September Film Challenge 🎬

Day 7: A movie you can quote every line

Dammit. Why didn't I read this prompt before choosing the last? I memorize songs better than lines so... another musical it is!

Mary Poppins (1964)

I try not not read ahead, here or in The Challenge, to make it harder, and I always kick myself afterwards. "Oh, that would have been perfect!"
Day 7: A movie you can quote every line.
This was such a a big part of my high school age life. Almost every weekend, and it made a very revealing first date. You can learn a lot about a person with a live Rocky show. Went back to our theater twenty years later and they were still using participation line we made up. It is immortality of a sort...

Also was in the chorus and the understudy for Frank for The Rocky Horror Show. So yes, I learned how to dance in lingerie and heels. That isn't on my resume ...
Hmm... since "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," "Rocky Horror Picture Show," "Princess Bride," "Clerks," and "The Big Lebowski" were already taken, I'll go with my 6th choice.
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I wrote in Bruce Campbell for President because I wanted him to open the State of the Union address to Congress with, "okay, you primitive screwheads, listen up!"