterday, I'll still look at your words if you post next to me, because I know you're looking for a scrap when you do it.

And you'll get one when you do it. Partly because I'm not going to let you have the last word and partly because I think you like getting yourself wound up and blaming it on someone else now and then...otherwise you wouldn't do it.

But all of this is unhappy and unfriendly by its very nature, this thing we are doing here. It's unseemly as well. And I believe that it's quite unlike our true natures.

So, I'll leave you with those thoughts.

And , as I've said before, if there's something you want to hash out further, PM me.


If i can just make one point dude, Caroline didnt ask me to go at ya, I dont like ya on my own time.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Trim Those Split Ends!

James Blandings said:

You are entitled to your opinion Lance. I personally think your view of events and interpretation of both my posts on the thread and Caroline's are erroneous and colored by preconceptions, but there seems little to be gained by an endless argumentative loop on the subject.
I would say that if there is anyone, poster or lurker, who feels they are in danger of being been driven away by anything I , or anyone else, has written on this board, please PM me and let's discuss it. I frankly think these hordes of terrified newbies are largely phantasmal, but my mail box is always open.

Well James, I could have kept the PMs I got from newbies thanking me for taking up for them and calling BS BS, but that would be bragging.

Of course this was before you were a moderator. My problem is that I have a longgggg memory.

I may forgive, but I never forget.

Ebonyfire <the key here is fire>
The numbers do not lie.

There are very few male submissives who post here.

There are very few Doms who post here.

There are a lot of negative male talk here.

There is very little negative female talk here. Why? Cause the "pack" would be on them like a bad rash!

Most of the negativity is slanted toward Dom/mes. As if it does not take two to tango.

Do the math.

I am done with this subject, until the next round comes.

Re: The numbers do not lie.

Ebonyfire said:
There are very few male submissives who post here.

There are very few Doms who post here.
Both of these statements have always been true. Always. So, what's your point?
There are a lot of negative male talk here.

There is very little negative female talk here. Why? Cause the "pack" would be on them like a bad rash!
There's been a lot of negative male talk in the last 24 or 48 hours.

A couple weeks ago there was a lot of negative cym talk.

A few weeks before that, there was a lot of negative moderator talk.

The topic of negative talk shifts and changes according to the breeze (or something), Eb. Where's that long memory you boasted about on another thread?

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
Don't fan the shit.
Don't cause trouble just to cause trouble.

It doesn't help anyone and it hurts the entire forum overall.
Most of the negativity is slanted toward Dom/mes. As if it does not take two to tango.[/quote[This doesn't make sense to me. There's negative male talk - but the negativitiy is slanted toward the dommes?

Who's doing all the recent negative talk? The fem subs? And what...we're (all of us?) talking bad about both males and dommes? Okay. I'm confused. WHAT are you claiming here?

I thik you've gotten too emotionally invested in the recent upheveal between Lance/C Oh/MzC/etc Eb. For some reason, you jumped in with both feet - and you made thier very bad day into yours, too.

I don't know why you felt the need to get involved but you did. I'm not saying you're right or wrong, either. You did what you neded to do at the time. However, i'd suggest that your perspective is a little too close to the heat of this recent conflagration to see it in any way clearly.

Males aren't downed here.
Newbies aren't either.
Personally, i'm getting tired of such claims, and mostly by those who haven't been here for long enough to see any kinda long range picture.

Sometimes some of us have bad days.
Sometimes some of us are bitchy.
Sometimes some of us are overly reactive, too.
It's not forever, any of it.

I think you may have lost sight of the fact that the BDSM forum is a wonderful place for many, many people - male, female, dom, domme, and subs of all stripes, as well as curious nillas and all those of indeterminate sexual preferance. If you're not finding it a wonderful place right now then it's not this place that needs to change, it's you who needs a break from this place.

To everyone smarting from this most recent dust-up in any manner:
It's time to get a grip on your perspective.
Go out and play frisbee in the park with someone you can touch or go to a movie or go buy something new and soft and sexy, for god's sakes - for you or someone you love.

Turn the fucking computer off if it's making you feel bad.
Take a break.
THEN come back, all fresh and new.

So sayeth the voice of recent break-taking experience.
Re: Re: The numbers do not lie.

cym, the day I let YOU tell me what to do, Hell will freeze over.

I don't care what you think. You are bordering flaming me right now. Perhaps you need to take another break yourself.

Sorry if you do not like my flavor, but deal with it.

If you have something to say to me, say it in a PM, but do not front off on me on this forum.

