Superbowl halftime show

yes you are right. now the FBI wants to investigate janet jacksons chest and no doubt check out her ass as well!:) ;)
Svenskaflicka said:
A woman accidentally has her tit drop out of her clothes, and USA goes all hysteric?

Over here, we have G-rated films where you see women take skinnydips!

Whow, you're easily shocked!:)
It's an American thing, you wouldn't understand. :)

Actually, I'm an American and I don't understand, either.

Europeans are so much more mature about sexuality than Americans. As a nation, we're intensely sexual and even more intensely ashamed of it.
destinie21 said:
If you or your children didn't see it there's no way to avoid her tit it's all over the news and whatnot :rolleyes:
I don't watch much TV. Are they showing the real tit or the obscured version?

I'm imagining a baby looking at a digitally obscured nipple and wondering, "How am I supposed to nurse on that?":kiss:
I missed the show. I was watching 10 hours of Charmed on TNT.

However, from what I saw of it, JT was lookin pretty damn hot. Too bad they didn't take his shirt off instead:devil:

Is anybody here insulted that our bodies in their natural form are considered 'obscene'? IF God made us, and our bodies are obscene, does that mean God's a pervert?

Ok, I know, I'm going to Hell now:rolleyes:

If I were a terrorist right now I'd be thinking 1. they are distracted over this titty thing, it's a good time to act. 2. If we have any problems once we start the plan, we'll just flash them!
KenJames said:
It's an American thing, you wouldn't understand. :)

Actually, I'm an American and I don't understand, either.

Europeans are so much more mature about sexuality than Americans. As a nation, we're intensely sexual and even more intensely ashamed of it.

Maybe it's because in "world years" America is barely a teenager- if that. We've only been a nation for a couple hundred years, wearas many European nations are literally *ancient.*

(In otherways we act like adolescence as well. We think we know everything and refuse to listen to our 'elders' I could go on and on)
sweetnpetite said:
I missed the show. I was watching 10 hours of Charmed on TNT.

However, from what I saw of it, JT was lookin pretty damn hot. Too bad they didn't take his shirt off instead:devil:

Is anybody here insulted that our bodies in their natural form are considered 'obscene'? IF God made us, and our bodies are obscene, does that mean God's a pervert?

Ok, I know, I'm going to Hell now:rolleyes:

If I were a terrorist right now I'd be thinking 1. they are distracted over this titty thing, it's a good time to act. 2. If we have any problems once we start the plan, we'll just flash them!
I think watching a "Charmed" marathon is an excellent way to spend your time, much better than the Superbowl, but I'm really not a sports person.

Yes, I am intensely insulted that the nude human body is considered obscene.

We have a lot of priorities screwed up. We wring our hands over our dependence on the middle-East for oil and buy increasingly large vehicles. Osama bin Laden is free, but Tommy Chong is in prison for selling bongs. The security at our seaports still sucks, but the FBI is investigating Janice Jackson's tit.

Sorry, time for my medication . . .
KenJames said:
I think watching a "Charmed" marathon is an excellent way to spend your time, much better than the Superbowl, but I'm really not a sports person.

Yes, I am intensely insulted that the nude human body is considered obscene.

We have a lot of priorities screwed up. We wring our hands over our dependence on the middle-East for oil and buy increasingly large vehicles. Osama bin Laden is free, but Tommy Chong is in prison for selling bongs. The security at our seaports still sucks, but the FBI is investigating Janice Jackson's tit.

Sorry, time for my medication . . .

Not to mention we bitch and moan about the price of Gasoline, if it gets anywear near two bucks a gallon (!) when over half the people of the world can't even afford to own a car. Personally, I'd like to see the price of gasoline reflect our utter dependance on it and the harm it does both to the environment and to the people who are caught in the middle. Maybe then people would rethink driving the car to visit someone at the end of the block, or to check their mail:rolleyes:

In reality, we'd bitch and moan- but we'd pay it.

They could charge $20 a gallon and nothing about our driving habits as a nation would change.
I was hoping by now that this whole topic would just go away, but since people are STILL talking about it in the media, there is something that really bothers me about it and I need to get it off my chest....

My opinion of the halftime breast exposure was that it was a bit tacky and unclassy, and lacks professionalism for two performers who could and should rely on their talent (well, Janet maybe... not sure JT has a lot of talent) instead of a stupid stunt. That being said...

It was a woman's BREAST. A bare breast. And that is so offensive as to cause such an uproar and talk of millions of dollars in fines? THAT I find very offensive, as Ken and SnP mentioned. Why a part of the human body is considered an outrage to display I'll never understand.

