Republican Christianity.

phrodeau said:
Some Venezuelan assassin will be taking Mr. Robertson out tout suite.
Remember when he seriously suggested noooking Foggy Bottom as an answer to our problems? The reports of A/q financing through his buddy Taylor's diamonds pissed him off for that one, I think it was.
Church should keep out of State business and vice versa.
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Should we censor him?

Censor him? Hell no. Put him on billboards and give him free TV airtime. The more people who hear him speak, the less influence he will have.
How about if he just prayed real hard for the target to die? Would that be more acceptable?

That's essentially what he does to get SCOTUS openings.
ruminator said:
How about if he just prayed real hard for the target to die? Would that be more acceptable?

That's essentially what he does to get SCOTUS openings.

I remember back when he prayed for the hurricane to miss his company headquarters in Virginia. I thought at the time that North Carolina might not appreciate his prayers so much...
He's one brain cell away from instructing his followers to fly airplanes into buildings..........same area of origin as Bin Laden....same solutions....same poison...

Spot the difference?


I say we fill that coliseum back up with lions and take care of those damned Christians the old fashioned way.
crazybbwgirl said:
I say we fill that coliseum back up with lions and take care of those damned Christians the old fashioned way.
I see you've been peaking into the 2006 Democratic Platform.
bill-pix-trade said:
Here are some fine Christians I took these shots at a counter protest.

What did that second one say? Love thy neighbor and what? (The pic was a bit blurry and I couldn't make it out.)
bill-pix-trade said:
I think "thank god for sept 11"

No, that one I got. There was something on the same sign as Love Thy Neighbor that I didn't catch. Oh well, it was probably stupid and tasteless.
gravyrug said:
No, that one I got. There was something on the same sign as Love Thy Neighbor that I didn't catch. Oh well, it was probably stupid and tasteless.
Hold on I will check the original.
bill-pix-trade said:
here it is with more light and blown up. I can't make it out.

Hrm. I can't either. The big word looks like "Resume", but I can't think of any way to make that work as a coherent statement. Then again, perhaps expecting coherence from this bunch is overdoing it a little.
gravyrug said:
Hrm. I can't either. The big word looks like "Resume", but I can't think of any way to make that work as a coherent statement. Then again, perhaps expecting coherence from this bunch is overdoing it a little.
They are scumbags. They tried to egg us on, but when ever they came close to us we turned our backs. I did not want to be that nice, but I went along. When the High School Kids showed up, my son being one of them, they had words. We have tried very hard, in all political circles in our town, to avoid hate. We have enough problems with out it.
bill-pix-trade said:
They are scumbags. They tried to egg us on, but when ever they came close to us we turned our backs. I did not want to be that nice, but I went along. When the High School Kids showed up, my son being one of them, they had words. We have tried very hard, in all political circles in our town, to avoid hate. We have enough problems with out it.

Hard as it is, ignoring those assholes is generally the best policy. Mind you, someone should keep a quiet eye on them to make sure they're not doing anything more than protesting, but responding to their spew just encourages them. There's more than enough evidence for that right here on page one of the GB today.
gravyrug said:
Hard as it is, ignoring those assholes is generally the best policy. Mind you, someone should keep a quiet eye on them to make sure they're not doing anything more than protesting, but responding to their spew just encourages them. There's more than enough evidence for that right here on page one of the GB today.

I agree making a seen may not be the right thing, but no one is going to come in to my community and spew that shit with out me taking a very strong stand against it. I can bet I was the only republican on our side of the street.
A zealous belief is a religion, a religion then perverted to meet man's agenda, and you get the lunatics on all fronts...

" A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion."

bill-pix-trade said:
I agree making a seen may not be the right thing, but no one is going to come in to my community and spew that shit with out me taking a very strong stand against it. I can bet I was the only republican on our side of the street.

I don't mean giving them free rein. I mean not getting into a shouting match with them, or debating them on their terms. Do not acknowledge that they have anything like a legitimate argument. Get them on charges of creating a traffic hazard, or littering, or trespassing, and make them move along. Don't, under any circumstances, give them a chance to be "martyrs" to the cause.
I do appreciate where this thread started, but I do not appreciate where it has gone. I think everyone has a right to their own beliefs, and, at least in this country, a right to voice them. However, there all also such things as common decency and being kind to other human beings. I don't consider myself religious by any means, but I am spiritual and have faith, a faith which I don't feel others should bash. I will not lash out at other faiths or spit my views at them, so please don't do it to me.

I do believe in "Mister Jesus, of the Christ family" (sorry, had to throw an Eddie quote in there), but if you don't I'm not going to tell you about how bad you are and that you're going to hell....I wouldn't know. I only pray that the faith I have, and the kindness I show to other people will keep me out of it, yours may too!

So please don't bash the faith as I have read a couple of you have, I won't bash yours.
He has also prayed to god for more supreme court seats to open up in other words take the lives of judges to.

He is fucking nuts.