Republican Christianity.

gravyrug said:
I don't mean giving them free rein. I mean not getting into a shouting match with them, or debating them on their terms. Do not acknowledge that they have anything like a legitimate argument. Get them on charges of creating a traffic hazard, or littering, or trespassing, and make them move along. Don't, under any circumstances, give them a chance to be "martyrs" to the cause.
I know what you meant. I am old enough to have done this before.

The school and the police did a great job of limiting their impact. They did not figure out that there are two ways into the school. None of the busses when by them, just a few cars. It was classic.
DallasWantsPink said:
I do appreciate where this thread started, but I do not appreciate where it has gone. I think everyone has a right to their own beliefs, and, at least in this country, a right to voice them. However, there all also such things as common decency and being kind to other human beings. I don't consider myself religious by any means, but I am spiritual and have faith, a faith which I don't feel others should bash. I will not lash out at other faiths or spit my views at them, so please don't do it to me.

I do believe in "Mister Jesus, of the Christ family" (sorry, had to throw an Eddie quote in there), but if you don't I'm not going to tell you about how bad you are and that you're going to hell....I wouldn't know. I only pray that the faith I have, and the kindness I show to other people will keep me out of it, yours may too!

So please don't bash the faith as I have read a couple of you have, I won't bash yours.

As I see it, the unwritten 'punchline' to the story is that this Robertson isn't any kind of Christian at all.

He's just some ridiculously transparent hypocrite who's twisted the faith into a cloak for his own nastiness.

Kinda like what the Neocons have done with the GOP.

But that's a whole other thread. :D
DallasWantsPink said:
So please don't bash the faith as I have read a couple of you have, I won't bash yours.

It's not the faith that's being bashed, it's the more vocal, and hypcritical of the practioners.
gravyrug said:
I remember back when he prayed for the hurricane to miss his company headquarters in Virginia. I thought at the time that North Carolina might not appreciate his prayers so much...

Yeah,....I always think of prayer as not wanting harm to happen to anyone, acceptance of the inevitable and understanding when it does happen.

He is not representative of the faith but sadly, many feel that he is.
karndav said:
Definitely not!! It's whats this country is all about!!! the right to say whatever you want!!! As long as it's not fire in a crowded theater!

It is however perfectly acceptable to yell "THEATER" at a crowded fire :p
Borscht said:
As I see it, the unwritten 'punchline' to the story is that this Robertson isn't any kind of Christian at all.

He's just some ridiculously transparent hypocrite who's twisted the faith into a cloak for his own nastiness.

Kinda like what the Neocons have done with the GOP.

But that's a whole other thread. :D
Yet he is number one among televangelists. If the "real" Christians don't like him, why are they doing nothing to counter him? Because he says all the things they wish they could say out loud.
gravyrug said:
I remember back when he prayed for the hurricane to miss his company headquarters in Virginia. I thought at the time that North Carolina might not appreciate his prayers so much...
He also prayed that a hurricane should hit Disneyworld on Gay Day. Swell guy.
Why do you think Robertson's a charter member of the Idiotarian Club?

I wonder what the reaction would be if I posted an average Friday's dispatches from A-list imams, whose rhetoric is infinitley more bloodthirsty then this dope's?
Gringao said:
Why do you think Robertson's a charter member of the Idiotarian Club?

I wonder what the reaction would be if I posted an average Friday's dispatches from A-list imams, whose rhetoric is infinitley more bloodthirsty then this dope's?
Folks would say, "Hey, these mooks sound like Pat Robertson!"
Gringao said:
Why do you think Robertson's a charter member of the Idiotarian Club?

I wonder what the reaction would be if I posted an average Friday's dispatches from A-list imams, whose rhetoric is infinitley more bloodthirsty then this dope's?

my response would be the same.

i think any religion is dangerous when it is built upon a foundation of intolerance, inerrancy, and the belief that the ends justify the means.

and i think those qualities can be found in some believers of every religion (and, conversely, that some believers of every religion eschew those qualities in favor of moderation and tolerance).
Solid Muldoon said:
Folks would say, "Hey, these mooks sound like Pat Robertson!"

