Rant about poets

flyguy69 said:
Or be able to find poetry in the wide hips of walmart as easily as in the charcoal cooking fires of Haiti.

Yes. We are the oppressors. The ones who do not understand all the oppression. Damn us. Damn our understanding.

When will the reaching out stop.
flyguy69 said:
Or be able to find poetry in the wide hips of walmart as easily as in the charcoal cooking fires of Haiti.

The Wide Hips of Walmart.....

a poet should be able to do something with that...get crackin', fly. :)
PatCarrington said:
The Wide Hips of Walmart.....

a poet should be able to do something with that...get crackin', fly. :)
I tried to. Who knew that "reaching out" was illegal in Walmart?
flyguy69 said:
I tried to. Who knew that "reaching out" was illegal in Walmart?

No ma'am, I was only trying to appreciate your cultural richness.
Recidiva said:
Yes. We are the oppressors. The ones who do not understand all the oppression. Damn us. Damn our understanding.

When will the reaching out stop.

it's interesting that this thread wound its way from a discussion of self-righteousness to self-flaggelation.

do they sell whips at Walmart?
PatCarrington said:
it's interesting that this thread wound its way from a discussion of self-righteousness to self-flaggelation.

do they sell whips at Walmart?
PatCarrington said:
it's interesting that this thread wound its way from a discussion of self-righteousness to self-flaggelation.

do they sell whips at Walmart?

I will leave a poem in the "Suggestion Box"

Dear Sir or Ma'am
We have a plan.
We can't sleep.
Cause we are sheep.
We hate our hips.
Please sell whips.
We'll write poems.
They'll sell tomes.
Recidiva said:
I will leave a poem in the "Suggestion Box"

Dear Sir or Ma'am
We have a plan.
We can't sleep.
Cause we are sheep.
We hate our hips.
Please sell whips.
We'll write poems.
They'll sell tomes.
There's an "E" poem if I have ever seen one!
PatCarrington said:
it's interesting that this thread wound its way from a discussion of self-righteousness to self-flaggelation.

do they sell whips at Walmart?

Actually it started out as a discussion about why no one apart from practitioners (almost) seem interested in poetry.

There was nothing self righteous in it. Just wondering why poetry is irrelevent to the vaste majority of people when 100 years ago people would queue up for best selling books of poetry.

Now poets just talk amongst themselves. A not very healthy situation for any art form.
Recidiva said:
I will leave a poem in the "Suggestion Box"

Dear Sir or Ma'am
We have a plan.
We can't sleep.
Cause we are sheep.
We hate our hips.
Please sell whips.
We'll write poems.
They'll sell tomes.

i'm off to the Space Needle.

maybe, after this little chat, it will appear differently than it would have... just another american phallic symbol, a la the Washington Monument...

...that big dick in the sky, waiting to fuck the world.

:rose: have a wonderful day, fellow oppressors.
bogusbrig said:
Actually it started out as a discussion about why no one apart from practitioners (almost) seem interested in poetry.

There was nothing self righteous in it. Just wondering why poetry is irrelevent to the vaste majority of people when 100 years ago people would queue up for best selling books of poetry.

Now poets just talk amongst themselves. A not very healthy situation for any art form.

It's exclusively pretty much the situation for almost every art form.

Hang gliders talk to hang gliders.

Surfers talk to surfers.

100 years ago people were very bored and didn't have that many options.

Now you can have a news group for collecting the most boring thing I don't even want to know about, and the good thing is that I don't want to know about it, but there's a news group about it and they can!

Revel in diversity! Don't force it on everyone, though, just revel in the fact that it's all over the place.
bogusbrig said:
Actually it started out as a discussion about why no one apart from practitioners (almost) seem interested in poetry.

There was nothing self righteous in it. Just wondering why poetry is irrelevent to the vaste majority of people when 100 years ago people would queue up for best selling books of poetry.

Now poets just talk amongst themselves. A not very healthy situation for any art form.

oh...i thought you had tried to answer your own question, with the "navel gazers" remark - it's hard to get more self-centered than navel gazing.

and no, i agree it is definately not a healthy situation for an art form.
Recidiva said:
It's exclusively pretty much the situation for almost every art form.

i do not agree with that statement at all...but don't have time for details.

think "music"..."fiction"..."oil painting"...

PatCarrington said:
i do not agree with that statement at all...but don't have time for details.

think "music"..."fiction"..."oil painting"...


I don't think it necessarily has to be that way for poetry either.

I can't talk about the States but in Britain in the sixties, the Merseybeat poets and a few others popularised poetry for a short while but no one from the next generation carried the torch.

I agree however it was not the best quality poetry but it was something that could have been built on but wasn't. Instead the poetry establishment looked down on them instead of seeing them as opening up an opportunity.
Recidiva said:

See, that's what I mean.

It's all about telling someone else to like what you like, read what you like, look the way you like, shop the way you shop. Anti-popular. What's the difference between that and popular?

Remember that rabid dogs are easy to shoot.

first off I would just like to say


it's not about creating some society of drones that look, smell, think and feel the same way and it's not about ignoring the conciousness of the whole it is about finding moderation. There is none in this place...look around... Softness is a sign of sucess? that's the problem! We eat too much, we drink too much, we shop too much....we are too much. We will consume in this manner until we recognize that our society has become a pestulant hedonistic fat roll that plagues the midsection of humanity.
So go ahead...pop another zoloft to hide your depression, eat another eclair, drink some more red wine cause it's good for your heart and sit on your ass and complain...I might be a rabid dog but at least I do something with my life that is worth a damn...I create art for arts sake...I breathe life and live it to the fullest...I am active and opionated and would welcome more people to do the same.
I ask you this one question....what have you done to benifit humanity today?
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bogusbrig said:
Actually it started out as a discussion about why no one apart from practitioners (almost) seem interested in poetry.

