Recognition for New Poets

Re: notes from a pompous ass...

champagne1982 said:
Many people who are geared to it or wired for it or otherwise notice the missing punctuation, do not look for the mistakes to feel superior. To point out the omission in a gentle way isn't being pompous, either, to my way of thinking.

When someone makes a spelling error that stands alone in a piece with otherwise immaculate spelling and grammar, those who show the error to the writer, in simple and friendly ways, are not being pompous or superior.

Unfortunately, sometimes those who call the people who do this 'grammar police' or 'pompous asses' find themselves being thought of as worse than an ass.

I like you, Art. You're honest and funny, but please don't slip into a rut of ridiculing those who help in different ways than you do.

Oh My~
Champagne I don't know you well enough to even
say that about you but liar I know and he ain't pompuss
either <grin> I should make this clearer, her poems
comment section has a different view and correction
from each ...practicly!

see ...

You're getting there
02/11/05 by bogusbrig in London, England
I liked it but I think if she was talking directly to her lover who had less than 24 hours earlier been performing cunnilingus on her, I think her language would have been more direct.

And that grass you smoke
Can't compare
Or get you higher
Than the pink petals (?) Labia I assume? Bluntly you are telling him his drug can't compare to the smell of your...well, cunt! I loved the sentiment, I loved where you was going but you spoilt it by being poetic and polite. I assume you lust for this bloke? Lust for him!

I'll read more of your poems but be brave!

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02/07/05 by sack in USA
Simply great writing, Saldne! The only thing I disagree with is the use of italics. A well written poem (such as this) really doesn't need them. It almost becomes distracting and interrupts the flow of the poem.

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02/07/05 by Luv2PleasureF
You spelled "Breathe" wrong. LOL
You already knew that, of course... but the depth, and feeling of this poem is awe-inspiring.
My beloved, you are my one and only drug, and nothing could possibly give the rush of complete euphoria that your presence inspires!!

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02/05/05 by My Erotic Tale
your poem was mentioned on the thread

Thanks for the Journey~

This was the pompuss to which I refered.
<grin> not liar, champagne, etc ...

I think we can all agree, all things in moderation
and you can catch more bees with honey ...
sling to much monure and it starts to stink !!!
Those were pompous? :confused:

Art is in the eye of the beholder, and intepretation in the eye of the reader.

So maybe they are. To some people. I just know that I would be very happy with comments like those.

Oh well, let's go write some poetry.
Liar said:
Those were pompous? :confused:

Art is in the eye of the beholder, and intepretation in the eye of the reader.

So maybe they are. To some people. I just know that I would be very happy with comments like those.

Oh well, let's go write some poetry.

Hear hear, on all counts.
Liar said:
Then do. Go write some. I just wrote another grook. Join in. :)

I'm still stuck stumbling over the damned girl in the flowers. She mocks me, I swear. :rolleyes:
Liar said:
Those were pompous? :confused:

Art is in the eye of the beholder, and intepretation in the eye of the reader.

So maybe they are. To some people. I just know that I would be very happy with comments like those.

Oh well, let's go write some poetry.

I am able to admit when I am wrong
and this statement was obviously a bit
harsh for such comments. Not to bring up
the verbal battle with sack, US lesser poets
are trying, I don't believe to many submit
knowing that their works WRONG!!!
when you say

eye of the beholder ...

remember that you write well ... <grin>
some of us get more than our fair share of
grammar corrections, it takes time to learn
not over night <grin> so view point exploded

I bow humble to the zen masters of pen
cocking my colt 45 for the GUN FIGHT THREAD
LOL..snobbery does not get me.. lol..

Okay guys,
Now my turn to laugh.. on my simple little fun to make others smile "poem" called The letter of the Day kids is P... I got the following comment:
02/14/05 By: Anonymous
It's nice to see you know words. But one worded lines as poetry??? Doesn't work.

Now I could be upset :confused: Or angry... :mad: or just plain hurt.. :rolleyes: but I choose now to answer the snobbery of this POMPOUS remark.

Let us look back upon the evolution of the ARTS..

What would be the result if Picasso listened to the Pompous asses that demanded that ART be colored in the lines? Denial of creative process.. no exploration of the Cubism that struck so many by the brain stem, to reach for more.. such as The Accordionist
clickon link:

Or historical communications as in:


What if artists listened to the Church on how and what they could paint or write? What or where would that leave us today..
Think about it...

