Republican Christianity.

Gringao said:
Oh, I agree completely. But by the same token, why don't the murderous ravings of a plethora of A-list imams make the same sort of headlines on a weekly basis? Is there not a similar injunction against murdering in the Koran?
Got any recent quotes?
The Mutt said:
Yet he is number one among televangelists. If the "real" Christians don't like him, why are they doing nothing to counter him? Because he says all the things they wish they could say out loud.
One can not sell salvation, nor the hope for the same. He is a lier and a thief, if he believes what he professes he will rot in hell.
AmishPope said:
Good Christians should love Pat for who he is. Christians should not hate Muslims or Pat Robertson, they should save their hate for the evil vaginaterians.
What the fuck is your problem?
ruminator said:
That ain't in the Bible, is it, Bill?

I am not much of a bible reader, and all of the movies about it are old and boring. I really loath the politics of Christan Right. These mother fuckers have ruined the Republican party.

Family values my left nut. What the fuck do they know about family values?
bill-pix-trade said:
I am not much of a bible reader, and all of the movies about it are old and boring. I really loath the politics of Christan Right. These mother fuckers have ruined the Republican party.

Family values my left nut. What the fuck do they know about family values?

I know exactly what you mean. I've never been a reader but I've had select passages thrown at me from time to time.
Gringao said:
There is the issue of scale. Robertson wants to ventilate a single pot-bellied communist thug. Your average imam is calling for the extermination of every Jew and Christian on the typical Friday.

The typical Imam is doing no such thing.

The only reason that you think that they do is that you've allowed your ignorance to be turned into prejudice.

Nothing unique in that.

You can bet that Robertson is now being used by Muslim 'Neocons' to teach Ahmed BinGringao about the evils of Christianity.

Muslim and Christian Fundies.

When will those crazy kids stop fighting for long enough to realise that they're in love ?
Last edited:
Borscht said:
The typical Imam is doing no such thing.

The only reason that you think that they do is that you've allowed your ignorance to be turned into prejudice.

Nothing unique in that.

You can bet that Robertson is now being touted by Muslim 'Neocons' as being the real face of Christianity.

I've attended several different Christian churches. The variety of styles and details of the message delivered is pretty wide even though it's all based in the core philosophies.

The one I attended, during the runup to war, made me very uncomfortable. There was a strong message that this war for eternal salvation extends throughout the world and the message must be spread accordingly. Our mortal lives are insignificant and worthy of sacrifice for the devotion to eternal life as promised.

I'm a firm believer in the teachings of Christianity but the local affiliates can do powerfull things when they deliver the message.
Borscht said:
I don't see why he should be censored by the state.

On the other hand, his co-religionists should probably fire him.

Talk about bringing the religion into disrepute.

Bringing Religion into disrepute has been in vogue since the 60's and the Left will never hesitate in vocally going after every-single Religious foible such as we have here. On one hand, a lot of us want to shut up the fiery preachers who support Jihad, and on the other hand, this is just an old man from a minority sect exercising his right to free political speech (although in the former case you can argue that they are preaching seditiously). Of course, if I adhere to the latter position, and don’t ascribe to him the dangerousness of, say, a David Koresh, then I am at once a knee-jerk neo-con in support of his fundamentalist, Republican cronies who illegally occupy the White House and lie to go to war…

His remarks went to tactics. Would you have traded a hit on Saddam for the war?
BlueEyesInLevis said:
I disagree with most of what he said in this case (and much of what he has said in the past) but I do NOT disagree that from time to time the assassination of despots IS necessary.

Good thing George W is a tyrant.
Excusing the excesses of far right Religious whackos has been in vogue since the 80's and the Right will never hesitate in vocally rationalizing away every-single Religious foible such as we have here. On one hand, a lot of us want to shut up the fiery preachers who nominally hide behind their Bibles as they spread their particular brand of intolerant vitriol, and on the other hand, this is just an old man whose influence has been on the wane for years exercising his right to free political speech (although in the former case you can argue that they are preaching seditiously). Of course, if I adhere to the latter position, and don’t ascribe to him the pioousness of, say, a Billy Graham, then I am at once a knee-jerk Liberal who hates America and Mom and Apple Pie as well as one who doesn't support the troooooooops...

