Superbowl halftime show

E-leven, watching and ridiculing "Friends" might not be as fun as watchin and ridiculing rightwingers, but atleast none of the characters from "Friends" will become president and start chanting about the sanctity of marriage.
Svenskaflicka said:
E-leven, watching and ridiculing "Friends" might not be as fun as watchin and ridiculing rightwingers, but atleast none of the characters from "Friends" will become president and start chanting about the sanctity of marriage.

Why'd you have to go and ruin it for me? I was sure Matt LeBlanc was going to be on the 2008 ticket.

-E (sulking)

How cool would it have been to have a presidential slogan of, "How Yoo Doin'?"
At least none of the characters from "Friends" will become president and start chanting about the sanctity of marriage.

Svenskaflicka, 2004

Sure, Kindergarten Cop sucks. But at least no one in the cast is governor of California.

Shereads, 2001
I missed the Tit Heard Round the World--I was at a Super Bowl party but busy drunkenly female bonding with the new girlfriend of my host, i.e., standing in her minuscule kitchen drinking one long margarita that like to killed me later on in the evening, not to mention the following day.

God, it's discouraging--you would think that we would have progressed since the 50s, when fewer women nursed their kids than at practically any other time in history, but the cars all had huge chrome breasts on their front bumpers.

I asked my husband if he saw it. He said he hadn't. I asked him if my son had seen it. "Yes, and he said he was upset by it."

Considering that I nursed this kid for 3 1/2 years, I figure someone had his tongue in his cheek or Henry was just saying that because he felt it was expected of him.

I've read humor, satire, and politics in this thread. Let's see here, we've beaten up the Democrats, the Republicans, and the religeos(sp) right. It would be amusing except that here in America too many people are takin this seriously. (sp too many beers.) Now what we all need to do is take a step back, take a deep breath, and admire what this deep breath does to the human females chest while thinking dirty thoughts and pissing off the rest of the self centered, self important, undersexed very vocal minority of this world and hope that they may one day wake up and realize that what they think just doesn't matter. Humans will just keep on looking at each other in wonder and enjoying the beauty of the human body no matter what our over controlling, under sexed, want to be Puritanical leaders try to tell us is right and wrong. Then maybe, just maybe, we will all throw off the yoke of these oppresive twits (I would use a bit more imagination describing them but I don't think you need a two page description of them,) and get on with being able to enjoy our lives and each other.
Okay, off my beaten and often abused soapbox again.

God, it's discouraging--you would think that we would have progressed since the 50s, when fewer women nursed their kids than at practically any other time in history, but the cars all had huge chrome breasts on their front bumpers.

Those chrome breasts on cars in the 1950s destroyed us, morally, as a nation.

If only more of those bumper bibs had been in use.
shereads said:
Those chrome breasts on cars in the 1950s destroyed us, morally, as a nation.

If only more of those bumper bibs had been in use.
Someone once told me those bumper covers were called "bras." Go figure.
I agree with what you say seacat. and all these high and mighty officials out there trying to be so pure about what we can and cannot watch on tv. gimme a break. I am sure they have plenty of janet and justin britney,maddonna cd's at their house that they love to watch. If they don't, I know at least their loving kids do. and most young boys have read excuse me looked at pictures of naked ladies in playboy by 13 anyway. so gimme a major break. please!!!:)
KenJames said:
Something that annoys me is the way Justin and Janet are now backing away. "Oh! It was an accident. We didn't mean it. It was a wardrobe malfunction. My family's embarrased."

Gimmie a break! It was a cheap publicity stunt and they were stupid to do it. But when you get down to it, Janet didn't show much (if any) more than you can see on the Victoria's Secret programs.

Now it's getting blown way out of proportion by the media and by a government that has nothing better to do (Note to John Ashcroft: Remember terrorists?).
I've finally seen a video clip of the incident rather than just stills and I've changed my mind. Justin had such a look of surprise when he removed the bra cap and Janet's large but featureless :eek: breast popped out (*), I think he did expect it to be covered.

