Spirit song: the elven wanderer finally has a home.

She laughs at the tickling wiggling She turns around laughing facing him

No I dont wish to go....I would rather like to stay here with you..

She puts her hands on his shoulders

Your turn? Or do want something else...
“Something else?” He askes making it a question with the lilt of his tone. Smirking just a bit. He leans into her touch on his shoulders moaning with the feel of the touch.
I... ummm...

She takes a deep breath as her fingers caress his shoulders some as she watches his face his lips as she sits on her knees between his legs facing him
"Yes?" He prompts. Knowing he is teasing her a bit, eyes watching her curious what she will say. Knowing, that he will actually enjoy a shoulder massage from her, but knowing he would certainly be interested in hearing what the other options might be.
Kitty held her breath some and didnt know what to say and giggled some and then just said


She then sticked out her tongue as if trying to make it look like she was joking and quickly then said

If i am going to rub your shoulders you will have to move a bit you know or do you want me to rub your shoulders kneeling infront of you like this....?

she giggles softly and just starts rubing slightly as if to show him how that would feel
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“I wasn’t objecting to this position, but where would you like me to move?” He asked curiously with a slight smile. “You know there are rules about sticking out your tongue, I’ve told you that before miss Kitty.”
well if you want me to stay kneeling like this i will....

she giggles softly and starts rubing his shoulders a bit more going towards his neck slowly, she then leans in to his ear and whispers

you did....

she then playfully licks over his neck and leans back again to keep rubing and massaging
He catches his breath in a gasp, startled by her actions but loving the playful nature of it, the tease. “Damn, I probably asked for that.” He says with a chuckle. Her hands felt wonderful and he closed his eyes to enjoy the touches. “I can turn around if that’s easier.” He murmurs as he enjoys the massage.
she giggles and noddes agreeing he asked for it as she leans in some more to rub his shoulders as he then murmurs he could turn around.

everything is ok....

she said softly though she stood up putting her legs on both sides of his to kneel more over his lap then kneel between his legs it being better this way as her finger tips went up the sides of his neck to his hair line and slowly back down to the tip of his shoulders as she nibbled her lip concentrating on what she was doing so he could enjoy it more.
She moved closer, stradling his lap and he was very aware of hear nearness as well as her touch. “That’s nice,” he whispered softly.
Hard enough or softer?

She asked if her rubbing was ok or if he needed it different harder or softer, she tried to sit still and not move to much on his lap
She giggles and wiggle some as she get comfy and says

Good to know....

Her fingers massage up the back of his neck and up to the top of his head and then back down to his shoulders and then ove the back side or his shoulders she leaned a bit closer to reach better and then back up
He draped his arms around her waist as she moved closer massaging him making him smile and make soft noises of pleasure.
She holds her breath one second feeling his arms around her she smiled some as she whispers

Better? Or Should I keep going?
"You know that's a loaded question, I will let you do that as long as you like, but yes, I feel much better, thank you." he leans in to kiss her cheek.
Smiles and giggles leaning softly in the kiss saying

Ok yeah I wouldnt say stop to that either....

She keeps rubbing softly
He laughs and gets up gently setting her on her feet. I have the urge to wander. So many things on my mind now as my real world gets shaken up again. I should hve been prepared for this, but I really wasn't. Also, a dear friend mentioned she might come to visit. She's never been here." With that explanation he kisses her softly on the cheek again. "I thank you for the time you've spent with me, you are a dear friend. I'll return to talk more soon."
Hours had past and the elf found himself on the beach alone with his thoughts. It was interesting in his real world he hated to be alone, but there were moments like this where he could reflect on that and learn to make peace with that here. Yet even here he didn't like to be alone and welcomed company. Was it true, that she would come to him here this night? She, such a huge part of his life in so many ways, and yet this place was one of the few places they had not shared a connection. Could that truly be ending. The thought actually gave him butterflies. He had long wished she would visit here, would share this part of his life with him, the pain, the struggle, the joy of its beauty.

walking along the surf he began to sing.

I see a silhouette, liquid that moves
Skin like a pearl in the sea
I cannot resist this, her voice in the wind
But is it my eyes are deceived?
Is it you I see?

Lie down in my arms
Trust what you see
Smooth your brow, you will be with me
To find your relief

Gazing at whitecaps, coming so close
Everything's suddenly clear
Numb with the aching, and still I am waiting
The water is pulling me near
Would you welcome me?

Lie down in my arms
Try not to breathe
Quiet love, you are now with me
You need no words to speak

Just as with the last time he sang and it was a duet, there was a voice in the ether to sing the female vocals, the choruses as the ether answered the call of his verses. As he finished singing he realized he was in the water, no longer paralleling the water but walking out into it, feeling it embrace him.

(Lyrics from white waters by epica)
She was floating. Comfortable and at peace but she felt his emotions. She had not come here, not wanted to intrude or insert herself into this part of his life. It was one of the final pieces, the final points of connection between them.

She heard his song. His choice was beautiful. So fitting for this moment, for them.

She swam towards his voice and soon found her footing. She walked towards him. She began to surface. Her red hair appeared first. Then her face, neck, chest…

Her body was not that of a typical nubile, slim goddess but the ancient version of her all curves and softness. She was made for touching, for comfort and for passionate connection. Her body yielded to her lover’s caress.

She approached him, water giving way to her movements. Her dress was ice blue and glimmered as if made of small stars. It was low cut and clung to her form, begging for him to run his hands over her.

Arms extended and she drew him in, pressed him against her in an embrace.

Her lips, soft and pink found his earlobe. “Thank you for welcoming me to you.”

Arms tightened, holding him close, pressing him to her body.
As he walked until the water lapped at his knees she appeared from the water, gorgeous was the only way to describe her, and he licked his lips. She had truly come.

The elf shivered to feel her breath on his ear as she thanked him for welcoming her. He embraced her, hugging her to him. The nymph, her form here, was just the right height to fit into his arms as he hugged her to him. "Welcome to my home," he breathed.
She smiled against his neck. "And welcomed I feel."

She breathed him in. A soft kiss was placed on his neck. Pulling back her eyes moved over his face. "I have come but you must name me here. It must be for you alone and for this place."

Her fingers traced along the muscles of his back. "What will you call your water nymph, hmm?" She smiled at him.
He looks at her curiously. "Name you?" there was one name he had for her, the one he used in every other existence between them, but did he use that here. What could she mean. He ran one hand through her red hair as he considered.

He wore not the façade of blonde hair and blue eyes of his av here with her, he appeared to her with the black hair and green eyes that he saw when he looked at himself. There were not secrets between them.

"I think you know well what I will call you, but if you need a different name to introduce yourself to others, pick one in your heart, Ren means water lily, you could even just go by Lily," he said with a smile. "You are and will always be my kitten, that is both your npet name and title. We both know this and that is what matters most to me. A name beyond that is something that I want you to help pick not have me give it to you," he kisses her forehead with a smile.
"Yes, your kitten in all ways." She leaned into his kiss, bowing her head to him.

"Lily I will be. A water nymph and companion to you, my elf." She kissed his cheek and took his hand.

"Walk with me." She led him out of the water.
He took her hand and walked with her. Their feet leaving footprints in the sand, only to see them washed away by the advancing tide. "It is good to have yousee this place finally. The beach though not quite part of my home is one of the places just outside it that I go, it in a way calls to me. Water has always touched me, be it the ocean or a shower, I just find it relaxing. My home has a pool and waterfall I think you would enjoy visiting as well."