Recognition for New Poets


Q: how many poems does one have to post before anyone places public coments?

It can take time to become established on Lit but if you want people to comment on your work one of the best ways for that to happen is if you comment on other peoples work. You get back what you give out and commenting on others work will lead them back to yours! :rose:

P.S I have commented on most of your poetry
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thanks jennifer i just put a lot of work in revvin up my baby and thought it had a good enough "hook" to get some comments very disapointed

thanks jennifer i just put a lot of work in revvin up my baby and thought it had a good enough "hook" to get some comments very disapointed


Your welcome William, Keep reading, writing, voting and commenting and don't take low public comments personally, just stick with it and you'll be fine :rose:
Hello everyone and welcome, I've noticed recently that alot of new poets on Literotica aren't getting the recognition they deserve.

I know it takes time to write, vote and comment and I have my insomnia to thank for the fact that I comment alot but I hate to see new talent go unrecognized so I have started this thread so new poets or poets who would like more recognition to come in and introduce themselves and their work.

When I first started posting at Lit I had such wonderful feedback and encouragement that I would like to pass this on to others, so new poets come on in and share your work and older more established poets pls come in and offer your advice and suggestions to those just starting out.

Thank you
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Jennifer C said:
Hello everyone and welcome, I've noticed recently that alot of new poets on Literotica aren't getiing the recognition they deserve.

I know it takes time to write, vote and comment and I have my insomnia to thank for the fact that I comment alot but I hate to see new talent go unrecognized so I have started this thread so new poets or poets who would like more recognition to come in and introduce themselves and their work.

When I first started posting at Lit I had such wonderful feedback and encouragement that I would like to pass this on to others, so new poets come on in and share your work and older more established poets pls come in and offer your advice and suggestions to those just starting out.

Thank you
Thank you for your wonderful comments.

Two of my own.

As a general rule, if you are good and persistent, you will be noticed. The mob isn't THAT prejudiced, sure there is alot of buddy-fuck, I do it, I admit it, but some keep their eyes open.

Being a lazy A-hole myself, I can understand why some of the "older more established poets" don't offer advice and/or suggestions. Besides general laziness, it may also be fear, fear of trodding on someone's sensitive ego, fear of retaliation, fear of being attacked as "not a nice person". And sometimes it isn't worth it, and I don't know why some turn the comments on, expecting platitudes and getting the occasional platypus instead.

Ah, Niccolo, is it better to be loved or feared?
twelveoone said:
Thank you for your wonderful comments.

Two of my own.

As a general rule, if you are good and persistent, you will be noticed. The mob isn't THAT prejudiced, sure there is alot of buddy-fuck, I do it, I admit it, but some keep their eyes open.

Being a lazy A-hole myself, I can understand why some of the "older more established poets" don't offer advice and/or suggestions. Besides general laziness, it may also be fear, fear of trodding on someone's sensitive ego, fear of retaliation, fear of being attacked as "not a nice person". And sometimes it isn't worth it, and I don't know why some turn the comments on, expecting platitudes and getting the occasional platypus instead.

Ah, Niccolo, is it better to be loved or feared?

Thanks 1201 for your comments and I know what you mean, some new poets maybe a little sensitive at first which is why some people don't want to upset them with their comments but alot of the new poets on here want advice and/or suggestions which is why I have started this thread.

Alot of us are guilty of buddy-fucking as you put it, we don't have time to read all the new poems so we just go straight to the writers we know and read theirs, which is fine i'm not having a go at anybody I am just giving the new poets a way of introducing themselves to all of us here at lit and asking for advice if they wish to.

Thanks again
Jennifer C said:
Hello everyone and welcome, I've noticed recently that alot of new poets on Literotica aren't getiing the recognition they deserve.

I know it takes time to write, vote and comment and I have my insomnia to thank for the fact that I comment alot but I hate to see new talent go unrecognized so I have started this thread so new poets or poets who would like more recognition to come in and introduce themselves and their work.

When I first started posting at Lit I had such wonderful feedback and encouragement that I would like to pass this on to others, so new poets come on in and share your work and older more established poets pls come in and offer your advice and suggestions to those just starting out.