Every day on TV you can see people being killed, raped, stabbed, beaten and bloodied. Not always for real, but the imagery is there. You can watch people eat distgusting items not fit for human consumption. And yet a woman's bare breast is so obscene? We have offically gone mad.

I got a chuckle from Ken's comment about being concerned about a child who has never seen a breast, and I agree with him. The parents that are so outraged that their children saw Janet's breast are probably the same parents who let their kids play Grand Theft Auto where you can beat up prostitutes and run over people in the street with your car.

Janet Jackson's boobylicious performance with Justin Timberlake at the Super Bowl halftime show has sparked a federal investigation and set new standards for raunch in an entertainment industry that seems to be setting new highs — or lows — every day.

Tenn. Woman Files Suit Over Super Bowl
8 minutes ago

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. - Terri Carlin wants to make Janet Jackson (news)'s bare breast into a federal case.

Carlin filed a proposed class action lawsuit in U.S. District Court Wednesday against Jackson, singer Justin Timberlake (news), broadcasters MTV and CBS and their parent company, Viacom.

Carlin alleges that she and others who watched the halftime show during Sunday's Super Bowl were injured by the performers' lewd actions when Timberlake ripped off part of Jackson's costume, exposing her breast.

In the lawsuit, Carlin charges that the exposure and "sexually explicit conduct" by other performers during the show injured viewers.

"As a direct and proximate result of the broadcast of the acts, (Carlin) and millions of others saw the acts and were caused to suffer outrage, anger, embarrassment and serious injury," the lawsuit says.

But Carlin, who works in a bank, doesn't specify the type of injury allegedly suffered.

"All of the defendants knew that the Super Bowl, the pre-eminent sports event in the United States, would be watched by millions of families and children," says the lawsuit filed by Knoxville attorney Wayne A. Ritchie II. "Nevertheless, (they) included in the halftime show sexually explicit acts solely designed to garner publicity and, ultimately, to increase profits for themselves."

The lawsuit charges that the broadcast companies and the two singers violated an "implied" contract with viewers not to subject them to lewd actions.

"Families have an expectation that they can trust companies and individuals such as the defendants not to expose families to sexually explicit conduct during broadcasts of prime time events such as the Super Bowl," the lawsuit says.

Jackson has apologized for the incident, saying a red lace garment was supposed to remain over her breast when an outer garment was ripped away. She denied that the NFL, CBS, or MTV, which produced the halftime show for CBS, knew of her plans, and those entities all have condemned the performance.

The lawsuit says the broadcasters should have had a "sufficient broadcast delay" to censor the acts, even if they didn't know what Jackson and Timberlake planned to do on stage.

Carlin's lawsuit seeks billions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages.

"Come here, kids, don't watch that awful, lewd woman doing sexually explicit acts! You might get severely injured! Let's watch this nice film instead, where fully-dressed people blow each others' heads off. There. That's better."
I agree with you both dirty jj and flicka. now the FBi and the Fcc want to investigate janet jacksons chest. no doubt they want to check out her ass as well!:) ;)
You'd think there were better things to waste money on...

I mean, really! "My kids saw a woman's tit! I demand you pay me billions of dollars for the injury we have suffered!"

That woman must have a hard time going to the toilet.

I am really only surprised it took till Thrusday for someone to get a lawyer and get the suit filed. In Tenn. too, such a nice, conservative strongly religious state. This should be pure theatre.

DirtyJJ said:
I was hoping by now that this whole topic would just go away, but since people are STILL talking about it in the media, there is something that really bothers me about it and I need to get it off my chest....

My opinion of the halftime breast exposure was that it was a bit tacky and unclassy, and lacks professionalism for two performers who could and should rely on their talent (well, Janet maybe... not sure JT has a lot of talent) instead of a stupid stunt. That being said...

It was a woman's BREAST. A bare breast. And that is so offensive as to cause such an uproar and talk of millions of dollars in fines? THAT I find very offensive, as Ken and SnP mentioned. Why a part of the human body is considered an outrage to display I'll never understand.

Every day on TV you can see people being killed, raped, stabbed, beaten and bloodied. Not always for real, but the imagery is there. You can watch people eat distgusting items not fit for human consumption. And yet a woman's bare breast is so obscene? We have offically gone mad.

I got a chuckle from Ken's comment about being concerned about a child who has never seen a breast, and I agree with him. The parents that are so outraged that their children saw Janet's breast are probably the same parents who let their kids play Grand Theft Auto where you can beat up prostitutes and run over people in the street with your car.

