
I never took a speed-reading course. Was scared of what might happen if I did ... I've always been a fast reader. Who knows, I might've caught fire! ;)

I can read a standard novel in about 3 hours, with good retention. I'd be doomed if I wasn't also able to re-read and enjoy the same book multiple times. Could never afford otherwise to keep up with my appetite for books.

My favorites list tends to include big honkin' monsters that can keep even me going for a couple of days. "The Stand," "Swan Song," "Strangers," etc.

perdita said:
Phil, it's not what you think. I do not mean to be condescending, or presumptuous, but Barthes was a critical and literary theorist, particularly known for semiotics. Check him out first and see if he still interests you. P.


I did check it out a bit earlier. I think that will be interesting and for the price who cares if it ends up on the shelf unread.
How did you manage to get Perdi was selling books? I was just talking out loud sorry. And no it is not against the Lit rules to mention a web page that sells because I did not post a link to it.
If I recall frisky is to be playful like a kitten. :cathappy:
If you read this real fast, you get done quicker!!!
That was funny!
It takes me that long to read one of your stories:rolleyes:
I used to be a self-taught speed reader, but I mostly gave it up. It was too much like eating fast; if it's good, it's more enjoyable to linger over it. It never worked for highly technical material, anyway.

I still use it to filter a lot of chaff, though.