Rate Your VD

Click All That Apply!!!!!

  • I had sex with my lover

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • Plus a friend at the same time

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Plus more than one friend at the same time

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • My lover and a friend(s) at different times in 24 hours

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • A stranger, but hey who’s complaining

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • I settled for cheap booze, reading stories on lit, and my hand or a toy

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • I don’t want to talk about it

    Votes: 14 46.7%

  • Total voters
Mine pretty much sucked. No card, no gift, no sweet nothings. He fed me and when we arrived home, he cranked up the playstation 2. Fine by me! I hopped on here and had mad fun with several beautiful women and a couple of horny guys on the Creative Minds thread. Maybe I should've answered the poll on one of the wild group things...Nah, the typing was fun but never required anything less than two hands, so it was a miserable failure too. Ugh! Valentine's Day was grand!

(is anyone buying this?)


Next year, I'm going to the sports bar in my favorite black dress and stirring up some shit with the single guys~:devil: Dampy, you care to join me? Guaranteed to be more fun than arguing on the phone or watching the navy seals kill terrorists on playstation.
lucky-E-leven said:
Next year, I'm going to the sports bar in my favorite black dress and stirring up some shit with the single guys~:devil: Dampy, you care to join me? Guaranteed to be more fun than arguing on the phone or watching the navy seals kill terrorists on playstation.

Of course. You need to ask?
damppanties said:
Of course. You need to ask?

Good then, it's settled. Ladies, any of you that would like to join us next Valentine's Day please let me know and I'll make the arrangements. The only requirements are that you drink too much, talk too loud, dance too long and generally enjoy yourself to the max!

Drinks and dancing are on me, in addition to flowers and diamonds! If you require anything else, just let me know and I'm sure it can be worked out:D

~lucky (taking control of crappy love holidays)
lucky-E-leven said:
Good then, it's settled. Ladies, any of you that would like to join us next Valentine's Day please let me know and I'll make the arrangements. The only requirements are that you drink too much, talk too loud, dance too long and generally enjoy yourself to the max!

Drinks and dancing are on me, in addition to flowers and diamonds! If you require anything else, just let me know and I'm sure it can be worked out:D

~lucky (taking control of crappy love holidays)

Oh My God! What am I going to wear? I don't have a thing!

*drops stupid woman act*

Yeah Lucky, see you same time next year. ;)
(And in between too.)
perdita said:
Put my name on your dance card, Lucky; I'll be there.

Perdita :kiss:

It's a date, P and Dampy! There are a lot of good looking men in Dallas, and probably a better chance that they're straight than in your neck of the woods, Perdita;)


Or we could pick some place central...I'm thinking Las Vegas! Especially since, what happens there...stays there.
lol well I recall there being lots and lots of sex :devil:

No seriously we always have lots and lots of sex but the Mrs went out of her way to make me feel precious including a chocolate kiss for everyday we've known each other (Which amounts to 1,943 kisses) Not to mention a pair of shoes I saw ages ago and commented I might like to get and the usual sparkly jewls :) As an added bonus we stayed home and had a nice meal and lit a fire and just relaxed together.

What more could a girl want?:heart:
minsue said:
Ignoring the goddess on Valentine's Day?!? Dead man walking.

Oh, there are much better ways of getting even than to merely kill him...

*drags claws against desk, leving deep marks*
Svenskaflicka said:
Please elaborate.

Sorry you had a bad VD, too.

Just meant that there's love there and a mere forgotten call is not that bad. :)

Worse is a call, a bad phone call.
Well Lucky, Dampy, Perdita, I'm saving my pennies starting today! If he can get lucky ( bad choice of words here) in Austin I can get LUCKY in Dallas!!!

Only problem is it costs $1400.00 round trip from here to there! Its going to be a long, long year! lol

Now how am I going to get Lucky???? Oh wait, I know that already! he he he

SensualCealy said:
Well Lucky, Dampy, Perdita, I'm saving my pennies starting today! If he can get lucky ( bad choice of words here) in Austin I can get LUCKY in Dallas!!!

Only problem is it costs $1400.00 round trip from here to there! Its going to be a long, long year! lol

Now how am I going to get Lucky???? Oh wait, I know that already! he he he


Good news! We've decided on Vegas, I think, and there are always deals to Vegas. If this won't work, I'll hop in the car and pick you up. It's a date!


(shhhh, no one else knows yet:devil: )
SensualCealy said:
Well Lucky, Dampy, Perdita, I'm saving my pennies starting today! If he can get lucky ( bad choice of words here) in Austin I can get LUCKY in Dallas!!!

Only problem is it costs $1400.00 round trip from here to there! Its going to be a long, long year! lol

Umm... is this the right time to tell you that I live in Asia, India? :(
damppanties said:
Umm... is this the right time to tell you that I live in Asia, India? :(

Where there's a will there's a way, honey! Do not fret, you'll join us for next Valentine's Day and we will all get wet:devil:

lucky-E-leven said:
Where there's a will there's a way, honey! Do not fret, you'll join us for next Valentine's Day and we will all get wet:devil:


Amen. ;)
Valentine's Day is not a family-oriented holiday, and it was all about family in my family.

The kid had recently gotten $100 for his birthday and wanted a Game Cube. And he was all about that. Fuck Valentine's Day, although he would never say that. We went to Wal-Mart, Rhino, and Babbage's. They had empty boxes up on the wall at Babbage's, suggesting that they had used ones, but they didn't. They said that Nintendo was in a hiatus as far as making them. This did nothing for his attitude. Of course his attitude had been lousy before. We'd been trying to convince him that on a raw, misty February night, maybe sandals weren't the best choice for what to put on his feet. He went slamming into his room. I finally told him he could wear what he pleased but if his feet turned blue I didn't want to know. And if he wanted to perpetuate the stereotype that Asperger men don't know how to dress, fine.

After we'd failed at Babbage's we went and ate at the Loop, which is in the mall, now, and not nearly as good as it used to be before it relocated there. You ask me, the high rental there has eaten some of the quality of the place.

After the Loop, the kid wanted to go home. After all, he hadn't gotten what he set out to get, so what was the point in even being out?

We went into B. Dalton's, where my husband was set to buy me the Stephen King Dark Tower book that nobody had gotten me for Christmas. But we didn't find it. I settled for his book on writing (called, appropriately enough, On Writing) and we got that.

My husband had to go to work the next day, so we didn't make a very late night of it. Sunday afternoon was a different story, but that was Sunday afternoon.

The next day I was in Publix and bought myself a box of Stover Valentine chocolates that was on sale at half price.

OK, so I talked about it anyway.
Mack, that hair, it's killing me. And you used the word piquant.

sighing, Perdita :kiss: