September Film Challenge 🎬

Day 14: A film you love that everyone dislikes

I will also say, baring the first fifteen minutes of Saving Private Ryan, which were intense, kinetic filmmaking at its best, Shakespeare in Love is a better film and deserved the Best Picture Oscar award that it won. Bring on your hate...

Shakespeare in Love (1998)

We just rewatched this movie. It was a good movie. It’s one of the weakest Best Picture nods IMHO but it was a weak year overall. I agree re:SPR.
Day 14: A film you love that everyone dislikes

I will also say, baring the first fifteen minutes of Saving Private Ryan, which were intense, kinetic filmmaking at its best, Shakespeare in Love is a better film and deserved the Best Picture Oscar award that it won.
Of course it won, it was 25 years ago and nobody dared stand up to Harvey Weinstein yet!
He bought that award with money, power and threats.
Bring on your hate...
Fuck that film and everything it about it!
Day 15: A film you dislike that everyone else loves

I'm not usually much for comedies, at least not main stream once. Black comedy, absurdism, be it Young Frankeinstein or What we do in the Shadows, bring it on. I'll devour it.

But Back to the Future? Absolute snooze fest. I truly don't understand why people love this film so much. I find it flat, the jokes are flat, the acting is flat, everything about it is just flat. It's not horrible, it's just dull.


Day 15: A film you dislike that everyone else loves

I'm not usually much for comedies, at least not main stream once. Black comedy, absurdism, be it Young Frankeinstein or What we do in the Shadows, bring it on. I'll devour it.

But Back to the Future? Absolute snooze fest. I truly don't understand why people love this film so much. I find it flat, the jokes are flat, the acting is flat, everything about it is just flat. It's not horrible, it's just dull.


Micheal J Fox is just very likeable. That’s all I can attribute it too.
Day 15: A film you dislike that everyone else loves

I'm not usually much for comedies, at least not main stream once. Black comedy, absurdism, be it Young Frankeinstein or What we do in the Shadows, bring it on. I'll devour it.

But Back to the Future? Absolute snooze fest. I truly don't understand why people love this film so much. I find it flat, the jokes are flat, the acting is flat, everything about it is just flat. It's not horrible, it's just dull.


Hated that one too. Heh. Never saw the sequels.
Day 16: Best movie from a franchise

This one's by far my favorite Bond movie! Lazenby isn't the greatest Bond, not by a longshot, but the movie stands on its own. Had Sean Connery stuck with the series, or if Roger Moore had joined earlier, it would have been the greatest of all time!

It's one of very few films where Bond is more of a spy and less of an action hero, and the suspense as he's deep undercover without fancy gadgets or super cars is absolutely thrilling!! And Diana Rigg lends the movie a veil of humanity, grounding it further in reality.

A wonderful, wonderful movie! 9/10.