Something that annoys me is the way Justin and Janet are now backing away. "Oh! It was an accident. We didn't mean it. It was a wardrobe malfunction. My family's embarrased."

Gimmie a break! It was a cheap publicity stunt and they were stupid to do it. But when you get down to it, Janet didn't show much (if any) more than you can see on the Victoria's Secret programs.

Now it's getting blown way out of proportion by the media and by a government that has nothing better to do (Note to John Ashcroft: Remember terrorists?).
KenJames said:
The security at our seaports still sucks, but the FBI is investigating Janice Jackson's tit.

Sorry, time for my medication . . .

You're awfully naive if it hasn't occurred to you that a breast-bomb at a major sports event could take thousands of innocent lives.
shereads said:
You're awfully naive if it hasn't occurred to you that a breast-bomb at a major sports event could take thousands of innocent lives.
Sorry. I'd forgotten the power of a breast-bomb. The loss of life from strokes alone would be horrific.

Strokes . . . ? Oops! Excuse me. :p

Edited to add If Justin had pulled out his dick, it would have ended American civilization.
Last edited:
A-hah! NOW we've found out your weak spot! Now we'll attack your country by letting topless women skydive down from airplanes, throwing burning bras at you!

And don't try to be heros, or we'll send in the gay men-plutoon! The things those guys can do with a handbag... shivers*
Svenskaflicka said:
"Come here, kids, don't watch that awful, lewd woman doing sexually explicit acts! You might get severely injured! Let's watch this nice film instead, where fully-dressed people blow each others' heads off. There. That's better."

Trust me, they don't like you watching those kinds of movies either..

Those cap people are fuckin' scary. That's the kind of people we're dealing with here, folks.
raphy said:
Trust me, they don't like you watching those kinds of movies either..

Those cap people are fuckin' scary. That's the kind of people we're dealing with here, folks.


But they are funny! Just read what they said about "101 Dalmatians":
COMMENT: The central theme was about a bad girl's desire to kill dogs to get their coats. Animals have been used to clothe humans for thousands of years. But what made objective analysis of this movie difficult was the dogs were well personified with human personality traits by the script writers and choreographers, thus giving the viewer the sense that to kill the dogs would be akin to killing human babies. While many people indeed seem to value their dogs more than humans, we cannot permit elevatation of the dog to human status. God clearly gave us dominion over the beasts of the earth. If we were to elevate the dog to human status, we would indeed be lowering the human to the dog level. Thus, I cannot justify derating the movie based on plotting to kill dogs. It would be different if the dogs were actually killed in the movie. But please realize that while God has given us dominion over the beasts of the earth, i.e., they are here for our use, the arey NOT here for us to abuse!

Honestly, I'd be HONORED if someone would put me on the same level as a dog! In my eyes, animals are better than human beings. They only kill to feed, not for the heck of it. They only fight to protect their offspring and their territories, not to gain power and become wealty. And they don't run around putting up ridiculous websites telling people what to do...:D
This one is very good. It's a coment about the chid actors/actresses in Addams Family Values:

As with most movies targeted at children, Addams Family Values employed talented child actors and actresses who possessed the ability to express worldly maturity, seriousness, and unarguable deduction -- traits desired by most adolescents thus providing an improper role model from which to emulate values.

Kids who act mature and clever and serious are bad role models?

Wouldn't it be better if these people just bought some Raggedy Anns instead of raising real children..?
Isn't it a great site, 'flicka?

It's seriously influenced me in my choice of movie viewing, that's for sure. If the CAP kids give it a bad rating, I go down to the local video store right away :devil:
I'm gonna copy their analysis of the Harry Potter movies and put them on my website, ending with my personal comment: "Now, isn't this THE perfect reason to see these movies?"

Gee, as one of their arguments against the movies was "The audience applauded!":rolleyes:

And they thought that photos/paintings moving around was "an offense to God".

I gotta bookmark this page, dammit! I haven't laughed this much in weeks!:D
Svenskaflicka said:
"Come here, kids, don't watch that awful, lewd woman doing sexually explicit acts! You might get severely injured! Let's watch this nice film instead, where fully-dressed people blow each others' heads off. There. That's better."

Settle the lawsuit with trips to Neverland Ranch for everybody and call it a draw.
Svenskaflicka said:
"Increase the average IQ of America - give a rightwinger a vasectomy!"

Theoretically this is a good idea, but then I'm afraid we might miss out on the joy of arguing with those such as dear Colly. And I fear this would make things quite dull around here.


Maybe it would suit everyone if we just disallowed every other male baby...