Speaking of full frontal male nudity

raphy said:
I say the same thing about the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack :)
Yeah, that is such a music-driven movie anyway. I expected that from the start, and the songs was what kept it going. I especially love the scene with a huge clan-rally chanting eenie meenie meiney mo. :)
Icingsugar said:
Yeah, that is such a music-driven movie anyway. I expected that from the start, and the songs was what kept it going. I especially love the scene with a huge clan-rally chanting eenie meenie meiney mo. :)

Mm, yes, Very much so .. If you enjoyed it, you should check out 'Down from the Mountain' which is the rockumentary that was made about the concert featuring all the artists that provided all the songs in the movie.. Huge, huge names in bluegrass and country music.
Icingsugar said:
Tim WHN Who?
I called him Tim what's-his-name in an earlier post, can't recall his name but he was in O Brother and The Good Girl.

perdita said:
I called him Tim what's-his-name in an earlier post, can't recall his name but he was in O Brother and The Good Girl.

One of the SBB is called Tim Something Nelson, I think. That the Tim?

Edited to add: Tim Blake Nelson is the name.
Edited again to add: ...and Lauren beat me to it.
Last edited:
Tim Blake Nelson

I went to see O Brother, Where Art Thou? uncontaminated, so to speak, but the following day I was buying the soundtrack. :D
I think there ought to be a realistic amount of full frontal for males in film. I really do think that there is an attitude in this country that it sort of "doesn't count" for women but the penis is too Important or something to be viewed by anybody.
perdita said:
Other non-Cloonies that raise my best hackles
James Spader, Christian Bale, Colin Farrell, John Cusack, Eric Stoltz and (here comes the disturbing one) Christopher Walken.
Lauren, C. Walken disturbs me in the best way. Yea for you.

But what I meant by non-Cloonies was not literal. I meant the big screen blokes who are not usually considered "hunks".

perdita said:
Lauren, C. Walken disturbs me in the best way. Yea for you.

But what I meant by non-Cloonies was not literal. I meant the big screen blokes who are not usually considered "hunks".

Put another mark under Tim Roth's name for me, then ;)
Lauren.Hynde said:
Tim Blake Nelson

I went to see O Brother, Where Art Thou? uncontaminated, so to speak, but the following day I was buying the soundtrack. :D

It was recommended to me by a friend who's very into country and bluegrass and so I, like the Iceman, went into it with expectations..

Oh, and 'dita, your PM box is full.
Icingsugar said:
Violent? I'd say the violence in Fargo is very... mundane. Clumsy, ugly, like in real life. But is it excessive? Naah.

But ok, back to the topic (While still on Fargo). My sister has admitted to having a major thing for William H Macy, and also fancying Steve Buscemi.

I cheerfully admit that I'm a wuss when it comes to watching violence. When a boyfriend hauled me to see _Platoon_, I spent almost the entire movie staring at the seatback in front of me. The one time I did look up, well...that scene is engraved on my memory in the most awful way.

I have a pretty major thing for William H. Macy, too, and I have no earthly idea why...
Mhari said:
I have a pretty major thing for William H. Macy, too, and I have no earthly idea why...
Three reasons for me:

1. intellect
2. sensitivity
3. the eyes

I read they cut out parts in Ewan McGregor's latest movie for the American screening. He showed his dick again in it. There is hardly any movie he has done where he hasn't been naked. (And thank you for that! ;)) I'd recommend the Pillow book.

Yeah, I think that if they're gonna show the woman full frontal nude, then the man could be shown that way too. Depends on the scene though if it's really neccessary to show either one.

Oh, and on the topic of dicks. Admit I don't exacty find the soft ones that arousing to look at if you just have the bloke standing there. Doesn't do it for me. Now, if he was laying BESIDE me though... :D
And yep, watching/feeling it grow gotta be the best thing. Then of course when it's all nice and hard all women love it. ;)

Personally though, I find that not showing all works best (for both men and women). Leave a bit to the imagination.

Now that I actually stop and think about it, I suppose that for me the matter of male nudity in movies depends on what's going on in the particular scene. If it's a guy reclining sexily, okay, good ... but I can't help finding it a little funny when he's doing something else like, say, running or fighting or what-have-you. Much as I enjoy the male organ, it does flop and bobble around rather amusingly when the man's on the move ;)

Posting after major first aid here

I'm posting after major first aid here. ( I took a couple on the chin back there.) I asked my wife what she thought about full frontal nudity for men. Her comment was she wanted to see more, and wondered why there isn't at least as much as there is full frontal nudity of women. Although she doesn't know who she would rather see nude. (She did mention that there was a full frontal shot in 28 days, although it was short, and the movie was filmed in London.)
Now as foravatars, I would never presume to think someone was a cake, or anything else for that matter. I was just saying I would never presume to post a picture that mis-represented me. (Personal preference.) What other people post is actually none of my concern. I do not judge. I write, I enjoy the human body in most of it's forms, and I try not to judge others except by their actions.
I've always assumed that the dearth of penii on the big screen was due in part to society's double standard that says nekkid women OK, nekkid guys wrong.

But I've always believed it's partly the actors. It takes a certain level of self-possessedness to flash your willy on the screen with the certain knowledge that it will be judged for size and desirability. Not a single guy I know of (with the exception of a sub or two I've known in the past) would react well to thoughts of people snickering when his cock is shown.

Case in point: Henry Rollins. If you're unfamiliar with HR, he's a singer most famous for his work with the punk band Black Flag. He's muscular, heavily tattooed, ruggedly handsome, and he radiates a pure "yang" energy, thoroughly confident and masculine, dripping testosterone, but without a hint of being a brute or trollish. HR, to me, is an icon of how one can be "all yang" and still like and respect women as people.

Mrs. 420 & I were watching HR do one of his spoken-word performances and he was talking about his first nude scene. He's playing a redneck psychopath who has to get out of a tub in the back yard, fully nude, get his clothes, and go kill a mule cart driver (it was a low-budget film). He was offered a body double, but HR's response was along the lines of "Are you saying I'm afraid? I'll show you! I don't give a fuck about being nude on screen."

And when the cameras began to roll, Henry Rollins, self-possessed punk poet, tattooed gym rat, the man who engages his life with head high and without fear, the man with his motto of "Seek & Destroy" tattooed across his shoulders....shrieked and pranced when he exited the tub like some 1950s sitcom housekeeper at the sight of a mouse, desperately trying to keep his cock out of sight. Several takes later, he was overcompensating, standing far too long facing the camera. Some 20-odd takes later, they were done.

HR: "The lesson I took from this experience was do I give a fuck about being nude on screen? Oh, I give a BIG one!"

Another point: Mrs. 420 & I have a friend who works in special effects for the movies. They were doing some scenes for The Hollow Man starring Kevin Bacon and our buddy took us through the office on a Sunday when no one was there. We saw a full-sized body cast of Kevin Bacon that they were using for effects modeling. Mrs. 420 is 5'6", ~110#. KB was only slightly larger than her. Maybe an inch taller. You'd never know it from the movie.

Now, nothing against guys who aren't 6'+. Tom Cruise is hobbit-sized and he's one of the highest-paid leading men in Hollywood. But that's camera magic. It can do wonders with height. Brooke Shields had to walk in a ditch next to her co-star in The Blue Lagoon so she be taller than him.

Filmmakers go to great lengths to film their stars in a flattering light. But camera angles and lighting, I don't think, can do a whole lot with a less than inspiring package. And that, I am sure, is on a lot of guy stars' minds.

That said, women are judged by the size and presentation of their breasts and ass all the time, not least of all in popular entertainment culture. I'm sure lots of guys wouldn't want to be subjected to the same sort of tabloid scrutiny of their bits-&-pieces that most female actresses are subject to. But maybe if they were, we'd evolve a slightly more enlightened approach to such things.

insert $.02.

Hugs & lust,

Well said. In a way I was trying to say the same thing.
In our society we tend to judge a person by their appearence, (sp) and most men can't stand up to that yet they do it all the time with women. As my wife puts it, there is a major double standard in place here.
Re: Posting after major first aid here

SeaCat said:
I'm posting after major first aid here. ( I took a couple on the chin back there.)
... I try not to judge others except by their actions.
Seacat, I took the trouble to read back some, ref. your chin takes. McKenna's all right, sometimes it takes getting used to cyber-communications is all.

There's a little history on the AH amongst some of us femme types who think it's sad that a few men seem to identify so hugely with their dicks. I.e., AVs are like bumper stickers or tee-shirts and allow personal indentification via images or other forms of iconnage. I wouldn't put up a pic of my count (see Gauchecritic) because it's not the thing that identifies who I am. When I don't post real pics I use Mexican icons (I am Mexican), photos of women I admire (poets, opera singers) or shots of Venice (Italy, my fave spot on the planet).

As it's difficult to judge anyone by thier actions on the AH, we go by their words, and even their AVs.

Welcome to the boards, do hang in there. I admire your first aid and return.

best, Perdita :)
I've just found out that the new film Love Actually features two of my favourite actors, Alan Rickman and Rowan Atkinson.

I'm SO going to see that movie!
Svenskaflicka said:
I've just found out that the new film Love Actually features two of my favourite actors, Alan Rickman and Rowan Atkinson.

I'm SO going to see that movie!
You SO need to see that movie! As does anyone who would like an uplifiting romantic comedy. It's great. I went to see it for a couple of my favorites... Hugh Grant and Colin Firth... but everyone in it is wonderful.
Well, there is one little drawback - apart from my economy - I went to see the Chippendales yesterday, and I ended up laying in bed at 3.30am, horny and frustrated, calling and calling Hubby, only to get his answering machine. I've told him, we have to make a new rule here; whenever I've made plans to go and see male striptease, he has to park himself next to the phone to take care of me with long, hot, steamy phone sex when I get home!

Now, if I go and see a romantic film, I think the longing for him will be even worse!:(
Svenskaflicka said:
Well, there is one little drawback - apart from my economy - I went to see the Chippendales yesterday, and I ended up laying in bed at 3.30am, horny and frustrated, calling and calling Hubby, only to get his answering machine. I've told him, we have to make a new rule here; whenever I've made plans to go and see male striptease, he has to park himself next to the phone to take care of me with long, hot, steamy phone sex when I get home!

Now, if I go and see a romantic film, I think the longing for him will be even worse!:(
Well, you may be right about that.. it may make it worse. Maybe you can see the film later or even with hubby. Where is he?
Flicka, I can't believe there's no My Chippendales Adventure thread.


Perdy :(

p.s. for JJ: I'm a Colin Firth addict, mostly for the original Mr. Darcy.