you get approaced by Dom/mes online?

Shadowsdream said:
If you get approached by Dom/mes online...what is the most pathetic line they use on you?

Only once, when I first joined a group on Yahoo. It was a little unsettling. He was looking for a playpartner (translation: an afternoon fuck) He never really peaked my interest, but would have lost me totally (Had I been interested) when he asked me what I looked like. So, OK, not a barbie doll here, (never was and never will be) and somewhat selfconsious about my looks. Not the best cyber pick up line to ask a woman how she looks, her physical attributes as to breast size, etc. lol. Even tho he promised the sun and moon, not to mention some other interesting activities.....

I wished him good luck in his search.
:D ....

Uninstalled my yahoo IM for about 3 months.....

and changed my damn yahoo profile.....
Shadowsdream said:
If you get approached by Dom/mes online...what is the most pathetic line they use on you?

No, I don't get approached by Doms online, partly I guess because I don't go to chat rooms, Lit is the only site I post at.

I think my personality does not encourage it either. I don't really flirt or come on to men. I am not a chaser but prefer to the the chased. And I do not compete for the attention of men.
Shadowsdream said:
If you get approached by Dom/mes online...what is the most pathetic line they use on you?

Would have to have all day to list the worst ones i ever got.. but most that have posted to this already have listed them ~laugh~

I can say i have received one pick up line i will never forget it went something like this;

Sex is bad
bad is a sin
sins are forgiven
so lets cyber

~L~ never give in to the Dom/mes or nillas that wanna play but it can be amusing at times.


When you love,
you wish to do things for,
you wish to sacrifice for,
you wish to serve.
I never approach anyone online, I allow people to approach me. It isn't that I'm so arrogant that I expect subs to crawl to me whenI snap my fingers, so nobody flame me. I'm just the kind of person who puts himself out there, and if something I say or do intrigues you, great. If not, that's fine too; I don't feel that everyone is here on Lit waiting for the 'right' person to approach them.
Re: Re: you get approaced by Dom/mes online?

amethyst wind said:

I can say i have received one pick up line i will never forget it went something like this;

Sex is bad
bad is a sin
sins are forgiven
so lets cyber

I have to agree, that is one bad pickup line.
I've been approached several times. The majority of the time it's always been polite questions. Some of which I continued to talk about longer periods of time because they were new to the scene and had a few questions I was able to answer for them.
I have also gotten the phone number and a 'command' to call them.

Also gotten the 'command' to send pictures. Which was kind of a mistake of mine, since I asked for suggestions from people for pics in my thread,.. a few people took it the wrong way I guess.
I've had over the last couple years, and very minimum 10 men send me messages asking if I could 'train' them to be a Dom. Some I've helped out with suggestions on things... but the majority of the time I just refer them to different sites.

Something I do cherish as far as this goes, are a couple sub girlfriends that I've made from people sending me a PM or email, and I love the friendships I've developed with them.
I have been approached several times. Most often by men, would you believe! (I am heterosexual, so what would I do with a male submissive?)

I think the funniest (semi-related) thing I have had happen was when I was at a "slave auction". At one point they auctioned off some Dommes as a pair, and the auctioneer kept trying to sell them to me! Sheesh! What would I do with a pair of Dommes?

"Okay, let's all sit down over a cup of tea and exchange training methods."

I haven't been approached since I changed my Yahoo profile--I was clueless when I created it, apparently, because it drew them like flies. One kind, nurturing, strong Dom, apparently by pure chance, and a whole bunch of little boys who liked to demand my phone number. I realized I wasn't a born sub, but that Dom was a wonderful man and helped me along my path in various ways. Isn't that the heart of the matter--helping another person know him or herself down to the ground?

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Ebonyfire said:
We had fun with that thread...


It's an inspired thread idea. I only get those I-am-your-master-emails when I post at forums for some reason. They must be holding some serious Dominate Master recruitments over there i dunno...
It is nice to see some new conversations in this thread...I just received a message in ICQ a few days ago from a domme in Egypty..wanted to sell Me her bad slave...silly dommey....she has sent Me the same copy paste message several times in the last few years...I have no doubt she is a he stuck in this particular jerk off fantasy....
Since My message in return is always the same...( ha ha ha) I doubt there is much satisfaction in approaching Me!
If you get approached by Dom/mes online...what is the most pathetic line they use on you? [/QUOTE]

I do get approached a lot on line (well with a name like mine it's hardly suprising) Yahoo does seem to be the worst place for the jerk Dom's those that start with "get on your knees your mine" or "I am your master do as i say" and others that are just damn rude. On saying that there are some nice guy's on yahoo it's just sifting through the dreg's to find them but it has been worth it for me. I have to say that Lit is my favorite place to chat for some one who is shy untill i get to know you, i have only had good experiences on lit where i feel comfortable enough to join in conversations.
I am your master...come to me...NOW!

Nope, it doesn't work, does it? Damn, and I'm not smooth enough to come up with something better, so:

I am your master...come to me...PLEASE?!?
Johnny Mayberry said:
I am your master...come to me...NOW!

Nope, it doesn't work, does it? Damn, and I'm not smooth enough to come up with something better, so:

I am your master...come to me...PLEASE?!?

Lol great a Dom with a sense of humour, but I'm afraid its still the I am that put's me off :D
trainee_sub said:
Lol great a Dom with a sense of humour, but I'm afraid its still the I am that put's me off :D

I'm not all serious about things, you know? I think at the end of the day, everything should be fun, no matter how intense it gets, you should look back at it with a smile.