What about artists as Jackson Pollack, Georgia O'Keefe, or Photographers Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham (MY FAVORITE) Photography is not art.. or flower painting is not art.. or splashing paint on a giant canvas SUCKS~~~~is what they heard..and they did not share their minds in these fantastic images?

What my friends if George Elliot, William Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton or George Sands were told that their writing was not literature? And they listened...

What if Rap was banned for being not music... or country or swing, or if Ella Fitzgerald was told that she did not produce music? What if Elvis was told he was not a singer, a musican?
And all listened?

Hell what if Homer listened and did not write?

Plato, Socrates, Campbell, Hegel, Bacon, Freud, yada yada yada..

What if Adam thought for himself (LOL oh no here we go!) and did not bite the damn apple, blame God or Eve for his own lack of thinking capacities.... things that make you go hmmm
What if Anais Nin and DH Lawrence listened that erotica is not literature... stories, novels, poetry...?



IF I LISTENED TO THIS CRAP LOL...then I would be crying all the time... but in the end.. people would say that my life... was not a life...because I do not have kids, a husband, a big fucking house, a picket fence...

But no ... I have so much more... I have people who love me.. hell.. you want me to be POMPOUS.. lol.. Can anon say he/she was on ABC Wide World of SPORTS...? Holds a world record for the highest dive ever held by a 113' 3"? The youngest woman in the world to ever do this? Can they say they are mentioned in the Swimming Hall of Fame?

Can they say that they write stories about their own pain in order to help others not feel alone in this life? And others that have read these stories of honest pain and faith... have felt a change in their life?

Can they say they used to light their body on fire or dive into 40 feet of flames from 85 feet for a living...watching wonder and glee that this gave to thousands of children, men and women?

Can they say that they performed shows around the world, danced on stage to bring joy to other people? Can they close their eyes and hear the cheers, laughter and tears from the result of their gymnastics, dancing or diving abilities? Can they say they because of these gifts.. have opened the eyes of closed minded adults..?
Placed a hand on a child who needs a little comfort or a smile from someone they "think" is famous?

Can they say that they traveled the world and met some of the most outstanding people in this life... ones that plowed fields for a living, bartended, and sold wares in the street.... learned the honest and respect for these people? Helped build houses for newly engaged couples? Helped plant a tree with a little Austrian child and neither spoke each others language.. just joy in living and sharing?

Can they say that they changed teaching techiniques at the Universities and colleges that they attended? Demanding other ways of expression then a fucking paper???? Made "intellectual" professors question and change how they teach?

Can they say that they beat the odds in life.. died a couple of times, left a man who beat the fuck out of them, been raped, brutalized and can still see the beauty in these things.... help others to see this... then returned to school in their 30's graduated Magna Cum Laude... and influenced many older women to strive for more in life...?

Can they say that they mentored other younger students? Making sure they stayed in school? Helped 100s of people get sober and change their lives?....

I could go on... but I won't I can feel my head ready to explode...or float out the window lol............ :devil:
I can say these things about myself.. because they are me...
and what I have done...and I am damn proud of never living within the box!

If I listened to the 100's of people who told me those are not jobs, you can't go back to school at 30 something, You can not dive from over a 100 feet, you can not write, you have to live and obey all the rules of this world... don't think outside of the box, don't live.. don't be Du Lac...

I would be dead.............

So dear Anon... maybe in your book that is not poetry... and it does not work... I feel sorry for you... living a life within the box....

So I wish you more.. and Great Sex.. (what comes around goes around and I can never get enough great sex lol...) May you learn to be a bit gentler in your thinking and holier than thou comments...
May you learn the freedom of coloring outside of the lines...learn to laugh and smile more.. life is way too short darling...

Blessings Du Lac :cathappy: :nana: :rose: :kiss:
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I know

I truely see a kolidascope of mentalities online,
well every where, and people either except
something for what it is ... or try to change it
to what they want, or what is CORRECT~

Art is the indifference and I know this because
my calling is Art, not literary writes and they
are the same ... or should be both move you
in some way, with or with out a period or words
that don't all have P's ..hehehehe I liked it,

some loved it some didn't but I loved your reply
that alone was worth it <grin>

compassion for ignorance Du~
a simple little fun vs. innovation


No offense meant, I like to write just for fun poetry too, but the difference is your letter of the day poem was nothing groundbreaking or innovative. Not that it has to be, of course, I am speaking of your argument (picasso etc)

Most writers go through a time where they do poetry games like this. It is the same with list poems. When a poet writes a poem that starts with the same words every line, it might be different than their peers are writing, but it is nothing new. People do it for fun on the boards on occasion (the poem using every word starting with the same letter, or a,b,c, etc) Every jr. high and high school kid does it. College kids do it down the margins of their notes. That is my guess as to why you got that comment.

When you write poems like Letter of the Day, you are writing in a box, in a crowded box, it is just a different box than what the commenter appreciates.

The artists, philosophers, musicians etc that you mention in your post were pioneers. They might have been judged for going against the grain or venturing into new territory. There is a huge difference.

When Duchamp hung a toilet on the wall and called it art, it was innovative. When 1,000 undergrads did the same thing, it was not.

The remark was not pompous snobbery or rude. It was an honest reflection from their perspective and from the perspective of many. There is no reason to belive that this person does not have great sex or color outside the lines.

You put the poem out there, as you said, as
a simple little fun
, so of course someone who is looking for poetry that is not a simple little fun would make a comment. I would think you would have expected a comment like that. I did not leave a comment, as I figured you knew what you were doing was just for fun. Kind of like Sacks poem listing names of writers he liked and making it into a tree. It was for fun.

I have written some silly stuff, like "Doggy," and I had many people laugh and leave positive comments for its humor, not poetic value, and some people say WHAT you call this POETRY?


This is bad bad bad.

:D I liked that comment.

And I expected that, because it was silly, it was meant to be fun, I did not expect high votes, I did it as comedic relief.

You might want to leave a note on anything that is just for fun, as to not get this kind of criticism -- so that people do not think you were trying to something more, and will leave it alone :)

Write what you want and critics will say what they want.

Of course, be yourself that is a good thing and what else is there to be? Even making a choice to live in a box or color inside the lines is a reflection of who a person is. ;)


Du Lac said:
Okay guys,
Now my turn to laugh.. on my simple little fun to make others smile "poem" called The letter of the Day kids is P... I got the following comment:
02/14/05 By: Anonymous
It's nice to see you know words. But one worded lines as poetry??? Doesn't work.

When Duchamp hung a toilet on the wall and called it art...
are you sure it wasn't monure?
Anna I think you missed my point...


No offense taken, but I think you missed my point. My message was that I think that the anon comment could have been more personal, It does not work for me... not saying that it was poetry or no. Hence, missing the whole point of the poem. It was simple, actually a game I play to expand my knowledge of words. I play it with my niece and nephew (not in that bad girl way lol... ) with myself, a form of mental masturbation lol.. and with my partner.. that little fun poem was a result of word foreplay with my partner.. we both laughed and the rest is history (wink wink)....

What I was stressing is this.... we are all PIONEERS just as the artists I listed. What is the difference? They when trying new things for them did not listen to what the rules that society deems is poetry, art, music, or plain old living are....

I listed my small bio because I wanted to stress this point. If I listened to the lectures of all around me, I would be a dead shell walking on this earth. Instead, I took my own path explored and pioneered new avenues. My objection was to the snideness of the remark... nice to see you know words but this is not poetry and it does not work.... RATHER it did not work for them.. that I can take but do not tell me what works generally or not. It is blanketing a small personal view on all people. All those pioneers I mentioned all started somewhere. If we are boxing in the thinking process of adults what are we doing to our children... look at where our society is... children who are overweight, no imagination, dead of heart and slow of mind.... because we tell them what life is and not is...

That poem was simple and complex in so many ways. Life is simple, do not box in the thinking process with negative comments. It is all good! I never once stated that this poem was a new or creative revelation! I do not have that large of an ego or that limited of a mental ability. I believe you get more flies with honey than vinegar. Do not make me conform, to the rules or tell me what is correct or not. You may say that you do not get it or like it ... but do not tell me what is art or not... that is how I feel was being done.

We are all pioneers, but statements like this one install fear of reaching for more. Of being judged and allowing our Pioneer spirit to be crushed. Out of many styles of art evolved new pioneer movements.. look at Picasso, he had to evolve through his styles and periods to create a new style! It is learning, living and loving.

So Anna, I hear your debate, but I think you missed the point of what I was saying....simplicity, comment in love, do not blanket others with your own personal agendas... let all explore to become Pioneers in this life... otherwise where would this world be?

I end with one of my favorite songs...

