September Film Challenge 🎬

Jaws definitely hate anything that still makes me jump no matter how many times I have seen it, just found this thread will be back tomorrow lol
Day 14 Favorite film from
Least favorite genre

I don’t know that I have a genre I don’t like. I love good films. Full stop. Some genres may be a bit more filled with cheap money grab productions but that’s not the genre’s fault . So anyway. I’m bending the rules a little (but only a little because I think I case could be made) and calling the MCU a genre unto itself in which case this is my favorite:

Day 14: Your favorite film from your least favorite genre
Horror is my least favorite genre. I rarely watch them and when I do, I regret it and I'll never watch them again. I did have to watch The Grudge again to get it out of my head after weeks of sleepless nights. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

So I'll name the only one I have seen more than twice even though it's still scary as hell because Hitcock was a genius:
Excellent choice! This is also my choice for day 13. Lol

Day 14: An Officer and a Gentleman. Romance stuff I'm kinda whatever. But this is a good one.
Day 14: Your favorite film from your least favorite genre

This is tough because I'll watch just about anything, but I'm not a huge western fan so...
