September Film Challenge 🎬

Day 8 favorite sports movie

One of my favorites:heart:
Absolutely a sports movie, and a fantastic one. The Little 500, the college bicycle race, is a real event every year at Indiana University. And Paul Dooley is a national treasure. This was another on my list. ( I had a long list.)
Yes, I'm well aware of the film's historical background and its ties to the IU Little 500. (The screenwriter was actually an IU grad who competed in the Little 500). Let's just say it's not a traditional sports film, which it isn't. It's a coming-of-age film.
Day 8: Favorite sports movie

I guess I haven't seen many sports movies? This one is kind of a cliche now but the first time I saw the opening scene as a kid, I was blown away.

Day 9: Movie with Best Car Chase.

There are a lot, but this is really fun. Edgar Wright + music + heist film. Yes, it has Kevin Spacey in it, but this this set piece, the first six minutes of the movie, set to The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion's "Bellbottoms," is a masterclass in visual and auditory storytelling. It is Wright, so everything matters, even the little hum in the audio. And did I mention fun?

"Baby Driver," 2017

Day 9: Best Car Chase

I enjoy the original as well. But I like the second one more as far as action and car chases are concerned.

But I also love Smoky and the Bandit.
Rule breaking but make it gray. Sorry not sorry for being a snitch 😔
Day 9: Movie with Best Car Chase.

There are a lot, but this is really fun. Edgar Wright + music + heist film. Yes, it has Kevin Spacey in it, but this this set piece, the first six minutes of the movie, set to The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion's "Bellbottoms," is a masterclass in visual and auditory storytelling. It is Wright, so everything matters, even the little hum in the audio. And did I mention fun?

"Baby Driver," 2017


I was so close to snagging this in time too 😂
Day 9: Movie with Best Car Chase.

That’s it. The whole movie.

Until I got up this morning, I was going back and forth between several movies. I actually wrote up a bit for Fury Road, specifically on the Pole Cats stunts. Such a textbook on how to tell a story with several different arcs with almost no dialog. Images and audio providing such remarkable exposition without an audience stand-in to get info dumps. Brilliant story telling, and I love this film.
Until I got up this morning, I was going back and forth between several movies. I actually wrote up a bit for Fury Road, specifically on the Pole Cats stunts. Such a textbook on how to tell a story with several different arcs with almost no dialog. Images and audio providing such remarkable exposition without an audience stand-in to get info dumps. Brilliant story telling, and I love this film.
It is, in my mind, the single greatest action movie ever made. Flawless. Not a frame I would change if I could.
Day 10: Movie that scared you the most

I love horror. I love that tingling sensation at the back of your neck as the tension builds up, that knot in your stomach as you're scared out of your mind, and that cathartic release once it's all over. Getting to experience dread in a safe environment is thrilling!! I think it all started with reading Goosebumps when I was really young, then moved on to splatters and classic horrors like Nightmare on Elm Street, but, while they're fun and timeless they don't really scare me.

The most scared I've ever been while watching a film, the furthest my stomach has dropped, was while watching Hereditary. Not only is it masterfully directed... whew, the acting. The acting. Milly Shapiro is fantastic, but the fact that Toni Colette didn't get an Oscar for this film is a crime!

An incredible film, and I love it.
See if, if you dare 💕

Day 10: Movie that scared you the most

I love horror. I love that tingling sensation at the back of your neck as the tension builds up, that knot in your stomach as you're scared out of your mind, and that cathartic release once it's all over. Getting to experience dread in a safe environment is thrilling!! I think it all started with reading Goosebumps when I was really young, then moved on to splatters and classic horrors like Nightmare on Elm Street, but, while they're fun and classic they don't really scare me.

The most scared I've ever been while watching a film, the furthest my stomach has dropped, was while watching Hereditary. Not only is it masterfully directed... whew, the acting. The acting. Milly Shapiro is fantastic, but the fact that Toni Colette didn't get an Oscar for this film is a crime!

An incredible film, and I love it.
See if, if you dare 💕
This movie was great. If you can laugh but still be scared? Fantastic. I completely lost it when the older naked people showed up.
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This movie was great. If you can laugh but still be scared? Fantastic. I completely lost it when the older naked people showed up.
Right!? And it doesn't even feel... I don't have a better word for it, janky? It's not cheap. You laugh, but not in a "wtf were they thinking" way but more like "I can't believe this is happening". Complete immersion. Masterful!

Might wanna spoiler tag that! 🥰