And I have NEVER actually used that sort of line. After getting to know someone, I might say that I 'would be honored to' dominate them, or whatever. It IS , after all, a huge thing to have someone give themselves to you in that way. I would never demand that from anyone.
How would a 'wannabe' like myself:rolleyes: learn the ins and outs of this strange but enticing world, is there a concise article I could read so not to make a fool of myself in aproaching an attractive potential submissive if I were to do so? I'm talking of on-line experiences here not actual BDSM tho I do have some rope and clothes pegs ;) :rolleyes: :rose:
What I see as a problem is my lack of experience. Would a submissive see this as me not being very Masterful for instance, and so would think I wasn't up to it as it were. There seems to me a need for some sort of introduction before the 'fun' can begin. Surely you can't just jump straight into a Dom/sub relationship without some ground rules, some understanding. I would be grateful if someone could enlighten me here:confused:

I'd also like to say that some exchanges I've read here between Dom/subs master/slaves (what's the difference btw) seemed cruel to me, not my kind of thing at all. Perhaps there is a place for all degrees of submission but how do you know there is a 'match' beforehand? Is there a password you guys are not telling us about:D At times it seems a bit like an exclusive club without an obvious door. Or am I just thinking like someone who isn't committed to this lifestyle?
I am looking for an article that I simply can't quite put my hands on, right now.

Anytime I have been approached on line, it has been vis a vis personals sites or the odd message from someone here.

Each person's needs are different, but for an on line relationship to work, there must be trust. Otherwise, how do you know that the sub is completing whatever task or directions you set forth.

In terms of this thread, it seems that the submissives are put off by those quick to assume Dominant roles without an element of courtesy or respect. It also appears that most of the submissives would be interested in meeting someone on line for an eventual real life meeting, which also puts a bit different spin on the issue of approach and Domination. :)

I will get back to you as soon as I find that article.

welshman said:
What I see as a problem is my lack of experience. Would a submissive see this as me not being very Masterful for instance, and so would think I wasn't up to it as it were. There seems to me a need for some sort of introduction before the 'fun' can begin. Surely you can't just jump straight into a Dom/sub relationship without some ground rules, some understanding. I would be grateful if someone could enlighten me here:confused:

I'd also like to say that some exchanges I've read here between Dom/subs master/slaves (what's the difference btw) seemed cruel to me, not my kind of thing at all. Perhaps there is a place for all degrees of submission but how do you know there is a 'match' beforehand? Is there a password you guys are not telling us about:D At times it seems a bit like an exclusive club without an obvious door. Or am I just thinking like someone who isn't committed to this lifestyle?

Before approaching any sub online be certain of what you want from the relationship..what you have to offer in return. Get to know the human being before trying to take control of her.
Be certain you can back up your statements with knowledge gleened from study of this lifestyle.
Even if you are only looking for online play you will need to be believeable to be taken seriously.
If you really are only looking for online domination and submission be honest about it, several times, because many submissives AND Dominants will not hear you if you only state this once.
Good luck and enjoyment!
MissTaken said:
I am looking for an article that I simply can't quite put my hands on, right now.


Perhaps you should untie them first, just for a while;)
Someone has approached me today, we'll see where it goes...:cool:
welshman said:
What I see as a problem is my lack of experience. Would a submissive see this as me not being very Masterful for instance, and so would think I wasn't up to it as it were. There seems to me a need for some sort of introduction before the 'fun' can begin. Surely you can't just jump straight into a Dom/sub relationship without some ground rules, some understanding. I would be grateful if someone could enlighten me here:confused:

I'd also like to say that some exchanges I've read here between Dom/subs master/slaves (what's the difference btw) seemed cruel to me, not my kind of thing at all. Perhaps there is a place for all degrees of submission but how do you know there is a 'match' beforehand? Is there a password you guys are not telling us about:D At times it seems a bit like an exclusive club without an obvious door. Or am I just thinking like someone who isn't committed to this lifestyle?

Just be yourself, be confident in what you are comfortable with, avoid what you aren't comfortable with, and be honest about your experience levels. Trust me, in no time at all, you will find lots of nice ladies who want to talk to you.
Shadowsdream said:
If you get approached by Dom/mes online...what is the most pathetic line they use on you?

And the following line left me gasping for breath as i laughed hysterically ...

"I am all that is Man. Suck me now bitch! Please? I'll suck you too. "

The standard line is "I am what you seek little one. Come to me and obey."

Surprisingly, the Dommes do not approach in that manner at all. i have been approached by quite a few online and none deigned to use a corny line. Is that an oddity or is it just me?
Yahoo Dom/me recruiting... lol!

I think it's damn hysterical how many people here have said that the worst lines came from yahoo rooms!
I have a different screenname for my yahoo acct now, but it used to be the same as this one. I would log in and lurk in chat rooms and within a few minutes I would usully be pm'd with some offer of service. I would sweetly explain the first few times that the MSTRS in my sn wasn't some sort of signal that I was a Domme just a private joke but invariably the offers would continue. My personal fave was a supposed sub who offered to show me the "true pleasure" that was to be had from the " owning of another" who then got really offended when I turned him down.
By far the best though was the time I was in a room and a supposed Dom asked me if i would like to help him " discipline" his charge. I went through the whole explanation again and this guy got absolutley outraged at me! Went on this tirade about how I was nothing but a poser trying to draw away subs and that he was going to make sure everyone knew what a fraud I was so that I couldn't trick anyone else.
All this and the only thing I posted was " hello" in the room!