His remarks went to policy. Should America assasinate the elected leader of a country solely because he won't sell us as much oil as we'd like him to?
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Bringing Religion into disrepute has been in vogue since the 60's and the Left will never hesitate in vocally going after every-single Religious foible such as we have here. On one hand, a lot of us want to shut up the fiery preachers who support Jihad, and on the other hand, this is just an old man from a minority sect exercising his right to free political speech (although in the former case you can argue that they are preaching seditiously). Of course, if I adhere to the latter position, and don’t ascribe to him the dangerousness of, say, a David Koresh, then I am at once a knee-jerk neo-con in support of his fundamentalist, Republican cronies who illegally occupy the White House and lie to go to war…?

Mentioning this clown doesn't bring Christianity into disrepute. Quite the opposite.

It makes people think about the difference between the teachings of Christ and the teachings of Bush's tame priests, and it reminds them of how far from Chistianity your snakehandlin' leaders have strayed.

Cap’n AMatrixca said:
His remarks went to tactics. Would you have traded a hit on Saddam for the war?

If Saddam had been assasinated then the next in the chain of command would have taken over and it would have been business as usual.
Gringao said:
There is the issue of scale. Robertson wants to ventilate a single pot-bellied communist thug. Your average imam is calling for the extermination of every Jew and Christian on the typical Friday.

What I think would be more interesting is the reaction here by those that are springing the lengths of their chains to denounce Robertson as a typical Christian.

Issue of scale, huh?

"It is interesting, that termites don't build things, and the great builders of our nation almost to a man have been Christians, because Christians have the desire to build something. He is motivated by love of man and God, so he builds. The people who have come into [our] institutions [today] are primarily termites. They are into destroying institutions that have been built by Christians, whether it is universities, governments, our own traditions, that we have.... The termites are in charge now, and that is not the way it ought to be, and the time has arrived for a godly fumigation."
-- Pat Robertson, New York Magazine, August 18, 1986

"I read your book. When you get through, you [a reader] say, "If I could just get a nuclear device inside Foggy Bottom, I think that's the answer." I mean, you get through this, and you say, "We've got to blow that thing up." I mean, is it as bad as you say?"
-- Pat Robertson, to syndicated columnist Joel Mowbray, author of Dangerous Diplomacy: How the State Department Endangers National Security; the U.S. Department of State is located in Foggy Bottom, a Washington, D.C., neighborhood; "Foggy Bottom" is sometimes used as a synonym for Washington, DC., quoted from AANEWS (October, 2003)

Pat Robertson believes that if God says so, then it's okay to exterminate a whole population that is "wicked." Also, he believes that it would be "a loving thing" done in the name of God.

Issue of scale? I'd say Pat's right up there with Osama based on the various things he's stated in the past. They just have a different "God" is all. Praise Allah! ... err ... Jesus! ... err whatever!
Sam1 said:
Good thing George W is a tyrant.

Let's take him out !

We just need to figure out how to smuggle a bag of pretzels into the White House.
bill-pix-trade said:
I am not much of a bible reader, and all of the movies about it are old and boring. I really loath the politics of Christan Right. These mother fuckers have ruined the Republican party.

Family values my left nut. What the fuck do they know about family values?

The Religious Right believes anything is okay if "God says so." This is a very scary bunch. They are big players in the Republican party too. The millions that passionately follow people like Pat Robertson are fanatical in their support. They're also the reason for the Republicans election success over the past decade. They're goal is to force what "they" believe "God wants" onto Amercia and the world.
Pookie said:
The Religious Right believes anything is okay if "God says so." This is a very scary bunch. They are big players in the Republican party too. The millions that passionately follow people like Pat Robertson are fanatical in their support. They're also the reason for the Republicans election success over the past decade. They're goal is to force what "they" believe "God wants" onto Amercia and the world.