There is the issue of scale. Robertson wants to ventilate a single pot-bellied communist thug. Your average imam is calling for the extermination of every Jew and Christian on the typical Friday.

What I think would be more interesting is the reaction here by those that are springing the lengths of their chains to denounce Robertson as a typical Christian.
CrackerjackHrt said:
my response would be the same.

i think any religion is dangerous when it is built upon a foundation of intolerance, inerrancy, and the belief that the ends justify the means.

and i think those qualities can be found in some believers of every religion (and, conversely, that some believers of every religion eschew those qualities in favor of moderation and tolerance).

By all means, be my guest. It's a target-rich environment.
Gringao said:
There is the issue of scale. Robertson wants to ventilate a single pot-bellied communist thug. Your average imam is calling for the extermination of every Jew and Christian on the typical Friday.

What I think would be more interesting is the reaction here by those that are springing the lengths of their chains to denounce Robertson as a typical Christian.

i don't know what typical is. but he's not fringe. the success of his ministry reflects that.
CrackerjackHrt said:
I'd swear that I recall a whole thread suggesting that only Muslims mix religion and violence.

Holy fuck. A 38 page Ishmael thread on Islam is the reason the Ignore button was invented.

Since this is the go-to spot on the GB for idiotic Robertson comments, let's not forget his remark that federal judges who make "incorrect" rulings are more dangerous than the 9/11 terrorists.

How much you want to bet that despite comments like this, the 2008 Republican wannabes still make the pilgrimage to Virginia Beach? If thoughtful conservatives don't want to be tarred with Robertson's brush, you need to start shunning him.
Gringao said:
There is the issue of scale. Robertson wants to ventilate a single pot-bellied communist thug. Your average imam is calling for the extermination of every Jew and Christian on the typical Friday.

What I think would be more interesting is the reaction here by those that are springing the lengths of their chains to denounce Robertson as a typical Christian.

You also have to consider the remarks of Boynton in regard to religion and killing/war.

Remember too, the war is based on the principle that lives of another country are less valuable that ours. This comes from the foundation that drawing the terrorists to Iraq to engage them makes us safer here. That's not true but that's what the Cons/Rep leadership says.
Gringao said:
There is the issue of scale...
A Christian leader has no more business calling for the murder of one man than he does of a thousand. It's not only incitement to illegal activity in the land he lives in, it's contrary to the 10 commandments (which make no reference to scale.) The reason it's a big story is neither his political leaning nor the extreme solution itself; it's got legs in the media because it completely flies in the face of the most fundamental biblical teachings.
LukkyKnight said:
A Christian leader has no more business calling for the murder of one man than he does of a thousand. It's not only incitement to illegal activity in the land he lives in, it's contrary to the 10 commandments (which make no reference to scale.) The reason it's a big story is neither his political leaning nor the extreme solution itself; it's got legs in the media because it completely flies in the face of the most fundamental biblical teachings.

Oh, I agree completely. But by the same token, why don't the murderous ravings of a plethora of A-list imams make the same sort of headlines on a weekly basis? Is there not a similar injunction against murdering in the Koran?
i just have one question for robertson: what would jesus do?
Gringao said:
Oh, I agree completely. But by the same token, why don't the murderous ravings of a plethora of A-list imams make the same sort of headlines on a weekly basis? Is there not a similar injunction against murdering in the Koran?
I've never read the Koran; I'm not qualified to determine if they are as out of line with what they espouse as this well publicized hypocrisy of this call to ignore the ten commandments.

I leave that determination of Koranic compliance of Muslim leaders to the Muslims. If their teachings result in violations of US law within the US then it's a matter for our courts to deal with. Here in what we've been told lately is a Christian-based country it's no wonder people are outraged by such an obviously sinful exhortation from a (self-proclaimed) leader of the faith. It's not merely inexcusable, within the context of his Christianity it is nothing less than indefensibly heretical.
Gringao said:
Oh, I agree completely. But by the same token, why don't the murderous ravings of a plethora of A-list imams make the same sort of headlines on a weekly basis? Is there not a similar injunction against murdering in the Koran?

it could be because over the last few years we've received a constant drip of "evil and barbaric" whenever islam is discussed.