Song: Burn
Artist: Jo Dee Messina

Do you wanna be a poet and write
Do you wanna be an actor up in lights
Do you wanna be a soldier and fight for love
Do you wanna travel the world
Do you wanna be a diver for pearls
Or climb a mountain and touch the clouds above

Be anyone you want to be
Bring to life your fantasies
But I want somethin' in return

I want you to burn
Burn for me, baby
Like a candle in my night
Oh, burn
Burn for me, burn for me

Are you gonna be a gambler and deal
Are you gonna be a doctor and heal
Or go to heaven and touch God's face
Are you gonna be a dreamer who sleeps
Are you gonna be a sinner who weeps
Or an angel under grace

I'll lay down on your bed of coals
Offer up my heart and soul
But in return

I want you to burn
Burn for me, baby
Like a candle in my night
Oh, burn
Burn for me, burn for me

I want you to burn me bad, oh

Laugh for me, cry for me
Pray for me, fly for me
Live for me, die for us

I want you to burn
Burn for me, baby
Like a candle in my night
Oh, burn
Burn for me, burn for me

Yeah, I am
I want you to burn
I want you to burn for me, baby
Oh, yeah
Burn for me
Yeah, I am
I want you to burn
I want you to burn for me baby, oh yeah
Burn for me

Du Lac~
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Pom Poms in hand...

My Erotic Tale said:
I need some inspiration ...
or encouragement

I will go read the lastest babe.. always here to cheer you on...we all inspire each other.. that is life.. if we just look at the small things.. a rain drop can inspire a song, a novel etc.. a childs smile, a flap of a humming birds wing... or a friend saying... I value you, your writing, your encouragement of others, you thoughts and your joy in living..

You inspire so many Art... whenever needed my pom poms are in hand..

here are links to two of my "other" style stories that maybe will help ....
and when read maybe others will understand what I am trying to get across in my rantings of the last few days...

Story.... Lady Lorraine du lac

Fairytales by Lady Lorraine du lac

Du~ :nana:
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Du Lac said:
I will go read the lastest babe.. always here to cheer you on...we all inspire each other.. that is life.. if we just look at the small things.. a rain drop can inspire a song, a novel etc.. a childs smile, a flap of a humming birds wing... or a friend saying... I value you, your writing, your encouragement of others, you thoughts and your joy in living..

You inspire so many Art... whenever needed my pom poms are in hand..

here are links to two of my "other" style stories that maybe will help ....
and when read maybe others will understand what I am trying to get across in my rantings of the last few days...

Story.... Lady Lorraine du lac

Fairytales by Lady Lorraine du lac

Du~ :nana:
loved the stories Du~
check your comment sections
both were wonderful and interesting

The purpose of "A Poem Academy" is to inspire,
encourage and to learn, I hope we are learning
all the time, (of course we are) when we look back at
the great literary masters of the past, we find those who
flowed with the literary guidelines with perfection and then
you'll relish also in the renegade poet that didn't follow
the norm but their writes spark some wonderful feelings.

we write and we share...
as said >>> writers will write what they want and
critics will say what they will ....!!!

fishing yesterdays pond don't get you todays supper!
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All done with my rant.. thank you for reading my "clean" stories Art lol.. and the wonderful comments! Inspiration and encouragement in a kind way is the way... I love the message behind the Academy and do my best to support it... I just go on rants sometimes when I just plain old have had enough of judgmentalist lol...

Du~ :confused:
I haven't read poems today
seems strange ...I have had computer probs
and so I hooked up the old one and my word
talk about a dinasour <grin> so I am limiting my
posting and comments for a couple days to sort
this out ... figures I just had a weekend I could
have done this <grin>

but ... I encourage every one to write
my phylosophy is one poem a day ..more on good days
ut one thing a day catchs my eye in some poetic way.
It's or Its? What's the difference?

Confusing "its" and "it's" is one of the most common mistakes I see in amateur writing. I will try to explain the difference between these two words so that you'll never again have to wonder if you used the correct one.

You might be tempted to lay all the blame for your confusion on the apostrophe, but it's not really the apostrophe's fault. Let me tell you a story.

Long ago the Apostrophe got a job filling in for missing letters wherever there was a contraction. A contraction is when two words are smashed together to form one word.

For example when you put "does" and "not" together, you squish out the "o" and you get "doesn't."

Other examples are:

would + not = wouldn't
they + will = they'll
let + us = let's
it + is or it + has = it's

Did you catch that last one? Good. You use "it's" when there's a contraction. There's no messing with the contraction rule; it's concrete.