Thank you

your continuing efforts toward improving community involvement are noble, and your consistent kindness in general presents a very pleasing picture of you.

i think this thread is a good idea, since i think new poets here can learn more and improve at a more rapid rate participating on the threads, rather than just reading a few short public comments on their poetry.

i also think many new poets do not even know these threads exist.

since you comment on their poems so regularly, you might think of informing them of the threads in your public comments, and inviting them to come and join in.

PatCarrington said:
your continuing efforts toward improving community involvement are noble, and your consistent kindness in general presents a very pleasing picture of you.

i think this thread is a good idea, since i think new poets here can learn more and improve at a more rapid rate participating on the threads, rather than just reading a few short public comments on their poetry.

i also think many new poets do not even know these threads exist.

since you comment on their poems so regularly, you might think of informing them of the threads in your public comments, and inviting them to come and join in.


Thank you for your support Pat and I think you're right alot of the new poets don't even know about the threads so I will do my best to inform them and invite them to join and share their work.

I agree that they can learn more from the threads then short public comments and if they would like to introduce themselves and their work here in my thread I hope older more established writers such as yourself and 1201 will offer your advice and encouragement when needed or asked for.

Again I thank you for your comments and support Pat, much appreciated

Good job Jennifer!!!

Being a new poet on Lit is somewhat daunting and a lil scary. Then the fun sets in. A whole new world opens up to the poet. A great place to visit friends, find inspiration, and get encouragement for doing something you love. If one wants critiqued then this is def. the place to be. You will reach deep, and work harder than you ever have in your life.

I personally can already see change in my writing from just being here on the threads and roaming around like I do. Good or bad, it doesn't matter. Change is good when one writes. It opens you up to more things in life.

My advice to you~ ~Look Outside The Box~

So good luck to all you New poets. Have fun...

RhymeFairy~ :rose:
Jennifer C said:
Thanks 1201 for your comments and I know what you mean, some new poets maybe a little sensitive at first which is why some people don't want to upset them with their comments but alot of the new poets on here want advice and/or suggestions which is why I have started this thread.

Alot of us are guilty of buddy-fucking as you put it, we don't have time to read all the new poems so we just go straight to the writers we know and read theirs, which is fine i'm not having a go at anybody I am just giving the new poets a way of introducing themselves to all of us here at lit and asking for advice if they wish to.

Thanks again
This is a positive thread, Jennifer.
I was a sensitive new poet, (actually, I had a hissy fit on the board back years ago when I first came here and someone dared not love my really bad poem... lol) and I do try to remember how it feels to be a newbie. Even those who have been here for awhile can be sensitive or defensive, and I think that's because it can be so difficult for others when you can only read words. You can't see if a person is smiling, or hear if their tone of voice is friendly or not. So, it is best to be gentle until you get to know a person. I haven't had much time to comment on poems lately, and I have been basically supporting the poets I know. I do try to comment on new poets' poems when I can. I'm always happy to offer constructive feedback. And Welcome to the new people on the board. Once again, positive step you've taken here, Jennifer.
RhymeFairy said:

Good job Jennifer!!!

Being a new poet on Lit is somewhat daunting and a lil scary. Then the fun sets in. A whole new world opens up to the poet. A great place to visit friends, find inspiration, and get encouragement for doing something you love. If one wants critiqued then this is def. the place to be. You will reach deep, and work harder than you ever have in your life.

I personally can already see change in my writing from just being here on the threads and roaming around like I do. Good or bad, it doesn't matter. Change is good when one writes. It opens you up to more things in life.

My advice to you~ ~Look Outside The Box~

So good luck to all you New poets. Have fun...

RhymeFairy~ :rose:

Thank you for your support RyhmeFairy it is great to know a talented poet as yourself is willing to give her support and advice to those new poets who may want or need it!

All Poets are welcome whether you want advice on your work or you just want to ask questions and have a chat, COME ON IN and join us!
WickedEve said:
This is a positive thread, Jennifer.
I was a sensitive new poet, (actually, I had a hissy fit on the board back years ago when I first came here and someone dared not love my really bad poem... lol) and I do try to remember how it feels to be a newbie. Even those who have been here for awhile can be sensitive or defensive, and I think that's because it can be so difficult for others when you can only read words. You can't see if a person is smiling, or hear if their tone of voice is friendly or not. So, it is best to be gentle until you get to know a person. I haven't had much time to comment on poems lately, and I have been basically supporting the poets I know. I do try to comment on new poets' poems when I can. I'm always happy to offer constructive feedback. And Welcome to the new people on the board. Once again, positive step you've taken here, Jennifer.