Christians, Jews, and Buddhists don't lash out in homicidal rage when their religion is insulted. They don't call for holy war and riot in the streets. It would be unthinkable today for a mainstream priest, rabbi, or lama to demand that a blasphemer be slain. But when Reuters reported what Mohammad Hanif, the imam of a Muslim seminary in Pakistan, said about the alleged Koran-flushers -- ''They should be hung. They should be killed in public so that no one can dare to insult Islam and its sacred symbols" -- was any reader surprised?

that thread contains 38 pages of "muslim bad" grunting and "christian civilized" chanting. and that thread reflects the mindset of much of america today. all black and white. no grey.

well, it's not black and white. and robertson's latest folly rubs our nose in it. that's one reason why it's getting so much airplay.

look. the king has no clothes!
bill-pix-trade said:
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested on-air that American operatives assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his country from becoming "a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism."

"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability," Robertson said Monday on the Christian Broadcast Network's "The 700 Club."

"We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator," he continued. "It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with."

Pat R. is a piece of shit. Always has been always will be. Any good American, or Christan should kick him in the ass.

Good Christians should love Pat for who he is. Christians should not hate Muslims or Pat Robertson, they should save their hate for the evil vaginaterians.
Gringao said:
There is the issue of scale. Robertson wants to ventilate a single pot-bellied communist thug. Your average imam is calling for the extermination of every Jew and Christian on the typical Friday.

What I think would be more interesting is the reaction here by those that are springing the lengths of their chains to denounce Robertson as a typical Christian.

American morals really are non-existent anymore. I am not talking about tits on TV either. All this Christianity shoved in our faces all the time and we have these defenses of inmoral acts like the invasion of Iraq, torture of prisoners and the defense is always well we arent as bad as the other guys. I am tired of the moral relativism in this country of religious absolutism. Where gay marriage and the public and media knowing what our govt is doing is a threat somehow. If the other guys commit an inmoral act it does not make it ok for you to commit an act that is less in inmoral but still inmoral. That is 4th grade playground excuse making. Great slogan for America: We are not not as bad as the other guys. I WANT SOMEONE WITH COURAGE TO BE A MORAL LEADER IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!
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LukkyKnight said:
Originally Posted by LukkyKnight
A Christian leader has no more business calling for the murder of one man than he does of a thousand. It's not only incitement to illegal activity in the land he lives in, it's contrary to the 10 commandments (which make no reference to scale.) The reason it's a big story is neither his political leaning nor the extreme solution itself; it's got legs in the media because it completely flies in the face of the most fundamental biblical teachings.

I've never read the Koran; I'm not qualified to determine if they are as out of line with what they espouse as this well publicized hypocrisy of this call to ignore the ten commandments.

I leave that determination of Koranic compliance of Muslim leaders to the Muslims. If their teachings result in violations of US law within the US then it's a matter for our courts to deal with. Here in what we've been told lately is a Christian-based country it's no wonder people are outraged by such an obviously sinful exhortation from a (self-proclaimed) leader of the faith. It's not merely inexcusable, within the context of his Christianity it is nothing less than indefensibly heretical.

You should post like this more often, but I know,....the other stuff is more fun.

If you do not currently hold a public office, I think you should.
ruminator said:
If you do not currently hold a public office, I think you should.
That is two people who now hold that opinion. Thanks, but since neither of you is registered to vote in my state the only chance I have is to run for President, and two votes won't win it unless we have enough cash to buy Diebold.


How much cash ya got?
LukkyKnight said:
That is two people who now hold that opinion. Thanks, but since neither of you is registered to vote in my state the only chance I have is to run for President, and two votes won't win it unless we have enough cash to buy Diebold.


How much cash ya got?

It'll be the power of the sincere speaker for the people who will be there when folks send the legal, honest contributions to put him/her in office.

That's all the average person wants.