you get approaced by Dom/mes online?

Re: Re: you get approaced by Dom/mes online?

s'lara said:
And the following line left me gasping for breath as i laughed hysterically ...

"I am all that is Man. Suck me now bitch! Please? I'll suck you too. "

The standard line is "I am what you seek little one. Come to me and obey."

Surprisingly, the Dommes do not approach in that manner at all. i have been approached by quite a few online and none deigned to use a corny line. Is that an oddity or is it just me?

Well Doms are still men, and men do love their corny pick up lines.
Re: Re: Re: you get approaced by Dom/mes online?

Ebonyfire said:
Well Doms are still men, and men do love their corny pick up lines.

Amen. What i find to be funny is that the methodology of the corny approach doesn't change. i've had the same One's approach me (while They've forgotten i've been approached by Them before) using identical lines. i would think that the rate of success versus the rate of failure would have to give Them pause to say, "This might not be my best bet. Lemme try something else. Yeah, that's the ticket!"


On another note, i find that the Domme's Who have approached me are sometimes touchy feely. Not All, but Some. To be honest, i am not sure which irks me more ... the corny lines or the touchy feely.
Re: Re: Re: Re: you get approaced by Dom/mes online?

s'lara said:
Amen. What i find to be funny is that the methodology of the corny approach doesn't change. i've had the same One's approach me (while They've forgotten i've been approached by Them before) using identical lines. i would think that the rate of success versus the rate of failure would have to give Them pause to say, "This might not be my best bet. Lemme try something else. Yeah, that's the ticket!"


On another note, i find that the Domme's Who have approached me are sometimes touchy feely. Not All, but Some. To be honest, i am not sure which irks me more ... the corny lines or the touchy feely.

I can't help you there. I am not bi so I do not have any experience with that. I have been approached more than once by the same sad sack sub and have had to tell him that I still did not want to talk to him. I am not touchy feely so I do not get it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you get approaced by Dom/mes online?

Ebonyfire said:
I can't help you there. I am not bi so I do not have any experience with that. I have been approached more than once by the same sad sack sub and have had to tell him that I still did not want to talk to him. I am not touchy feely so I do not get it.

Probably a good thing that You don't get it. Nothing wrong with E/everyone keeping T/their hands to themselves unless otherwise indicated. My experience with Dommes like that is limited and much to my surprise (yeah right), not All of the Ladies that approached were Dommes. Go figure.

As for the sad sack, maybe he thinks persistence is a virtue (groans). Thought no meant no?
Yahoo ate my brain!

Normally I ignore anyone who private messages me without a sincere non-cyber question immediately - however, occasionally I am slightly bored, annoyed or amused and will shamefully answer for a couple of lines before placing them on ignore.

my name and profile plainly indicate being owned and sub, but the cyberly horny have terribly impaired comprehension skills. Here's a quick sampling from my yahoo PM box - names changed to protect those in the grip of mind-numbing cyber addiction. ;)

troll: hi
me: ?
troll: willing to talk with u
me: busy, no thanks.
troll: and also sell me
me: not interested
troll: sell me
troll: use me whatever way u want
me: You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't have sex with you. You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot.
me: Consider yourself used and abused.
troll: i think u r confused with my hubby id
me: lol good luck on the being sold bit - carry on!

troll: hi
me: yes?
troll: this sub needs a spanking
me: this sub is entirely disinterested in your spanking needs
troll: k

troll: i want to be a slave
me: raises the magic wand
me: a la peanutbutter sandwich!
me: *poof* you're a slave

Then there is the eternal troll mating call "asl" - short for, "Pardon me? May I kindly inquire as to your age, sex, and location, please? I know we've not met but I'd love to get to know you as I feel suddenly overcome by a most curious tingle while noticing your lovely and intriguing screen name... and besides I am going down the chatter's list PMing everyone, and u r next."

troll: asl
me: 75 neutered Uranus
troll: gr8 ..
troll: can i see ya
me: highly doubtful from Uranus
me: now go troll someone else
me: go on - scoot - short, green and ugly
me: ya bother me, kid ;)

troll: MISTRESS?
me: go away
me: didn't ask and doesn't care
me: goodbye
troll: WHY
me: why not?
me: precisely.
me: goodbye
Re: Yahoo ate my brain!

lark sparrow said:
Normally I ignore anyone who private messages me without a sincere non-cyber question immediately - however, occasionally I am slightly bored, annoyed or amused and will shamefully answer for a couple of lines before placing them on ignore.

my name and profile plainly indicate being owned and sub, but the cyberly horny have terribly impaired comprehension skills. Here's a quick sampling from my yahoo PM box - names changed to protect those in the grip of mind-numbing cyber addiction. ;)

troll: hi
me: ?
troll: willing to talk with u
me: busy, no thanks.
troll: and also sell me
me: not interested
troll: sell me
troll: use me whatever way u want
me: You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't have sex with you. You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot.
me: Consider yourself used and abused.
troll: i think u r confused with my hubby id
me: lol good luck on the being sold bit - carry on!