Ebony P.S. Do not blow smoke up my ass anymore! Unlike you, I have never broken any of the rules of this forum. So, back off.

cymbidia said:
Both of these statements have always been true. Always. So, what's your point?There's been a lot of negative male talk in the last 24 or 48 hours.

A couple weeks ago there was a lot of negative cym talk.

A few weeks before that, there was a lot of negative moderator talk.

The topic of negative talk shifts and changes according to the breeze (or something), Eb. Where's that long memory you boasted about on another thread?

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
Don't fan the shit.
Don't cause trouble just to cause trouble.

It doesn't help anyone and it hurts the entire forum overall.
Most of the negativity is slanted toward Dom/mes. As if it does not take two to tango.[/quote[This doesn't make sense to me. There's negative male talk - but the negativitiy is slanted toward the dommes?

Who's doing all the recent negative talk? The fem subs? And what...we're (all of us?) talking bad about both males and dommes? Okay. I'm confused. WHAT are you claiming here?

I thik you've gotten too emotionally invested in the recent upheveal between Lance/C Oh/MzC/etc Eb. For some reason, you jumped in with both feet - and you made thier very bad day into yours, too.

I don't know why you felt the need to get involved but you did. I'm not saying you're right or wrong, either. You did what you neded to do at the time. However, i'd suggest that your perspective is a little too close to the heat of this recent conflagration to see it in any way clearly.

Males aren't downed here.
Newbies aren't either.
Personally, i'm getting tired of such claims, and mostly by those who haven't been here for long enough to see any kinda long range picture.

Sometimes some of us have bad days.
Sometimes some of us are bitchy.
Sometimes some of us are overly reactive, too.
It's not forever, any of it.

I think you may have lost sight of the fact that the BDSM forum is a wonderful place for many, many people - male, female, dom, domme, and subs of all stripes, as well as curious nillas and all those of indeterminate sexual preferance. If you're not finding it a wonderful place right now then it's not this place that needs to change, it's you who needs a break from this place.

To everyone smarting from this most recent dust-up in any manner:
It's time to get a grip on your perspective.
Go out and play frisbee in the park with someone you can touch or go to a movie or go buy something new and soft and sexy, for god's sakes - for you or someone you love.

Turn the fucking computer off if it's making you feel bad.
Take a break.
THEN come back, all fresh and new.

So sayeth the voice of recent break-taking experience.
Last edited:
Re: Re: Re: The numbers do not lie.

Ebonyfire said:
cym, the day I let YOU tell me what to do, Hell will freeze over.

I don't care what you think. You are bordering flaming me right now. Perhaps you need to take another break yourself.

Sorry if you do not like my flavor, but deal with it.

If you have something to say to me, say it in a PM, but do not front off on me on this forum.

Ebony P.S. Do not blow smoke up my ass anymore! Unlike you, I have never broken any of the rules of this forum. So, back off.

Eb, i will say whatever i want to say to whomever i want to say it wherever i choose to do so. You will not tell me where and when and on what i may post.

I am not flaming you at all. I'm trying hard to rachet down the level of animosity you're spewing all over the landscape. I care deeply for the temperature of this forum and, if you've read any of my posts at all in the last 30 hours or so, you'd have to recognize that fact.

Now that you've puked up such bullshit, i have to call your bluff: what forum rules have i broken? C'mon. You said i broke some rules. What are they - or are you just running your mouth?

I have broken no forum rules.
I wrote the fucking rules, Eb, i know what they are.
And i haven't broken any of them.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The numbers do not lie.

cymbidia said:
Eb, i will say whatever i want to say to whomever i want to say it wherever i choose to do so. You will not tell me where and when and on what i may post.

I am not flaming you at all. I'm trying hard to rachet down the level of animosity you're spewing all over the landscape. I care deeply for the temperature of this forum and, if you've read any of my posts at all in the last 30 hours or so, you'd have to recognize that fact.

Now that you've puked up such bullshit, i have to call your bluff: what forum rules have i broken? C'mon. You said i broke some rules. What are they - or are you just running your mouth?

I have broken no forum rules.
I wrote the fucking rules, Eb, i know what they are.
And i haven't broken any of them.

Neither have I.

And I am not spewing anything, you are. Own it.
The rules i've broken, Eb?
Where are they?
What are they?
Are you trying to walk away from your words, like you never said them?

C'mon - you accused me of breaking forum rules.
Back up your accusations -or- admit you were talking out your ass.

I haven't broken any rules here.
Not a one.