Thank you Eve your support means alot, you are probably one of the most established and respected writers on this site so you contribution is always welcome and appreciated :rose:

Again much thanks to you all
As one who is new to both the art and this particular forum, I'd like to thank you Jennifer for this thread. Appreciation also goes to all who have helped me along to sneak out of the shadows and into the light. This is an educational and enjoyable community but like any other it takes time to be accepted. I'm fine with that, sensitive to the dynamics of community and don't want to appear intrusive. This thread helps cross those bridges.

Good to meet everyone.

OK Jennifer~

What kinda drugs are you takin? Please send a few my way... lol

I am not that talented. I am learning (I hope). I also have not gotten a lotta feedback. Not that I am hinting or anything. Simply a newbie here myself trying to forge through this world, and find a nice quiet spot for myself.

I have been trying myself to *look outside* the box. The positive feedback has been a lil short as of late, (think Lit is burrpping a lil here an there). I have never really written for anything, or anyone other than myself. I do want to be a writer, just do not know if I really have what it takes. Anywho.. tis but a dream....Reality grabbs one back quiet fast huh...

Again Thank You Jennifer, I appreciate your wonderful, sincere comments.

Jennifer C said:
Hello everyone and welcome, I've noticed recently that alot of new poets on Literotica aren't getiing the recognition they deserve.

I know it takes time to write, vote and comment and I have my insomnia to thank for the fact that I comment alot but I hate to see new talent go unrecognized so I have started this thread so new poets or poets who would like more recognition to come in and introduce themselves and their work.

When I first started posting at Lit I had such wonderful feedback and encouragement that I would like to pass this on to others, so new poets come on in and share your work and older more established poets pls come in and offer your advice and suggestions to those just starting out.

Thank you

This is really nice, Jennifer! TY!

Where can I sign up to be a new poet?
ruminator said:
As one who is new to both the art and this particular forum, I'd like to thank you Jennifer for this thread. Appreciation also goes to all who have helped me along to sneak out of the shadows and into the light. This is an educational and enjoyable community but like any other it takes time to be accepted. I'm fine with that, sensitive to the dynamics of community and don't want to appear intrusive. This thread helps cross those bridges.

Good to meet everyone.

Welcome Ruminator

Thank you for your comments, i'm so glad people are responding so well to this thread and I thank you all for taking the time to do that. Being a new poet can be scary so I wanted a place for people to come and chat and share their work with others, I hope you will all do that.

And again I am going to say Thank you
BooMerengue said:
This is really nice, Jennifer! TY!

Where can I sign up to be a new poet?

LOL Thanks BooMerengue,

This thread is open to all, to chat and share their work so New poets can learn from the experienced and the experienced can teach the new.

Thank you for your support
BooMerengue said:
This is really nice, Jennifer! TY!

Where can I sign up to be a new poet?


....we can do that?

Can I be a new one/old one/new one?

The humanist futurely known as eek!
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RhymeFairy said:
OK Jennifer~

What kinda drugs are you takin? Please send a few my way... lol

I am not that talented. I am learning (I hope). I also have not gotten a lotta feedback. Not that I am hinting or anything. Simply a newbie here myself trying to forge through this world, and find a nice quiet spot for myself.

I have been trying myself to *look outside* the box. The positive feedback has been a lil short as of late, (think Lit is burrpping a lil here an there). I have never really written for anything, or anyone other than myself. I do want to be a writer, just do not know if I really have what it takes. Anywho.. tis but a dream....Reality grabbs one back quiet fast huh...

Again Thank You Jennifer, I appreciate your wonderful, sincere comments.


Your more than welcome and this is my thread so if I say your talented then you are! lol.

And if you would like some more feedback then your in the right place.

If any poets want to post work here for suggestions that is great, if you would just like someone to read a poem you have already posted and offer up some feedback then thats fine too just leave a link or the name of your poem and I and hopefully others will gladly take a look at it.

Happy writing
Jennifer I commend you on this wonderful thread. I am an in-between poet. LOL... not new but not old! I agree fully that it is hard sometimes here at lit being a new sensitive poet. We have to remember that poetry is connected most of the time to the emotional qualities of the author. Hence making it a very difficult area to comment on constructively.

