Scores from the first round of judgement


Poets were asked days ago to let U.P. what poem of theirs they preferred to be used. If you didn't reply, he selected the poem for you. Apparently, you didn't read it.

Guys some of the questions we get require nothing more than following a discussion. It's one thing for newbies to hijack threads and to post in inappropriate places, but the rest of us know that it's a pretty good idea to check the first post of thread to see what it's about and to peruse the replies in a thread before jumping in.

Come on, guys. This wasn't some secret operation. We chose to participate. Nobody is going to remind folks to check in periodically.

I got bumped. So what. Folks liked the poem. That works for me.


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I would not argue that the poem was about a break up to you. The problem is to 5 judges, they didn't see a definitive reference that says so. I believe you knew. Unfortunately, the judges couldn't find a reference to substantiate that. That is logic. It's not subjective. Where in your poem does the reader learn this is after a breakup?

My poem talks about a breakdown or possibility of an ending, but the poem does not definitively indicate the relationship dissolved.

You are coming dangerously close to saying that five people are judging these works solely on their personal preference and that is unsportsmanlike and uncalled for. Nobody is getting paid to invest their time. I'd like to think that those who volunteered, did so because they geniuenly respect and value the efforts that all the participants made.

You, yourself argue vehemently about how subjective poetry is. Now you're arguing that there should be logical criteria. U.P. told you what the criteria was. The first round was ranked with respect to style, form and imagery. The judges ranked a single score of 1-5. Highest averages advanced to the final round. In the medal round these same elements will be judged individually on a scale of 1-10. The medals will be awarded based on total scores. The highest possible score is 30pts.

All of this has been explained and has been on the board for days.


kind daughter

UP did ask me a while ago and I did reply.
That does not tell the viewers what poems are being judged.
Peace to you as well,
I was wondering which of my poems was judged. I'm guessing it was Irony: The Heavy Element, but I'm not positive. I never gave U.P. a preference.


No, it does not. But you know and so do the judges. If you felt folks were dying to know, wouldn't it have been simpler to say which poem of yours was in the running?

I have read every poem in the competition at least twice. I know how I felt about them. What a judge says doesn't change my opinion of the poems one iota. Anybody who's interested has access to them so somebody explain to me what the ruckus is about?

I judge a competition on my job every year. We actually award a scholarship. We have a similar setup that U.P. is using. No, actually, with the final entries, we don't vote, we have to come to a consensus. I had to read 150 essays in two weeks. I was told to pick 10. From that ten, the panel selected 5.

This just aint' that serious. We had no drama and we got the job done. This year, we're judging poetry. That's worse. We get upwards of 350 entries. I still can only select 10. We chose 5.

We all cranked out some commendable stuff. The rest of this is fluff.



*smile* No where did I see it mentioned that the judges were to decide if a poem met the criteria or not? Did I miss that? And was it indeed the judges who decided that? Was that a unanimous opinion of all 5 judges?

I am arguing that poetry is subjective - yes. I am however arguing that rules are rules - if they are detailed and clear - like the words that can't be used - that is logic and straightfoward and not really subject to opinion. However, the way this round was presented it seems that unless it was strictly forbidden then it was allowed. Again, my opinion.

I will take back something I said earlier however. I AM being deliberately difficult. Which is how I get when confronted with illogic... or with people trying to pass off subjective opinion as rule of law.

My opinion is no better then anyone else's but I'd like to see people just admit that it is opinion - theirs or mine.

If someone had just said earlier in this discussion... "Hey Dill, it really doesn't matter does it? Its just for fun. Its just opinion. How this person sees it, how that person sees it." I would have laughed, agreed and moved on...

And, if I haven't managed to make my point by now I'm never going to. It really doesn't matter. Time to move on. It actually was fun - I enjoyed having a motivation to write again, something I haven't done in a while...
Unlikely to you perhaps... but not to me. Logic is logic. If you can take something to an extreme - yet still within the bounds of reality - and the logic doesn't hold up then the logic is faulty. You have every right to think that the poem we were discussing was not erotic. And I've got every right to think it was. Its too subjective for you to prove it isn't erotic. You don't have to like it. You don't have to think its erotic but I can think so and I know a couple others who have thought so.

Hey, we're fine on that. I agree to disagree with Mr. Dillinger. That was a matter of opinion.