If you take two words, slap them together to make one word while squishing out some of the letters, you must always use an apostrophe to take the place of the missing letters.

Now, back to my story. As often happens when someone does their job extremely well, management decided the Apostrophe needed something else to do. They decided that, not only would the Apostrophe appear every time there was a contraction, he should now also show possession of something.

For example, if the cock belongs to Joe, you write:

Joe's cock

Other examples:

Jane's luscious tits
the Master's whip
Daddy's girl
Charles's buttocks

Now, you might ask, "What happens if the dildo belongs to Tracy and Stacy the lesbians? Do I write, "the lesbian's dildo?"

No. This is where it gets a tiny bit tricky. We're now in the crazy land of plural possessives. To go back to the basics, plural means more than one, and in that example we're talking about more than one lesbian.

THIS is the situation where the apostrophe is forced to go after the s, otherwise everyone gets all confused. If you put the apostrophe before the s, people start thinking, "Wait a second! I thought there were TWO lesbians. I thought I was reading a story about a threesome! What the fuck?"

Best not to anger or confuse your readers. If the item in question belongs to more than one person, put the apostrophe at the end of the word.

So, just to make sure you understand, here are some more examples of plural possessive:

Dave often watched his parents' porn videos. (The videos belong to BOTH parents.)

The sultan adored fucking his wives' pussies whenever possible. (We're talking about more than one wife.)

The twins' sense of rhythm was so in tune that they had no problem fulfilling their mother's wish for double penetration.

But I'm forgetting my story again.

Let's recap. Remember way back when the Apostrophe took that first job? The Apostrophe said, "Okay, whenever there's a contraction, I'll show up to take the place of the missing letters."

Then management, in its mysterious wisdom, gave the Apostrophe his other job and said, "Now you also need to be there when something belongs to someone."

Because he needed this job, the poor apostrophe sighed and said, "Okay."

For a while, everything was fine and dandy. The Apostrophe worked like a dog, and he did it without complaint because at least he didn't have to do what the Comma had to do!

But then someone decided they wanted to write this:

Betty sucked the cock. Its tip touched the back of her throat, making her gag, but she kept sucking.

Now, the poor apostrophe had been working his ass off going from possessive to contraction and back again. When this "its" situation came up he didn't know what to do.

The apostrophe said to himself, "If I appear in the word 'its,' people might think I'm there doing my job as a contraction and not as a possessive. 'It is tip touched the back of her throat…' That doesn't even make sense! And of course, everyone will blame me for the screw up. I'll get demoted and then I'll never be able to pay off the doctor bill for my wife's new tits."

All pissed off now, the Apostrophe went to his boss and blew his stack.

"You know," said the Apostrophe, "I've given my all for this company. I show up every damn day doing the job of two punctuation marks while those slackers the Question Mark and the Exclamation Point sit around all fucking day with almost nothing to do. But not me. Hell no. I'm out there busting my butt with contractions AND possessives twenty-four seven.

"So now, this whole 'its' problem comes up and I have no idea what you people want me to do about it. So here's what I'm going to do. From now on, my job as contraction is going to take precedence over my job as a possessive. End of story. Working with contractions was the job I was hired to do first anyway! So write a little memo or whatever and let everyone know what's going on, because I've had it."

Because the Apostrophe did indeed have a spotless record, his boss accepted his decision and upon reviewing his file, even gave him a promotion. And as for the Apostrophe, he was thrilled. He'd finally gotten the recognition he deserved. Soon after, the Apostrophe's wife got new tits AND a tummy-tuck and they lived happily ever after.

So, I hope that clears things up for you.

"It's" = it + is or it + has
"Its" should indicate possession.
kicking the generator
need to revive the revival
shine the spot light on inspirational hymn number ...69
I don't have the links, running late
but I liked Du's poem

I watched it grow <parental grin>

and cookiejars ......everything

cute poem and cookie says she aint a poet

and the CSI limerick m8boy

just a lot of work went into this for it not to get any comments.

great work,
well worth mentioning.
speaking of limerick
I submitted a poem/tale in the story submissons (illustrated)

"Josh (limerick) Henderson"

big grin>> (*_*)

I love this board. Had to give it a lil bump.
So much usefull information and links...

It needed a bump!

RhymeFairy said:

I love this board. Had to give it a lil bump.
So much usefull information and links...


I agree RhymeFairy it's about time this thread was up and running again!
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