Rant about poets

Recidiva said:
That Salmon smells funny! Just who the hell does that Salmon think He is!?
This salmon's distant cousin.
Liar said:
This salmon's distant cousin.

Douglas Adams is one of the best authors who has engineered one of my favorite thoughts. Dirk Gently's Holistic I-Ching Calculator whose answer was "A Suffusion of Yellow"

I love that guy.
WickedEve said:
Reputation? Me? Shucks no. I just realized that we don't know each other very well. I've never threatened to leave you drained and whimpering in a corner, have I? Gosh, I've been too nice lately, and I'm losing the rep that I did have! :rolleyes: It's me! Wickedeve. Dildo queen!
It may be time to put my ass avs back up... I need to dust them off, though.

I think you are wimping out...... :D
Dear Will
by My Erotic Tail ©

Dear Will:

I dare not tell
the men of musket and rye
that a poem was written
much less claim
it was I

For their views of worth:
a hundred yard bull's eye
wrestling a bear
after a keg
of ale or rye

I drinketh not
and for that I am shunned
but they're impressed
with my handling
of Griz and a gun.

That's the way of the forest
where I reside
but by candle light
my words to paper fly
by day
they I hide

To be
or not to be
maybe a choice
but my mind is drawn
to script of a pen

I am no Romeo
I have no Juliet
Perhaps I am dull
But poetry grasps me
like Hamlet holds a skull

Life's tiny stage
you are known to rule
here you would be the fool
I feel you only know
how my pen is a tool

To remove my hand
would surely end my write
But that wouldn't stop
the words inside
my tongue would improvise

I write you now
cause I feel you know
the inner beast
that gnaws at my prose
and scribbles in candle lite glows

Is there a cure
for my desires?
this need to write
an act or scene
or is it death or poetry?

My dear friend Will
I suffer a madness
in my head's sphere
tonight's write
to William Shakespeare
My Erotic Tale said:
Dear Will
by My Erotic Tail ©

Dear Will:

I dare not tell
the men of musket and rye
that a poem was written
much less claim
it was I

For their views of worth:
a hundred yard bull's eye
wrestling a bear
after a keg
of ale or rye

I drinketh not
and for that I am shunned
but they're impressed
with my handling
of Griz and a gun.

That's the way of the forest
where I reside
but by candle light
my words to paper fly
by day
they I hide

To be
or not to be
maybe a choice
but my mind is drawn
to script of a pen

I am no Romeo
I have no Juliet
Perhaps I am dull
But poetry grasps me
like Hamlet holds a skull

Life's tiny stage
you are known to rule
here you would be the fool
I feel you only know
how my pen is a tool

To remove my hand
would surely end my write
But that wouldn't stop
the words inside
my tongue would improvise

I write you now
cause I feel you know
the inner beast
that gnaws at my prose
and scribbles in candle lite glows

Is there a cure
for my desires?
this need to write
an act or scene
or is it death or poetry?

My dear friend Will
I suffer a madness
in my head's sphere
tonight's write
to William Shakespeare

Damn, that 's good - that's having fun with it - keep it up
BTW you can get away with candle lit glow
twelveoone said:
Damn, that 's good - that's having fun with it - keep it up
BTW you can get away with candle lit glow
did i just enter the twilight zone?

i likes it too MET

WickedEve said:
Reputation? Me? Shucks no. I just realized that we don't know each other very well. I've never threatened to leave you drained and whimpering in a corner, have I? Gosh, I've been too nice lately, and I'm losing the rep that I did have! :rolleyes: It's me! Wickedeve. Dildo queen!
It may be time to put my ass avs back up... I need to dust them off, though.
Dust them off? Hmm.. need some assistance dusting your ass off? I mean, ass AVs...

we have become a visual society reliant on commercialism devoid of any true creativity...if it takes some effort to understand than it is too much like work, western culture has become lazy and corrupt, we no longer strive to work at anything....and that is doubly true if it involves thought.
don't believe me...try walking into a walmart and looking around, not just at the merchandise...look at the people. Most are overweight (which Iggy Pop pointed out many years ago as a sign of corruption in a society) how many do you think have read anything like Faust, or Dickens or Freud...Neitchze? How many have even heard of Thelonious Monk? Try to find someone to play chess with some time... Come on you want to know why poetry is dead to most....look around. So is philosophy, and independant thought for that matter...all that remains is the dogma of the dollar and the theology of prozac...remember happy stupid sheep are easier to control.
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Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
we have become a visual society reliant on commercialism devoid of any true creativity...if it takes some effort to understand than it is too much like work, western culture has become lazy and corrupt, we no longer strive to work at anything....and that is doubly true if it involves thought.
don't believe me...try walking into a walmart and looking around, not just at the merchandise...look at the people. Most are overweight (which Iggy Pop pointed out many years ago as a sign of corruption in a society) how many do you think have read anything like Faust, or Dickens or Freud...Neitchze? How many have even heard of Thelonious Monk? Try to find someone to play chess with some time... Come on you want to know why poetry is dead to most....look around. So is philosophy, and independant thought for that matter...all that remains is the dogma of the dollar and the theology of prozac...remember happy stupid sheep are easier to control.


See, that's what I mean.

It's all about telling someone else to like what you like, read what you like, look the way you like, shop the way you shop. Anti-popular. What's the difference between that and popular?

Remember that rabid dogs are easy to shoot.
Recidiva said:

See, that's what I mean.

It's all about telling someone else to like what you like, read what you like, look the way you like, shop the way you shop. Anti-popular. What's the difference between that and popular?

Remember that rabid dogs are easy to shoot.

The beauty of the democratic systems of thought control, as contrasted with their clumsy totalitarian counterparts, is that they operate by subtly establishing on a voluntary basis - aided by the force of nationalism and media control by substantial interests - presuppositions that set the limits of debate, rather than by imposing beliefs with a bludgeon.

Noam Chomsky
bogusbrig said:
The beauty of the democratic systems of thought control, as contrasted with their clumsy totalitarian counterparts, is that they operate by subtly establishing on a voluntary basis - aided by the force of nationalism and media control by substantial interests - presuppositions that set the limits of debate, rather than by imposing beliefs with a bludgeon.

Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is a wonderful thinker and I'd love to talk to him. What do you think.
Recidiva said:

See, that's what I mean.

It's all about telling someone else to like what you like, read what you like, look the way you like, shop the way you shop. Anti-popular. What's the difference between that and popular?

Remember that rabid dogs are easy to shoot.
Democracy is the worst possible form of government, until you comapre it with any other.
bogusbrig said:
The beauty of the democratic systems of thought control, as contrasted with their clumsy totalitarian counterparts, is that they operate by subtly establishing on a voluntary basis - aided by the force of nationalism and media control by substantial interests - presuppositions that set the limits of debate, rather than by imposing beliefs with a bludgeon.

Noam Chomsky
flyguy69 said:
We should form a club. But then we'd have to hate ourselves.

I love myself. But I'm also a good listener. So I listen when people hate themselves. I know all the good reasons. I wish I could be that selfish sometimes. I'm jealous. I'm just not committed enough to myself.
Recidiva said:
I love myself. But I'm also a good listener. So I listen when people hate themselves. I know all the good reasons. I wish I could be that selfish sometimes. I'm jealous. I'm just not committed enough to myself.
I threaten to leave myself every morning. I've taken about all of my shit that I can stand. But in the evening, when I just want someone to open a beer and sit in the big red chair, I always come back.
flyguy69 said:
I threaten to leave myself every morning. I've taken about all of my shit that I can stand. But in the evening, when I just want someone to open a beer and sit in the big red chair, I always come back.

Walmart Love.

It is beautiful and frightening and it makes me giggle.
Recidiva said:
Walmart Love.

It is beautiful and frightening and it makes me giggle.
I hope to become a greeter for Walmart Love.

Hi! Self-absorption is in aisle 8!
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
we have become a visual society reliant on commercialism devoid of any true creativity...if it takes some effort to understand than it is too much like work, western culture has become lazy and corrupt, we no longer strive to work at anything....and that is doubly true if it involves thought.
don't believe me...try walking into a walmart and looking around, not just at the merchandise...look at the people. Most are overweight (which Iggy Pop pointed out many years ago as a sign of corruption in a society) how many do you think have read anything like Faust, or Dickens or Freud...Neitchze? How many have even heard of Thelonious Monk? Try to find someone to play chess with some time... Come on you want to know why poetry is dead to most....look around. So is philosophy, and independant thought for that matter...all that remains is the dogma of the dollar and the theology of prozac...remember happy stupid sheep are easier to control.

success breeds softness. it's the human condition.

wait until the Chinese populace gets used to medium-rare Black Angus burgers and comfortable shoes...they'll get fat too.

maybe would should build a homemade raft and pile on and sail to Haiti, spilling off the sides like Pa Joad's furniture....how are literature and philosophy holding up there?
flyguy69 said:
I hope to become a greeter for Walmart Love.

Hi! Self-absorption is in aisle 8!

It's mostly that poets that have depth to their work have put in a hard day's work and would actually have appreciation for a good meal and might understand human frailty rather than condemn it.

Just a thought.
Recidiva said:
It's mostly that poets that have depth to their work have put in a hard day's work and would actually have appreciation for a good meal and might understand human frailty rather than condemn it.

Just a thought.
Or be able to find poetry in the wide hips of walmart as easily as in the charcoal cooking fires of Haiti.
flyguy69 said:
Democracy is the worst possible form of government, until you comapre it with any other.

Plato is irrelevent to western popular democracy which has its origins in the culture of the north Germanic tribes of Europe. You see the roots of democracy in the barbarian place names. ie. ing = gathering place/meeting place.

The great Greek philosophers such as Socrates justified slavery as the natural state of some people. The barbarians of north Europe were more enlightened in some ways.

OK we are talking a time difference of 900 years but there is no evidence of the Greeks influencing north Germanic culture.
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