Seeking Understanding About Finding Another

I'd get a shit load more sleep, that's for sure. I could so use a day or so as a cat.
EmpressFi said:
My cats would whole heartedly agree

The only bad thing would be the lack of sex, lol. At least with my cat...She is fixed and I don't know if I could be an asexual creature.

And once again, an off topic thread, lol. :rolleyes:
FurryFury said:
They may not be sexual but they seem sensual to me.

Mmhmm. All that rubbing, teasing and purring, rewarding you with a soft paw and some tender moments. Still a pretty perfect life. (No pun intended).
Hi Bengal!

Don't forget sometimes to take a look at those around you. I was living in a community with a pretty big and active bdsm club. I don't play publicly, but I went to the parties, and the munches and the seminars. I was a member of 3 separate kinky sites with active bdsm areas. (Sadly, one of them is no more. These free sites can be expensive for the owners!) But I met my Domme at my physical therapist's office! (She's a nurse practitioner specializing in pain management. Which is terribly ironic, I think.) Take a look around and listen to your instincts. Even in a small community you can find kinky individuals, if you look close enough.