Questions for submissives

Re: Another Example Supporting Anonymous Mods

Lancecastor said:
This string of nastiness is another example supporting my earlier suggestion for Anonymous Moderation.

Wearing two hats is effectively impossible.

It is a conflict of interest.

It is hard on the Mods.

And it creates an apprehension of bias amongst users.

Moderators are supposed to.....moderate. maintain and where necessary, restore order.

It is irrelevant who is "right" or "wrong" in a case such as this, Cym.

You are presently failing in the duty and responsibility entrusted in you as a Mod by what you are doing.

And you should cease immediately, apologize for reaming Eb and hope she stops firing back.

Think about it.


Moderators at Lit enjoy all the privileges of membership. If this policy displeases you, you may make your objection known by writing to
cyms post

it took me so long to answer this, my screen name times out!

Re: To cym,

Unregistered said:
I will apologize for that only. I am sorry I said that you broke the forum rules.
Thank you. I appreciate you having the guts to admit that you posted an untruth.

My dignity and sense of honor demanded you tell the truth on this Eb.

Just as yours would if someone made such a baseless accusation about you.
Re: Re: To cym,

cymbidia said:
Thank you. I appreciate you having the guts to admit that you posted an untruth.

My dignity and sense of honor demanded you tell the truth on this Eb.

Just as yours would if someone made such a baseless accusation about you.

I still think you were out of line.
Re: Re: Re: To cym,

Ebonyfire said:
I still think you were out of line.
you are right.
I was out of line.

I appologize to you, in particular, Eb, and to the entire board for being so dogged in the matter that's taken up too much time already - that of Eb's attack on my character and my overly venomous reaction to that attack.

I was far too reactive.

I am sorry.
Re: Re: Re: Re: To cym,

cymbidia said:
you are right.
I was out of line.

I appologize to you, in particular, Eb, and to the entire board for being so dogged in the matter that's taken up too much time already - that of Eb's attack on my character and my overly venomous reaction to that attack.

I was far too reactive.

I am sorry.

You attacked my character first. Just read what you said! It is way more nasty than me saying you broke those 5 little rules. How can you even equate them?
The BDSM board grows and becomes more like the rest of Literotica. All fluff-lovers flee into the waiting maw of the Playground. The peasants rejoice.

Film at eleven.
Details at 6.

cymbidia said:
Thank you. I appreciate you having the guts to admit that you posted an untruth.

My dignity and sense of honor demanded you tell the truth on this Eb.

Just as yours would if someone made such a baseless accusation about you.

I dunno, Never...our Moderator, Cym, posted some fairly Personal stuff about Eb during their exchange yesterday, and threw in some amateur psychotherapy for good measure.

Things I'd never read before.

Things that weren't square on topic.

Things that sounded patronizing and condesending from here.

I was embarassed reading it, myself.

Mostly for Cym....I found it very unpro.

And the subsequent "apology" was rimmed with salt.

Again, very unpro and low.

I don't think that's the way a Board should be Moderated.

If the Mods are going to rake muck....if that's the best we can hope for.....well, I just think it sets a very poor tone.

Cymbidia doesn't need to be professional Lance; the Mod position is 100% voluntary. If Ebonyfire feels that cymbidia has violated board rules with the posting of personal information then she needs to contact cymbidia to have the post edited or contact Laurel with a complaint about cymbidia's behavior.

Moderators can be as polite or as assholish as they desire. I've seen moderators flame other posters on all of the boards, I've seen them give ass-rippings that make anything cym has ever said the equivalent of sticking her tongue out at someone.

The BDSM mods are the nicest, bar none.
ok not getting involved or picking sides but cym is a poster first moderator second nobody says KM shouldnt have opinions or bash people if she wants on the GB because shes a moderator

i often see if someone disagrees with cym that they bring up the fact she shoudlnt act certain ways because shes a moderator ... unless shes deleting all your posts or banning you from literotica i dont think her being a moderator has anything to do with it

tell her she smells like poo instead or that shes cross eyed :)
Lancecastor said:
If the Mods are going to rake muck....if that's the best we can hope for.....well, I just think it sets a very poor tone.
Lance, this is the last time i'm going to post to you on this board.

You should know about muckraking: that's all you've done since you got here. Regular posters are staying away from this place in droves because of you. You've done more to upset harmony and cause grief to good people in the very short time that you've been here then all the rest of the trouble-causing people that have ever posted here combined.

You're a drama queen of the first order, someone for whom the anonymity of the net allows bad behavior, actions, and words you'd never say in public to anyone's face.

You grow tiresome, Lance, you and your passive-aggressive juvenile histrionics. If i could ban you from this place for being a total unmitigated pain the ass and troublemaker, i would. You should send a quick note of thanks to Laurel/Manu that their policies forbid such an action.

Instead, little-boy-running-wild, i'm going to do what i've only done to one person in the entire time i've been at Lit: i'm going to put you on ignore. You have nothing of interest to say. You only and forever wring your hands (center stage, of course, all the lights carefully aimed at you) while declaiming how terrible things are here and how you know what we all must do - and immediately! - in order to make the place wonderful and pleasant and totally cool.

Fuck that, Lance.

You've got nothing beyond hot air and cold shoulders to offer this forum. You talk a good talk and toss a lot of words in here, but all you are is a guy with a computer and a desire to run amuck in one of the only places of warmly supportive community and inherent goodness in this corner of the Lit universe.

All you want to do is wreck this place.

If you don't like it, leave.

But you're going on ignore in my life, Lance. You've got nothing of interest, nothing constructive, nothing positive to add to this place and i am all done getting upset by you or allowing you any measure of influence in my life.

Good-by, Drama Queen Lance.
Never said:
The BDSM board grows and becomes more like the rest of Literotica. All fluff-lovers flee into the waiting maw of the Playground. The peasants rejoice.

Film at eleven.

You go girl. And there you have it. The new and improved assimilated bdsm board.
Oh good I see we are getting no better than the GB over here. Trolls coming in and posting as "guests". That's one of the reasons I've spent less and less time over there and more here. However, this argument has been going on for three days now. Can’t we please have a cease fire? Just a humble request, not blasting anyone, I don’t care to take sides and add to this split.

I just would really love it if this board could move on now. This place means a lot to me for furthering my growing knowledge and experience in my R/L D/s lifestyle.

Thanks for listening, ignore me if you want, I won’t argue or split hairs with anyone on this issue. JMHO & 2 cents

Why does it seem like every time I take a day off, people forget to take their medication.

I'm so sick of this shit. All of it.

RisiaSkye said:
Why does it seem like every time I take a day off, people forget to take their medication.

I'm so sick of this shit. All of it.

Hey...Discussion on this crap is closed.

Back to business as usual.

Wow, I wish I had the time to get more involved in this board, this all seems very interesting, but I have no background info to make a lot of these comments clear.