On the one hand, getting the religious right to declare for the Republican party could be seen as a stroke of genius. Getting previously non-aligned blocks onto your side is pretty much how to win in a Western Democracy.

On the other hand, it could also be seen as an act of folly. Long term, the sane core of GOP (Bush 1st types) are gonna lose faith in a leadership beholden to these loons.

Its stuff like this which makes politics interesting.
Borscht said:
On the one hand, getting the religious right to declare for the Republican party could be seen as a stroke of genius. Getting previously non-aligned blocks onto your side is pretty much how to win in a Western Democracy.

On the other hand, it could also be seen as an act of folly. Long term, the sane core of GOP (Bush 1st types) are gonna lose faith in a leadership beholden to these loons.

Its stuff like this which makes politics interesting.

All the rhetoric about family values and morals is what stirred up so many. They did a great "sell" job with their fear mongering. Many people voted for the Republicans out of the fear (Iraq, terrorists, homosexuals, etc.) they bought into. When they begin to see the reality of those actually running the Republican party, the religious right will become a big liability to those that are not a part of the far right. Even some in the far right already don't agree with what's going on in the party. The Schiavo mess and stuff like what's going on with Pat Robertson has already started opening the eyes of some to what they really voted for. I think things could get very interesting in next years Congressional elections because of it too. Bush's ratings are falling through the floor.

Here are some numbers from a usually reliable Republican polling group ...

Bush Job Approval Ratings
8/22/05 	Approve 	Disapprove 	Undecided
Overall 	36% 	            58% 	6%
Economy 	33% 	            62% 	8%

Bush's job approval ratings have dropped steadily from 51% since January.

Much more at ...

If the trend continues, it'll definitely be interesting to see how all this translates in the Congressional elections next year.
What were religious fanatics called before the GOP was formed?

And Southern Baptists NEVER voted for the southern Democratics...

I love the single dimension (dementia) thinking....... :nana:
Lost Cause said:
What were religious fanatics called before the GOP was formed?

And Southern Baptists NEVER voted for the southern Democratics...

I love the single dimension (dementia) thinking....... :nana:
I have listed so many times the south voting Democrat it is tire some. I will look up the link at some point, but it was back before the change.
bill-pix-trade said:
I have listed so many times the south voting Democrat it is tire some. I will look up the link at some point, but it was back before the change.

The South was traditionally Democratic party territory, but it's always been in name only. Even in my State when the Governor and State House went from the Democrats to the Republicans, very little if anything was different. Heck, a number of the "new" Republicans were just the same old legislators that switched parties. The South has traditionally been conservative. Nothing has changed about that over the years.
Pookie said:
All the rhetoric about family values and morals is what stirred up so many. They did a great "sell" job with their fear mongering. Many people voted for the Republicans out of the fear (Iraq, terrorists, homosexuals, etc.) they bought into. When they begin to see the reality of those actually running the Republican party, the religious right will become a big liability to those that are not a part of the far right. Even some in the far right already don't agree with what's going on in the party. The Schiavo mess and stuff like what's going on with Pat Robertson has already started opening the eyes of some to what they really voted for. I think things could get very interesting in next years Congressional elections because of it too. Bush's ratings are falling through the floor.

Here are some numbers from a usually reliable Republican polling group ...

Bush Job Approval Ratings
8/22/05 	Approve 	Disapprove 	Undecided
Overall 	36% 	            58% 	6%
Economy 	33% 	            62% 	8%

Bush's job approval ratings have dropped steadily from 51% since January.

Much more at ...

If the trend continues, it'll definitely be interesting to see how all this translates in the Congressional elections next year.
The Democrats in Congress have even LOWER numbers than W.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
The Democrats in Congress have even LOWER numbers than W.

Why do you work so hard to hate America?


Let's take a look at those numbers.
Borscht said:
As I see it, the unwritten 'punchline' to the story is that this Robertson isn't any kind of Christian at all.

He's just some ridiculously transparent hypocrite who's twisted the faith into a cloak for his own nastiness.

Kinda like what the Neocons have done with the GOP.

But that's a whole other thread. :D
Define what a "Neocon" is as you see it Borscht.