I tried to do this on somewhat of a regular basis, although my world has been dancing in the chaotic energy of this material world for a bit therefore, limiting my ability to comment and write! I believe, as I have said before that many times we can find a small bit of a poem that wows us. Therefore a mention is recommended. It makes a world of difference when we know that someone else reads and "gets" what we are writing.

There are many positive threads here on the poetry end of lit. Art has worked hard on the positive realm of this world. Chasing Chickens, Zen mountain and The Poem Academy are a few. I encourage all writers new old and in-between to embrace the good that has been developed here in order for all of us to grow as writers.

du lac~ :catgrin:
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Du Lac said:
Jennifer I commend you on this wonderful thread. I am an in-between poet. LOL... not new but not old! I agree fully that it is hard sometimes here at lit being a new sensitive poet. We have to remember that poetry is connected most of the time to the emotional qualities of the author. Hence making it a very difficult area to comment on constructively.

I tried to do this on somewhat of a regular basis, although my world has been dancing in the chaotic energy of this material world for a bit therefore, limiting my ability to comment and write! I believe, as I have said before that many times we can find a small bit of a poem that wows us. Therefore a mention is recommended. It makes a world of difference when we know that someone else reads and "gets" what we are writing.

There are many positive threads here on the poetry end of lit. Art has worked hard on the positive realm of this world. Chasing Chickens, Zen mountain and The Poem Academy are a few. I encourage all writers new old and in-between to embrace the good that has been developed here in order for all of us to grow as writers.

du lac~ :catgrin:

Thank you du lac for showing your support of this thread and I agree with you completely, it can be hard to critisize a poem that so obviously comes from the heart I mean who are we to say how a person should write down their feelings? But some of these writers (including myself as I always write from my heart or own experiences) don't actually know all that much about poetry but want to learn.

So I call on all you talented Poets out there to share you knowledge and love of Poetry with those of us who want to learn and know more.

Thank you
Jennifer C said:
Hello everyone and welcome, I've noticed recently that alot of new poets on Literotica aren't getting the recognition they deserve.

Thank you

The reviewers do their best. I can say that because I reviewed for a week. I have also 'not' been noticed. You cant possibly mention all poets/poems, and we all have our criteria on what makes a good poem and not. We are different. Recognition for what exctly? Being a new poet? Or a crappy one? I do mean to be blunt, but please be blunt in exchange.:D Do you want recognition? I can give it. Do you want it?
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CharleyH said:
The reviewers do their best. I can say that because I reviewed for a week. I have also 'not' been noticed. You cant possibly mention all poets/poems, and we all have our criteria on what makes a good poem and not. We are different. Recognition for what exctly? Being a new poet? Or a crappy one? I do mean to be blunt, but please be blunt in exchange.:D Do you want recognition? I can give it. Do you want it?

Thanks charley for your bluntness, i appreciate it, i don't want recognition myself I already have loads of support on here i simply want to help others get their work noticed, especially the new poets which sometimes get looked over
CharleyH said:
The reviewers do their best. I can say that because I reviewed for a week. I have also 'not' been noticed. You cant possibly mention all poets/poems, and we all have our criteria on what makes a good poem and not. We are different. Recognition for what exctly? Being a new poet? Or a crappy one? I do mean to be blunt, but please be blunt in exchange.:D Do you want recognition? I can give it. Do you want it?

If you could please make a note next to my name I'm partial to spontaneous shallow praise and ego building.

I benefit more from honest comments and insight. It's all good and it's all welcome on anything I post.

This brings up another point. I'm hesitant to offer anything for comment because I think that when the work is found with the intent to analyse, it taints the first perception of the work.

I can extend an open offer to anyone to bring any work or excerpt of mine to share comments or offer suggestions.

Belated thanks to Charley and all reviewers for their hard work.
ruminator said:
If you could please make a note next to my name I'm partial to spontaneous shallow praise and ego building.

I benefit more from honest comments and insight. It's all good and it's all welcome on anything I post.

This brings up another point. I'm hesitant to offer anything for comment because I think that when the work is found with the intent to analyse, it taints the first perception of the work.

I can extend an open offer to anyone to bring any work or excerpt of mine to share comments or offer suggestions.

Belated thanks to Charley and all reviewers for their hard work.

Thank you for your offer ruminator and for using my thread :rose: