Sex & Shenanigans turn

what the fuck i can't move. help
Tylenol, ibuprofen, ice or heating pad, whichever feels better. Typically if it’s me and muscular, heating pad. It might suck but make sure you’re getting up and moving around. Even just walking around to help keep everything from clenching up. Stretches to do: knees to chest, supine figure fours, child’s pose, cobra pose. Just keep it to light stretching, don’t overdue it.
Tylenol, ibuprofen, ice or heating pad, whichever feels better. Typically if it’s me and muscular, heating pad. It might suck but make sure you’re getting up and moving around. Even just walking around to help keep everything from clenching up. Stretches to do: knees to chest, supine figure fours, child’s pose, cobra pose. Just keep it to light stretching, don’t overdue it.
I prefer to just suffer.
Reading all these morning messages, I feel like I'm the only one who actually got to bed nice and early and is waking up ready to go 😅
Nope. Well, I slept badly, with too many dreams, some great and others I would prefer to not remember, but I am at work to greet the dawn.

Which is still way to early, but sounds poetic...
Tylenol, ibuprofen, ice or heating pad, whichever feels better. Typically if it’s me and muscular, heating pad. It might suck but make sure you’re getting up and moving around. Even just walking around to help keep everything from clenching up. Stretches to do: knees to chest, supine figure fours, child’s pose, cobra pose. Just keep it to light stretching, don’t overdue it.
Went with painkillers, childs pose, and a hot bath. I'm becoming myself again. Thank you!