Sub using the safeword, feelings of Dom/me

awaken41 said:
<snip> There are so many reasons, as you have all listed, to use a safe word, and there are so many more that these omnipotent Dom/mes don't know about.

I think this post is perfect to bump. Thanks for posting your insight.

I always say run from anyone who wants to take safety shortcuts.

And just because they call themself Dom/me, doe sno tmean they kno wwhat the hell they are doing. We all have to take care of ourselves.

bluemouse said:
hmm, now there's a thought!! didn't realize there were so many of us, Sierra!!, but it is nice!

I agree with the other posters who have said that a safe word is important to have. So I have nothing else to say, except that I am from Michigan as well!!!