However, this other matter is more definitively measured, and it is Mr. Dillinger's logic that is faulty.

*points at Dillinger in the manner of a TV actor portraying a wild, frothing trial attorney!*

*takes a moment to wipe the spittle from her chin with a dainty handkerchief*

Ladies and gentlemen, I refer to Exhibit A, the rules of the Olympic Heavy Lifting Event: "Construct a poem addressing the break up or parting of a relationship it can be mean or nasty, poignant or funny. The format is wide open..."

Mr. Dillinger, says, "The poem is about how I felt after the breaking up of a relationship. Are you going to tell me that the way I felt after the relationship was over is invalid? "The format is wide open..."

Oh, no, ladies and gentlemen. I now see the problem. He is taking it personally. I'm in no way invalidating his feelings! I have every confidence that he felt this deep desolation after his break up. It is very obvious if you read his poem. He had every right to feel that way and I'm sure that his heart went into that poem, just as my heart went into my love letter.

But, let us again look at Exhibit A! Look at this part specifically: "Construct a poem addressing the break up or parting of a relationship..." It says to address the break up, not the aftermath.

If Robert Frost submitted his poem about walking in the snowy woods in the evening and submitted it would it be conforming to the contest rules? NO. What if he said, "But after I parted with Miss Hollingsworth I felt so tranquil as I walked. This poem conveys how I felt." Would the poem fit within the rules then? Still, no, I say!

*slaps a fist into her hand for emphasis*

*turns to Dillinger with narrowed eyes and a shrill voice*

Perhaps Mr. Dillinger has a problem with the mixed heritage of the judges! Is that it? Are you a racist, Mr. Dillinger???? Does it rankle you to the marrow of your white supremacist bones to be judged by those with a skin color different from your own????

*flinches at the sharp rap of the judge's gavel and the shout of objection from the opposing attorney*

Withdrawn! I apologize to the court. I apologize to Mr. Dillinger.

*takes a moment to compose herself*

Ladies and gentlemen, in closing, I think that I have proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the rules are crystal clear, and not vague at all, as Mr. Dillinger proposed, and that all he is guilty of is misinterpretation of said rules.

Does this prohibit him from participating further in the Poetry Olympics? Surely not. I'm sure all of the honorable judges would be delighted to see his continued participation. As would I.

*winks at Dill*
Sorry Dillypop, I'm with the rest of the tribe on this one. It was about desolation. It may have been how you felt after a break up, but I had no idea it was about the end of a relationship. I didn't know until you told me a few posts ago.

It's not whether you know it's about a loss of a relationship, it's about whether your audience knows it.

So far, the results are rather conclusive. Your audience was clueless about the cause of the desolation in your poem.

Will you still take your clothes off? Please?

daughter, what you said

So what poems are they?
It may seem unfair to many that the poems that have been judged and poems that may continue to be judged are more like a dart throw for those that would like to read the actual poems.

I don't know about you but I am having about 250 people over next week to see the results of this competition. Non of them know which to read, nor do I. So we will all run around naked with no particular purpose. Was there mention of jello?
What don't you get


U.P. posted the list of every participant on the score board. Everybody got a score in the first round. I think five of you submitted more than one poem. Your friends can read straight from the list. They can read the 7 or so threads with every poem in the competition. Tell them which poem you told U.P. to pass onto the judges. Ask the other poets who posted multiples which ones they requested or wait until the final medal winners are announced. I don't know. I think U.P. will announce the poet and the poem. :)

Are you trying to give me grief or you really don't get it?

((daughter walking off shaking her head))


Dillinger said:


Thanks for your... opinion.


Opinion? Opinion?

Ack! The man is dense! Dense, I tell you!

*throws up her hands in exasperation!*
Damn kids! Stop yer fightin'!!!

smithpeter, put a link to your poem on this thread, or in your sig line. Or ask U.P. if he'll edit the first post and add the poem titles.
daughter stop squabbling with a man. You're better than that. :D

Dillinger and Whispersecret, is this foreplay for you two? :heart:
Re: Damn kids! Stop yer fightin'!!!

WickedEve said:
Dillinger and Whispersecret, is this foreplay for you two? :heart:

If it is, Dillie's never gonna get laid by me. Exasperation is not my idea of foreplay. ;)