Speaking of full frontal male nudity

I saw a peak of Bruce Willis' dick in PLAYGIRL.

It's sad, really. All the size that should be down there, has instead been placed to his head.:rolleyes:
The pic showed him in a pool, acting out a love scene with a skinny girl with big boobs.

Either the man's got a small dick, or he's gay!
rhinoguy said:

not much girth there.

but i suppose with some wingardium leviossa (talk to Hermione for correct spelling) he could "float your boat"

rhino-must resort to other tricks, myself

The spell you're looking for is the in Potterotica-world oh-so-popular "Engorgio!".;)
Why ask why, just think about it.

Ladies, think about it. Who owns and runs the majority of the movie companies? Males. They don't want full frontal male nudity because it might A) lead to comparisons at home. B) Might be offensive to some of the audience, and C) might lead to some comparison between actors.
Remeber this is the United States and we are still in the dark ages with many of our beliefs. We find it normal to have full frontal nudity of women, because that is what has been trained into us. We don't find full frontal nudity in men because we are trained that this just isn't right. We see this in many other areas of our sexual expectations. Men are expected and in some cases allowed to play around, even after marriage, while the women aren't. We are often told about nudity and nudism, yet when we try to enjoy or try this, we are rebuffed because it is against our moral laws. (Remember, we might just happen to hurt someones feelings, in which case they will sue. How will we hurt their feelings? By being better looking than they are, by being better endowed than they are, etc. etc, ad nauseum.)
If you want to see more full frontal nudity of males in the movies, then you'll have to go to Europe or South America for it, you wont see it here for a long time. Not until Americans grow up and stop allowing themselves to be led around by the noses.

Seacat, ya'll.. no nudity is considered normal where ah was raised...We ah shocked whenevah we see naked people on the big screen, men and women alahk.

This "United States" sounds lahk quite the liberal place. Ah think ah'll move theah.
ROTFLMAO I almost spilled my beer there.
Maybe I should mention that I was raised by european parents here in the Untied States, and was taught to think for myself. I also had the pleasure of living in Europe for three years which certainly opened my eyes to other cultures and their mores.

What she said. I love cocks in all their various forms, sizes, movement, stases, etc. I especially enjoy how their rose petal skin feels on my lips. I love exploring every bit of it, up and down and all round. And of course the one I currently have access to is always the loveliest and most useful.

Cock woman,

Now McKenna,
You have just shot yourself in the foot. You say your avatar shows full frontal nudity, yet you don't think you want to se it with a mans avatar. If you want to see him you would ask. Hmmmmmm, sounds like a double standard there. My wife puts it best. If you don't like what you see, don't look. Me, I haven'tdecided what to post as an avatar yet. I might post an actual pic of me.
Now as for me wanting to see full frontal males, I personaly could care less, then again I'm male. I much prefer to see women.
There's merit in all of these theories. Judging from my own home training, I used to think that the male organ was the Miserific Vision--you couldn't see one and live. Needless to say I've gotten over that. To watch American movies and even educational sex shows on TV, you'd think everyone in the country felt the same way. A drawing or a sculpture of a penis is one thing; the real thing is another. Even if it's undergoing some harrowing medical procedure that's hardly likely to arouse anyone's prurient interest, one of those blurry things is placed over it.

One thing I can predict is that if we do start seeing more frontal male nudity in films, the scrotum lift is going to be the most popular cosmetic surgery going. Face it, when a man starts getting further up in years, no matter how trim and fit and youthful looking he keeps his body, just let him turn around and bend over and that low-hanging nutsack will betray him. (But it shows from the front as well). I read somewhere that Nick Nolte or someone has already had this done, although not, presumably, for artistic purposes.
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I will never forget the time that I was watching a porn flick together with a gang of pals, and one of the guys pointed at the man in the film and said "he's almost a s big as I am!", and without thinking, I blurted out: "Ohmagawd - I was just about to say gee, that guy has a small dick!!!":D :D :D
Mckenna my appologies

Being new to this board and having never posted an avatar other than my own picture I didn't realise others would do such a thing. I wouldn't dream of misrepresenting myself in such a manner, what would someone say if they were to meet with me in person and find me to be less or more endowed than my avatar showed?
As for a woman showing something that she is not, isn't that misrepresentation as well? I always picture a woman I'm talking to as looking like Dianna, (The goddess,) until I meet her and she proves me otherwise. By the time I meet someone though I have gotten to know them well enough to know wether they are the type of person I would like to meet. (Case in point. I recently met a diver from Texas who I always thought of as looking like a goddess. She turned out to weigh around two hundred pounds, but by the time we met that didn't matter. I knew what she was like inside.)
Now as far as most men, and some women being concerned about size. If you know what to do it truly doesn't matter.
I know many women who are concerned about their breast size, and because of this have had theirs enlarged. Personaly I find this to be a mistake. Many times the smaller they are, the more sensitive they are.
As far as my sticking my foot in my mouth, I'm used to eating feet and crow. ( A little hot sauce goes a long ways.:D )

Hmmm. We seem to have strayed from the topic of George Clooney's frontals.
McKenna, you were saying earlier that there were some frontals you'd rather see than the Cloonemeister's...Do tell.

FYI, I am a flamenco dancer and this is my portrait.

Re: Re: Mckenna my appologies

McKenna said:
Do you honestly think Svenskaflicka there above you is a sheep?

'flicka is european ;)

*ducks and runs away*
Re: The reason we don't see full frontals in the USA...

Dirty Slut said:
Most of the problem really comes from the stars themselves. They have egos that are 6 times larger than their genitals. And being men they've all watched porno movies so they feel that they got short changed by comparison to their illegitimate counterparts...

Wouldn't they just get stunt doubles? Maybe Pixar could help out a bit!
That's true, 7. Actresses use body doubles. Why not stunt doubles for The Main Event?