There was nothing self righteous in it. Just wondering why poetry is irrelevent to the vaste majority of people when 100 years ago people would queue up for best selling books of poetry.

Now poets just talk amongst themselves. A not very healthy situation for any art form.

poetry is a dying art form because people are lazy B...they want to be shown not made to think.
I would say the average person has no interest or sees little value in poetry because of how poetry is introduced to them in school.

It's often portrayed as some kind of puzzle or word game to younger students and then in high school most of the teaching time is focused on teaching form and a few poets scattered through history.

If you want people to appreciate poetry than their first experiences with it needs to feel real and relevant to them. In my experience as a student and as a teacher that often doesn't happen unless the kids are lucky enough to run into a teacher who loves poetry.
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
first off I would just like to say


it's not about creating some society of drones that look, smell, think and feel the same way and it's not about ignoring the conciousness of the whole it is about finding moderation. There is none in this place...look around... Softness is a sign of sucess? that's the problem! We eat too much, we drink too much, we shop too much....we are too much. We will consume in this manner until we recognize that our society has become a pestulant hedonistic fat roll that plagues the midsection of humanity.
So go ahead...pop another zoloft to hide your depression, eat another eclair, drink some more red wine cause it's good for your heart and sit on your ass and complain...I might be a rabid dog but at least I do something with my life that is worth a damn...I create art for arts sake...I breathe life and live it to the fullest...I am active and opionated and would welcome more people to do the same.
I ask you this one question....what have you done to benifit humanity today?

I am an I and not a we. I am an individual and can only carry my own opinions, which is probably why I don't feel weighted down by all the burdens you feel. But I do carry my own.

Humanity does not care about me, I am afraid. They do not send me cards or presents. They do not hold my hand when I am sick. They don't care for my children and apparently they think my hips are too wide and I shop in weird places.

Sometimes I can afford to care for them and some times I cannot. Mostly I care for what is in front of me and that is enough. But for those things I care very much, and that, I think, makes me a person in proportion to my own life, if nobody else's.

When humanity finds that it cares about me, that's great. When it finds compassion and care, great. I care back. What I see, I like, I understand. I get it. I'm in. In the meantime, I have work to do caring for the things that care for me day to day. I think humanity starts with yourself and builds from there. Hatred and judgment starts at home. If you find limitation, you find it in your own mind. I don't. So it seems that if I have no problem with humanity today, cool.
Recidiva said:
Revel in diversity! Don't force it on everyone, though, just revel in the fact that it's all over the place.

No one according to my knowledge has complained about diversity on this thread. Actually the thrust is in the other direction and complaining that popular junk is killing diversity.
bogusbrig said:
No one according to my knowledge has complained about diversity on this thread. Actually the thrust is in the other direction and complaining that popular junk is killing diversity.

But it's not, there's always going to be something that's popular, that's math.
Recidiva said:
It's exclusively pretty much the situation for almost every art form.

Hang gliders talk to hang gliders.

Surfers talk to surfers.

100 years ago people were very bored and didn't have that many options.

Now you can have a news group for collecting the most boring thing I don't even want to know about, and the good thing is that I don't want to know about it, but there's a news group about it and they can!

Revel in diversity! Don't force it on everyone, though, just revel in the fact that it's all over the place.

cause sugar and spice and everything nice will fix the world...

ps. I surf, snowboard, hike, paint, hunt, write poetry, shoot photography, model and do anything that I feel an interest to do...I am not so limited or narrow to only talk to those people in a certain group because they have the same interests as me...your horizion is only limited by your own mind.
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
There is none in this place...look around... Softness is a sign of sucess? that's the problem!

yes...that's what i said, but without such zealotry.

We eat too much, we drink too much, we shop too much....we are too much. We will consume in this manner until we recognize that our society has become a pestulant hedonistic fat roll that plagues the midsection of humanity.

history should tell you that the kind of recognition you suggest is not going to happen...it never has before.

So go ahead...pop another zoloft to hide your depression, eat another eclair, drink some more red wine cause it's good for your heart and sit on your ass and complain...

you sound very young, thinking utopia is possible - and far too angry. being mad at the world and being mad at its individuals are not the same thing.

I might be a rabid dog but at least I do something with my life that is worth a damn...

you do sound like you need your shots. i'm sure it's just the fault of the imperfect medium we are using to communicate.

I create art for arts sake...I breathe life and live it to the fullest...I am active and opionated and would welcome more people to do the same.
I ask you this one question....what have you done to benifit humanity today?

i sent my daughter some money so she won't have to struggle to find another grant to continue trying to figure out how to slow the spread of foreign crawlers (brought here unwittingly in the ballast of ships by our new Chinese trading partners) into Northwest estuaries before they threaten the salmon industry. and now, i'm going to do some sightseeing to help pacify my mind so it can make more such intelligent decisions.

settle down, baby...it's a beautiful world. :rose:
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bogusbrig said:
No one according to my knowledge has complained about diversity on this thread. Actually the thrust is in the other direction and complaining that popular junk is killing diversity.

yes, pop culture is killing art...

I need more coffee and to go to work now that I have stired the pot a little. :devil:

B, I have some new stuff for you...need to polish it up a little should be ready by next week... :kiss:
PatCarrington said:
settle down, baby...it's a beautiful world. :rose:

no, I gave up on utopia a long time ago...what you see now is grit and lack of caffine..

truly, I have no anger towards anyone, I am disgusted with the lack of creativty in society and would like to see alot more growth in the collective whole but hey...who wouldn't...I just like to spice things up a bit play devils advocate if you will. :devil:
Bravo on your contribution to humanity Pat...I appauld you
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