
I too love the sensation of fingernails gently rakeing my spine, but if someone is wanting to turn me into a little puddle of Kimmie goo, an unexpected bite on the neck, just when it meets the shoulder.... not too hard, but not to soft. And add just a little suction as the mouth is drawn away...

<shivers> Damn, now I have to go to work like this! What the hell was I thinking, posting before work. :confused:
Merelan said:
Having someone to scratch your back is one reason to get married, a damn good one.

But when it escalates, and his nails drag along all parts of me, in that "special" way. Not that I have an itch way, but that... you are mine way.


Now I know why men have nails.

Anyone else like it? The stinging, scratchy feel.
Quietly extends his while streeeetcccccching.

Runs a tongue over sharp fangs.

i enjoy the edges of a woman's nails, so light they make a butterfly's wings feel like a hurricane.

i also enjoy raking a woman's body with my own just before she peaks. Nothing like that surprised look on her face when she explodes and doesn't know if it's pain, or pleasure.

Gently clacks his teeth together. Smiles and says nothing about "the bite."
Oh yeah, teeth and nails. My gf really lays into me with them, and I love it. I love feeling her teeth and nails digging into me, hurting, once even breaking the skin a bit, all while I'm pounding into her or rubbing her clit. Just knowing that she is feeling such extreme pleasure that it's driving her out of her mind, taking her to another plane of consciousness, making her body clench uncontrollably... <shudder> to know that _I_ am making her feel that way is the most enormous ego boost I've ever experienced. It is for exactly that reason that I love the marks she leaves on me; I can look at them later (or show them off!) and _know_ unequivocally that I am that damn good in bed. :D
I'm suprised , okay not really, but that no one has really gone into the other smaller intamcies of nails and teeth (ie, not during the more hot and heavy action)

For example, I give a really great scalp scratch that can melt any man. I enjoy doing so while we watch movies together. And after a hard day, a good back scratch is a great way to touch and relax.

I will admit a large fondess for having my neck bitten whilst I am being masturbated. Especially when the teeth get near my pulse. Lightly of course. The fear is there though, and it's a wild turn on.
SkylineBlue said:
... I give a really great scalp scratch that can melt any man. I enjoy doing so while we watch movies together ...
Ok, sign me up, nothing puts me at ease like that scalp caress.
SkylineBlue said:
... Especially when the teeth get near my pulse. Lightly of course. The fear is there though, and it's a wild turn on.
Exactly ... wicked grin
I like fingernails raked down my back, and I like turning a woman into mush by running my nails down her spine and shoulders.

Not quite sure if it requires marriage though.
Pre-marital scratching? I suppose it's okay if you wear protection
SkylineBlue said:
Pre-marital scratching? I suppose it's okay if you wear protection


In all seriousness though, Skyline brings up a good point. (No pun intended) Under the fingernails and the mouth are havens for all kinds of nasty germs and such. If you know you're a scratcher/biter, please be sure to wash your hands thoroughly, including scrubbing under the nails, before you play. Brushing your teeth and using mouthwash will help sterilize your mouth AND give you fresh, kissable breath! :D
though we all want fresh breath, brushing can leave small scratches in your gums that will expose you to infection and heighten your chances of contracting an STD orally if you brush too soon before sexual activities. just a heads up.
Well those last two posts put a damper on it. *sigh*

Now where was I oh yes run your nails down her flanks and thighs, rake them up the inside of her thighs then just at that moment at the top of her thighs bite her neck hmmmmmm now thats a thought:D
didn't mean to be a party pooper. i'm all for scratching... i've been known to get an itch or two ;)
From the other angle

I've always enjoyed watching a sub squirm when I bite her spine. There is a very strong feeling of control in that moment, but also of letting loose. I generally don't bite people on the subway. It fun to let your wildness out.
His scratches and bites have covered just about every inch of my bod now and been enjoyed immensely.......though lately we have had a little problem with my seemingly unexplained over enjoyment where once painful bites and pinches, especially to the nipples, which previously brought me close to tears, now see me reduced to a fit of laughter that can't be stopped. ny suggestions what we can do to fix my dilemma?!!;)

catalina_francisco said:
lately we have had a little problem with my seemingly unexplained over enjoyment where once painful bites and pinches, especially to the nipples, which previously brought me close to tears, now see me reduced to a fit of laughter that can't be stopped. ny suggestions what we can do to fix my dilemma?!!;)


A gag?
SkylineBlue said:
is the laughing bad necessarily? is it spoiling the mood?

Not overly as yet but I imagine for a sadist such as he it is giving him new levels to reach.:)

niteshade said:
LMAO... that has got to be irritating him.

Thank the universe he is patient and creative otherwise we might both get discouraged and more than a little p***** off. LMAO.

catalina_francisco said:
Thank the universe he is patient and creative otherwise we might both get discouraged and more than a little p***** off. LMAO.


I imagine so.
catalina_francisco said:
Nah, he likes to hear me scream...just I am too busy laughing!!:D


Well, if he wants suggestions on how to make you scream... :devil:
SkylineBlue said:
though we all want fresh breath, brushing can leave small scratches in your gums that will expose you to infection and heighten your chances of contracting an STD orally if you brush too soon before sexual activities. just a heads up.

True enough, though a soft-bristled brush helps prevent such scratches, as does healthy gums in the beginning. All that said, brushing immediately before sex may not be your best bet. Just brush regularly and then use mouthwash immediately before sex. (Jeez, I sound like a dentist!) :rolleyes:

Like SkylineBlue, I don't intend to kill the thread, just want us all to be safe while having fun. I LOVE the bites and scratches I get from SG! :D
catalina_francisco said:
Nah, he likes to hear me scream...just I am too busy laughing!!:D


perhaps a hard slap to the ass or a pinch would bring your attention back and quiet your giggling? or he could take a fistful of your hair and ... well use your own imagination ;)