September Film Challenge 🎬

Prime is telling me it's available with a Max add-on but Max tells me it's not there 😒
Don't you hate that? Try it with a VPN?
True. You can't always have cotton candy ice cream, but vanilla is still good. This might be an analogy that only rings true with me 😬
And if you can't have either there is always birthday cake... did I do that right? 😅 😉
Day 14: A movie you love that everyone dislikes

Remember that wire-fu craze near the turn of the millenia? Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Fearless, films like that? Lost in the trenches was a little movie called The White Dragon. It was the Scary Movie of chinese wire-fu, and it's absolutely ludicrous.

Looking at the trailer, it looks like a fairly run-of-the-mill wire-fu flick, but noo! That's how they drew you in! Showing all the well choreographed fight scenes. Nevermind the horrendous acting, the budget cuts, and the awful awful CGI effects.

When the MC "inherits" her powers of martial arts, they didn't film a training montage. Instead they used an old Windows 98 animation of "moving file" between the two characters. Little 2d documents flying through the air between them.

Impossible not to love it.

Day 14: A film you love that everyone dislikes

I will also say, baring the first fifteen minutes of Saving Private Ryan, which were intense, kinetic filmmaking at its best, Shakespeare in Love is a better film and deserved the Best Picture Oscar award that it won. Bring on your hate...

Shakespeare in Love (1998)

Day 15: A film you dislike that everyone else loves

Even as an adolescent, I saw the "ET is Jesus" storyline as cheap and emotionally manipulative. Hated this movie then, hate it now.

E.T., fuck off.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

Day 14: A film you love that everyone dislikes

I will also say, baring the first fifteen minutes of Saving Private Ryan, which were intense, kinetic filmmaking at its best, Shakespeare in Love is a better film and deserved the Best Picture Oscar award that it won. Bring on your hate...

Shakespeare in Love (1998)

I love that film. Isn't it critically acclaimed? 😆
Day 15: A film you dislike that everyone else loves

Even as an adolescent, I saw the "ET is Jesus" storyline as cheap and emotionally manipulative. Hated this movie then, hate it now.

E.T., fuck off.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

Who... hurt... you? Lol, I know a lot of people who don't like it. But as an 80's kid How. Very. Dare. You! 😁
Day 14: A film you love that everyone dislikes

I will also say, baring the first fifteen minutes of Saving Private Ryan, which were intense, kinetic filmmaking at its best, Shakespeare in Love is a better film and deserved the Best Picture Oscar award that it won. Bring on your hate...

Shakespeare in Love (1998)

Does everyone dislike a best picture winner that made a ton of money?
Day 15: A film you dislike that everyone else loves

Dislike is an understatement. I hated this movie so much. The Women is so beloved but I simply don't understand. The thought of fighting over a man is beyond the pale. So much of this movie made me skin crawl but the ending had me apoplectic.