troll: hi
me: yes?
troll: this sub needs a spanking
me: this sub is entirely disinterested in your spanking needs
troll: k

troll: i want to be a slave
me: raises the magic wand
me: a la peanutbutter sandwich!
me: *poof* you're a slave

Then there is the eternal troll mating call "asl" - short for, "Pardon me? May I kindly inquire as to your age, sex, and location, please? I know we've not met but I'd love to get to know you as I feel suddenly overcome by a most curious tingle while noticing your lovely and intriguing screen name... and besides I am going down the chatter's list PMing everyone, and u r next."

troll: asl
me: 75 neutered Uranus
troll: gr8 ..
troll: can i see ya
me: highly doubtful from Uranus
me: now go troll someone else
me: go on - scoot - short, green and ugly
me: ya bother me, kid ;)

troll: MISTRESS?
me: go away
me: didn't ask and doesn't care
me: goodbye
troll: WHY
me: why not?
me: precisely.
me: goodbye

Hysterical ... absolutely text book troll attack. Now if i could only find that dang spray, i would disinfect you. Wait ... the Uranian skin should keep you safe no?
Re: Yahoo ate my brain!

lark sparrow said:
Normally I ignore anyone who private messages me without a sincere non-cyber question immediately - however, occasionally I am slightly bored, annoyed or amused and will shamefully answer for a couple of lines before placing them on ignore.

my name and profile plainly indicate being owned and sub, but the cyberly horny have terribly impaired comprehension skills. Here's a quick sampling from my yahoo PM box - names changed to protect those in the grip of mind-numbing cyber addiction. ;)

troll: hi
me: ?
troll: willing to talk with u
me: busy, no thanks.
troll: and also sell me
me: not interested
troll: sell me
troll: use me whatever way u want
me: You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't have sex with you. You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot.
me: Consider yourself used and abused.
troll: i think u r confused with my hubby id
me: lol good luck on the being sold bit - carry on!

troll: hi
me: yes?
troll: this sub needs a spanking
me: this sub is entirely disinterested in your spanking needs
troll: k

troll: i want to be a slave
me: raises the magic wand
me: a la peanutbutter sandwich!
me: *poof* you're a slave

Then there is the eternal troll mating call "asl" - short for, "Pardon me? May I kindly inquire as to your age, sex, and location, please? I know we've not met but I'd love to get to know you as I feel suddenly overcome by a most curious tingle while noticing your lovely and intriguing screen name... and besides I am going down the chatter's list PMing everyone, and u r next."

troll: asl
me: 75 neutered Uranus
troll: gr8 ..
troll: can i see ya
me: highly doubtful from Uranus
me: now go troll someone else
me: go on - scoot - short, green and ugly
me: ya bother me, kid ;)

troll: MISTRESS?
me: go away
me: didn't ask and doesn't care
me: goodbye
troll: WHY
me: why not?
me: precisely.
me: goodbye

I am still laughing...good answers...bored looks good on you !
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you get approaced by Dom/mes online?

s'lara said:
Probably a good thing that You don't get it. Nothing wrong with E/everyone keeping T/their hands to themselves unless otherwise indicated. My experience with Dommes like that is limited and much to my surprise (yeah right), not All of the Ladies that approached were Dommes. Go figure.

As for the sad sack, maybe he thinks persistence is a virtue (groans). Thought no meant no?

More like no means maybe...
Re: Re: Re: you get approaced by Dom/mes online?

Ebonyfire said:
Well Doms are still men, and men do love their corny pick up lines.

Hey, I resemble that remark!

In all seriousness, I have been approached by Dominant women, so I don't think "the approach" is limited to men. But... the whole idea of a "pickup line" just cracks me up! I mean, does anyone use them seriously? Really? They must be the single most thing guaranteed to have the opposite to the desired effect!

Okay, I admit, I once suggested to a woman that she come back to my place so I could show her my etchings. Unfortunately, she took me seriously... ah well, my sense of humour isn't for everyone.

Now, I have to ask... when a gay dominant woman approaches you and suggests a session (you being, as in my case, a male dominant)... how do you best answer?
male Doms

I have been approached by male Doms, who at first try to say that they just want to compare notes, and perhaps share subs. THe chat quickly degenerates into "all women are submissive" chat and "what you need is a real man to dominate you."

I do not even bother to answer but quickly relegate them to my ever expanding ignore list.
Re: male Doms

Ebonyfire said:
I have been approached by male Doms, who at first try to say that they just want to compare notes, and perhaps share subs. THe chat quickly degenerates into "all women are submissive" chat and "what you need is a real man to dominate you."

