Spirit song: the elven wanderer finally has a home.

He smiles as she kisses his fingertips before he returns his hands to hers at her waist.

"I did know that. I don't know that I had quite that much information about itbut I did know that," he smiles, "what brought that on?"
She shrugs some blushing saying while her fingers play with each other as if trying to distract herself some

Umm just something that came to mind that's all, I think it's funny how so many animals are like people...
"Are the animals like people, or are the people really like animals, and people forget that humans are just another type of animal?" he asks curiously.
She smiles and turns half way in his arms to face him half way

Well I agree to that if you sit somewhere and just listen or watch people you could think your in a zoo sometimes and cant wonder what the animals might think of us...
he laughs, "I do not watch people quite as much as you seemingly do, but I ould understand that. I often wonder why people do what they do."

I like watching people just watching you can see so much but I...

She looks over his face and cant stop looking

What I also find interesting I...oh my I'm not sure what I wanted to say sorry....
"I don't study behavior as often as many with psychology degrees, that does not mean that I don't find the behavior and thoughts of people to be fascinating, because it can certainly be that."

Smiling back at her he is curious about her sudden attack of nerves.
She looks down at her hands and then his

Ok umm have we already talked about smell umm yeah sorry wait ummm what about touch...what is your favourite thing to touch... somthing soft or rough umm maybe somthing smooth s..

She looks back up to him
he can't help but to laugh, not mocking her but just out of amusement. "You mean like the soft feel of a woman's breast? That is quite nice," he smirks.
Kitty gasps seeing that went a way she hadn't thought it to go and she turns back so her back rests against his chest as she takes a deep breath.


She wasnt sure what to say as she tries to sort her emotions not to do or say something she shouldnt
He smirks a little. “Sorry Kitty, have I made you uncomfortable?” He asks hands lifting to begin rubbing her shoulders.
She sighs in liking that and that he had the feeling she was uncomfortable

No...no I like being here it's nice...very nice...

She tilts her head some forward so her hair would be out of his way
“I’m glad you like it here.” He let his hands work over her shoulders rubbing firmly yet not too deep, at first.
you dont know how good that is right now....

she whispers as her hands rest on his thighs softly relaxing under his hands and her head leaned forward closing her eyes
“Oh I understand, I myself am quite tense as well,” he says as he works down her shoulderblades.
she gives a soft moan out as it was feeling really good and gasps slightly as she notices it and then says quickly to hide it

then i could rub your shoulders some as well if you like...
“When I’m finished with you, yes,” he said with a smile. His hands slide up her neck massaging the muscles there.
she whispers under her breath slightly more for herself then for him

Oh my....

as she feels his fingers on her neck
Mmmmhmmm... that does feel good...

her fingers grip a little tighter to his thighs as before where they just laid on them while her head moves slowly and slightly side to side enjoying it
“I’m glad you enjoy it,” he said working back down her neck. Fingers pressing into the muscles.
Kitty relaxes more against Glad as she whispers some

If you keep that up I wont want to go ever again...

She tries to giggle but gasps at your fingers it feeling g really good
she gasps and looks back at him seeing his smirk

are you wanting me to go.....?

she giggles some and reaches behind her to tickle him ever so slightly
"No, I'd just ask you to leave if I did," he said tickling her ribs, "Was just asking if you were wanting to leave," he said with a laugh. Blocking her from tickling him.