It does seem possible that the breast exposure was an accident. Janet was wearing that fragile-looking red bustier under her leather costume and it could have been unexpectedly torn away, although I'd expect to see some torn fabric in the close-up.

Twenty-some years ago, I saw Tina Turner and Mick Jagger performing at duet on TV. At the end of the song, Mick pulled Tina's short skirt off. She was wearing a leotard.

Neither Janet's nor Justin's careers are in such slumps that they needed cheap exposure. I'm prepared to halfway accept their claim that this was a silly stunt gone wrong.

Still, it's almost worth it to watch the right-wingers peeing their pants over a tit.

(*) I did see the edited version, not the original.
The nipple is entirely covered. Is the breast still naked under Federal regulations?

To me, you can't have a naked breast without a naked nipple. Otherwise, you just have a low-cut dress on four sides.
shereads said:
The nipple is entirely covered. Is the breast still naked under Federal regulations?

To me, you can't have a naked breast without a naked nipple. Otherwise, you just have a low-cut dress on four sides.
In extreme close-up, her nipple is clearly visible.

I still think the true obscenity is the furor over a bare tit.
There you go again, Min. Acting all bashful, when just yesterday you were begging to be chained and whipped into non-PC submission...I've got your number girl and don't think I don't know how you enjoy MathGirl's illustrated dictionary too, though you say it makes you cringe and tremble.

And Ken...why an extreme close up was necessary, I will not understand but I'm with Minsue 100%...disgusting :D (tee-hee)

-E (mortified)
Just discovered I wasted the 99199th post on this board on a :D

- Mindy, hanging head in shame
minsue said:
Thanks, Ken. The image is now burned into my brain. :rolleyes:

- Mindy
Glad to help. :devil:

I think it's a very nice nipple, although I'm kind of creeped out by the piercing. Janet's come a long way from being a nice little Jehovah's Witness girl.
KenJames said:
Glad to help. :devil:

I think it's a very nice nipple, although I'm kind of creeped out by the piercing. Janet's come a long way from being a nice little Jehovah's Witness girl.

It isn't necessarily pierced, Ken. I can't tell from the picture if it is or not (yes, I went back and checked again. My head was already hung in shame over the post count abuse so what the hell?), but they do sell nipple 'adornments' that do not need a barbel going through the nipple in order to stay on. It could very well be one of those, a sort of nipple cuff.

- Mindy, wondering where I went wrong in life to have conversations like this :confused:

Edited to add link:
Last edited:
minsue said:
It isn't necessarily pierced, Ken. I can't tell from the picture if it is or not (yes, I went back and checked again. My head was already hung in shame over the post count abuse so what the hell?), but they do sell nipple 'adornments' that do not need a barbel going through the nipple in order to stay on. It could very well be one of those, a sort of nipple cuff.

- Mindy, wondering where I went wrong in life to have conversations like this :confused:
I hope you're right. It looks like a piercing to me. Only Janet and her very close friends know for sure.

(I don't think you've gone wrong anywhere. People on Literotica are generally more intelligent, well-adjusted and stimulating than the average person.)
You may be right. See above edit, though, for what I was referring to.

- Mindy, off to scrub myself clean
I like the picture you put up minisue but don't show colleen thomas she will go crazy!:)
MR. Gibson said:
I like the picture you put up minisue but don't show colleen thomas she will go crazy!:)

Nah! You got her all wrong, Mr. G. Keep'll come to you.

lucky-E-leven said:
Nah! You got her all wrong, Mr. G. Keep'll come to you.


Depends on exactly how Mr G figures she'll go crazy...She's certainly driven me nuts on occasion. ;)

- Mindy, off to re-read the newest Football Widow chapter
minsue said:
Depends on exactly how Mr G figures she'll go crazy...She's certainly driven me nuts on occasion. ;)

- Mindy, off to re-read the newest Football Widow chapter

Oooohhhh! It's finally posted? Gotta run...