You're lying about this. It's either an intentional lie or it just kinda spewed out without any conscious volition. Which is it?

In any case, i'm not going to accept such baseless lies said about me in silence. You picked the wrong submissive on which to try to pull this kinda shit.

And this, Eb, is *still* not flaming. I'm only insisting you back up your assertions about my breaking forum rules.

I didn't claim that about myself.
You did.

Back up your claim.
Or apologize to me.
Or ignore this and hope no one but you and i read it.
Or run away.

Your choice.
Another Example Supporting Anonymous Mods

This string of nastiness is another example supporting my earlier suggestion for Anonymous Moderation.

Wearing two hats is effectively impossible.

It is a conflict of interest.

It is hard on the Mods.

And it creates an apprehension of bias amongst users.

Moderators are supposed to.....moderate. maintain and where necessary, restore order.

It is irrelevant who is "right" or "wrong" in a case such as this, Cym.

You are presently failing in the duty and responsibility entrusted in you as a Mod by what you are doing.

And you should cease immediately, apologize for reaming Eb and hope she stops firing back.

Think about it.


cymbidia said:
The rules i've broken, Eb?
Where are they?
What are they?
Are you trying to walk away from your words, like you never said them?

C'mon - you accused me of breaking forum rules.
Back up your accusations -or- admit you were talking out your ass.

I haven't broken any rules here.
Not a one.

You're lying about this. It's either an intentional lie or it just kinda spewed out without any conscious volition. Which is it?

In any case, i'm not going to accept such baseless lies said about me in silence. You picked the wrong submissive on which to try to pull this kinda shit.

And this, Eb, is *still* not flaming. I'm only insisting you back up your assertions about my breaking forum rules.

I didn't claim that about myself.
You did.

Back up your claim.
Or apologize to me.
Or ignore this and hope no one but you and i read it.
Or run away.

Your choice.
Stop telling me what to do and how to do it, Lance.

The mods in this forum have already begun using the The BDSM Forum Mods nick when officiating.

When not officiating, we're ourselves: Risia, James, and me, cym. Just people. Just forum members.

And i'm not going to allow anyone to tell bald-faced lies about me - nor would you allow anyone to do that to you.
To cym,

You wrote:

Are you trying to walk away from your words, like you never said them?

I see you are running true to form, cym., the confrontational stance .

C'mon - you accused me of breaking forum rules.

BDSM Forum Rules
1. No spam
2. No personals ads
3. No posting of another's personal information
4. No posting of your own private email address
5. No threats

I thought that no flaming was one of the rules, but I guess I was wrong. It figures.

I will apologize for that only. I am sorry I said that you broke the forum rules. However your venomous post is much worse then me saying you broke one of those 5 rules.

But you did flame me. And I will consider this whole pissing match another way of making my point. No wonder newbies are dropping like flies.

Back up your accusations -or- admit you were talking out your ass.

Another uncalled for statement. YOU are a rude bitch. As for talking out my ass, I think you corner the market on that. Rudeness is your forte.

I haven't broken any rules here.
Not a one.

That is the least of what you do, cym

You're lying about this.
Join the club. You are a liar too. First of all you are lying when you said that you did not mean to flame me. You purposely came online to fuck with me. YOU prove otherwise.

It's either an intentional lie or it just kinda spewed out without any conscious volition. Which is it?

Neither, but since you are in attack bitch mode, have fun. You are the Queen of spewing.

You picked the wrong submissive on which to try to pull this kinda shit.

In fact, I did not “pick” you at all. You posted your venom first.

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. But the way you posted it was out of line. And your so called apology was just as phony as your righteous indignation is now.

If anything you picked me. You went into a baseless psychoanalysis of my personality, and got nasty in your post for now good reason. You accused me of having a chi on my shoulder (one of the nicer things you said) cause you did not like what I said. I am not the only one who has had to put up with your venomous posts.
You too picked the wrong woman to pick on tonight cym. I ain’t backing off, and I ain’t kissing your ass.

And this, Eb, is *still* not flaming

Oh I disagree.

I'm only insisting you back up your assertions about my breaking forum rules.

Insisting? Bullshit, you are trying to make a point, or is it an example? It is said that the best defense is a good offense. You are pretty offensive right now.

Back up your claim.
Or apologize to me.
Or ignore this and hope no one but you and i read it.
Or run away.
Your choice.

You made my point again. That is what I call the parting shot. You know the one that always comes at the end of your “spew?”

As for run away from the likes of you? Be serious. Like I have always said. Thisis a fricking porn site. You take yourself way too seriously.