I do not even bother to answer but quickly relegate them to my ever expanding ignore list.

LOL...I've been 'scared' of you since day one...I know for a FACT you are not submissive!
Re: Re: male Doms

Johnny Mayberry said:
LOL...I've been 'scared' of you since day one...I know for a FACT you are not submissive!

You have no reason to fear me, my subs do not fear me. IMHO, a sub cannot serve in fear.

I like men as people, be they dominant or submissive or all the shades in between.
Re: Re: Re: male Doms

Ebonyfire said:
You have no reason to fear me, my subs do not fear me. IMHO, a sub cannot serve in fear.

I like men as people, be they dominant or submissive or all the shades in between.

Oh, I know you are 'good people'...I just was a bit taken aback by your seriouness at first. I've grown to respect you a bunch since then, and even like you too.
Re: Re: Re: Re: male Doms

Johnny Mayberry said:
Oh, I know you are 'good people'...I just was a bit taken aback by your seriouness at first. I've grown to respect you a bunch since then, and even like you too.

I am direct, that is true. My sense of humor tends toward sarcasm, and whimsy. It is hard to discern sometimes.
Well I went into the Yahoo bdsm chat rooms for the first time today and I was SO disappointed. I was hoping to actually come across people who were discussing r/l issues, or who might be able to recommend some yahoo groups about d/s, but all I found was a bunch of horny high schoolers who thought I would automatically obey them because they had "master" or "sir' in their screen names.

The first pm I recieved was something to the effect of "Hey slave, wanna be my cyber slut?"

I told them "First of all I am only "slave" to one man, and its not you. Second of all, even if I was available you sure as HELL wouldn't pick me up with a line like that..."

These people were total idiots. I'm still a newbie, but these people had never engaged in a real life situation in their life. I was just truly flabbergasted by the immaturity there.
white_mage_goddess said:
Well I went into the Yahoo bdsm chat rooms for the first time today and I was SO disappointed. I was hoping to actually come across people who were discussing r/l issues, or who might be able to recommend some yahoo groups about d/s, but all I found was a bunch of horny high schoolers who thought I would automatically obey them because they had "master" or "sir' in their screen names.

The first pm I recieved was something to the effect of "Hey slave, wanna be my cyber slut?"

I told them "First of all I am only "slave" to one man, and its not you. Second of all, even if I was available you sure as HELL wouldn't pick me up with a line like that..."

These people were total idiots. I'm still a newbie, but these people had never engaged in a real life situation in their life. I was just truly flabbergasted by the immaturity there.

See, I could have told you that, but it really has more impact when you discover it for yourself.

First of all, you know you are dealing with wannabes and role players when they expect you to kneel just because you enter a room. "Kneel slut" is the mainstay of the clueless.
I actually had one finally say it...

the end all be all of corny cliches BDSM pickup lines.....

"On your knees and lick my boots bitch! Can I PM you?" this is the response to the following upon entering a YAHELL room

" Greetings A/all looking for info on and from r/l subs.":rolleyes: :rolleyes:
yes, I do.

And I don't remember a line.. usually someone reads somewhere that I'm a submissive, and something about my kinks, and they open up with a dom/sub cybersex line.

Fucking hell people, learn some class.

Just cus I'm a sub don't mean I'm a slut.
Re: I actually had one finally say it...

Mstrskey said:
the end all be all of corny cliches BDSM pickup lines.....

"On your knees and lick my boots bitch! Can I PM you?" this is the response to the following upon entering a YAHELL room

" Greetings A/all looking for info on and from r/l subs.":rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Perhaps plain english is beyond their understanding.
Johnny Mayberry said:
What ever happened to just saying "hello, my name is -----, I would like to get to know you."?
I think they sold it...
i recently have found an on-line mistress..........she is trying to get me to have my first bi-male experience....which i am willing to try if it works out
What ever happened to just saying "hello, my name is -----, I would like to get to know you."?

Believe or not there are still like 4 or 5 guys left in the world who do this! That's how I met my real life b/f. He just saw me in a chat room, and sent me a message. "Hi I'm _____ and i was looking at your profile and you seem interesting...would you like to chat for a while?" Well that was the first polite message I had recieved all night and from there, the rest was history.
krspy2001 said:
i recently have found an on-line mistress..........she is trying to get me to have my first bi-male experience....which i am willing to try if it works out

Well, good for you, hopefully she will allow you to share your adventures with us.
Re: Re: Re: you get approaced by Dom/mes online?

Ebonyfire said:
Well Doms are still men, and men do love their corny pick up lines.

Hmmm, how about:
place your hands behind your head and hold up your locks, I wish to make love to your nape:kiss: