Sweet Minxee

Sorry for my absence! It's a long story but I will give you all the short version.

Due to some complications from being on one of my many long term anti-depressants my doctor had to take me off of them. So even though we took me off gradually I went into full blown drug withdrawals. At the worst I was constantly sweating even though it was 13c, I was vomiting and felt nauseous at all times, I was unable to sleep - at all - even with sleeping tablets. I did over 300 steps without leaving my bed from tossing and turning trying to sleep. I was in pain all over, constant headache from lack of sleep, lethargic, exhausted, stressed and my brain was a mess. The worst part was I didn't know how long it was going to last for... So that also caused a lot of head fuckery as I didn't know if it was going to just be a few days or weeks....

At first we were hesitant to take me off of them as I kinda need my mental health meds... but I am on a short list to see a Psychiatrist so I agreed knowing that they would fix up my meds... however I got a message the other day to say that psychiatrist number 5 could not take me on so back to the doctor next week. *sigh*

I also got eaten alive by sandflies... I didn't even know that I was bitten until later on. I didn't feel the bites - it wasn't until the bites came out...
This is the back of one of my legs... I can tell you now that I was bitten all over. Little fuckers got up my skirt! The bites did get bigger and worse...

I am still in the moonboot... 14.5 weeks now! BUT I have had my MRI... and I have now got an appointment with a physio next Friday! So that is good news... so while I don't have results - I apparently can have physio. I have doctors on Tuesday so he will be able to tell me the news and hopefully it means I am out of the boot.

Now the good news is I am feeling much more much-ier. Still not 100% but I honestly don't think I will feel 100% for a while - not until my medication can be reviewed. So there will be some ups and downs for a while as I get use to it all but hopefully it will be all okay.

NOW... I believe I have missed a few pictures...

Now what would happen if I was above you dangling them right above your face...

ohh those titties! *groan*
HAPPY ummm SUNDAY!!!!!

I have spent most of the days sleeping... I got put on some new meds and they make me sleepy.... So many naps. I didn't even go out on Saturday night as I was too tired. BUT hopefully these help with my mental health.

SO I spoke to my doctor and he has spent a letter to the orthopaedics specialist requesting surgery... SO I have to wait to see the specialist on the 19th September to find out what is going on. But in the mean time I am still stuck in the boot. 16 weeks and counting...

So yeah... Here are some pictures!!!




HAPPY ummm SUNDAY!!!!!

I have spent most of the days sleeping... I got put on some new meds and they make me sleepy.... So many naps. I didn't even go out on Saturday night as I was too tired. BUT hopefully these help with my mental health.

SO I spoke to my doctor and he has spent a letter to the orthopaedics specialist requesting surgery... SO I have to wait to see the specialist on the 19th September to find out what is going on. But in the mean time I am still stuck in the boot. 16 weeks and counting...

So yeah... Here are some pictures!!!

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Absolutely stunning 😍
HAPPY ummm SUNDAY!!!!!

I have spent most of the days sleeping... I got put on some new meds and they make me sleepy.... So many naps. I didn't even go out on Saturday night as I was too tired. BUT hopefully these help with my mental health.

SO I spoke to my doctor and he has spent a letter to the orthopaedics specialist requesting surgery... SO I have to wait to see the specialist on the 19th September to find out what is going on. But in the mean time I am still stuck in the boot. 16 weeks and counting...

So yeah... Here are some pictures!!!

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Love the outfit. All the little chains suit you. Interesting beret too.

Glad I was able to join you for your morning stretching exercises. :D

Sorry to hear your saga with the foot continues.
HAPPY ummm SUNDAY!!!!!

I have spent most of the days sleeping... I got put on some new meds and they make me sleepy.... So many naps. I didn't even go out on Saturday night as I was too tired. BUT hopefully these help with my mental health.

SO I spoke to my doctor and he has spent a letter to the orthopaedics specialist requesting surgery... SO I have to wait to see the specialist on the 19th September to find out what is going on. But in the mean time I am still stuck in the boot. 16 weeks and counting...

So yeah... Here are some pictures!!!

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love... so love the pull on the nipple.
HAPPY ummm SUNDAY!!!!!

I have spent most of the days sleeping... I got put on some new meds and they make me sleepy.... So many naps. I didn't even go out on Saturday night as I was too tired. BUT hopefully these help with my mental health.

SO I spoke to my doctor and he has spent a letter to the orthopaedics specialist requesting surgery... SO I have to wait to see the specialist on the 19th September to find out what is going on. But in the mean time I am still stuck in the boot. 16 weeks and counting...

So yeah... Here are some pictures!!!

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I can relate. It took three doctors (general practitioner, orthopedic specialist, and surgeon) and a year before I was able to get in for hip surgery, and it was three months between when I had the consultation with the surgeon and the procedure. The waiting is horrible.

Hopefully you won’t have a long wait time after you see the surgeon, and you get relief soon.
HAPPY ummm SUNDAY!!!!!

I have spent most of the days sleeping... I got put on some new meds and they make me sleepy.... So many naps. I didn't even go out on Saturday night as I was too tired. BUT hopefully these help with my mental health.

SO I spoke to my doctor and he has spent a letter to the orthopaedics specialist requesting surgery... SO I have to wait to see the specialist on the 19th September to find out what is going on. But in the mean time I am still stuck in the boot. 16 weeks and counting...

So yeah... Here are some pictures!!!

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Love that pull!
HAPPY ummm SUNDAY!!!!!

I have spent most of the days sleeping... I got put on some new meds and they make me sleepy.... So many naps. I didn't even go out on Saturday night as I was too tired. BUT hopefully these help with my mental health.

SO I spoke to my doctor and he has spent a letter to the orthopaedics specialist requesting surgery... SO I have to wait to see the specialist on the 19th September to find out what is going on. But in the mean time I am still stuck in the boot. 16 weeks and counting...

So yeah... Here are some pictures!!!

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There is something so arousing to me about a stretched nipple!!!
HAPPY ummm SUNDAY!!!!!

I have spent most of the days sleeping... I got put on some new meds and they make me sleepy.... So many naps. I didn't even go out on Saturday night as I was too tired. BUT hopefully these help with my mental health.

SO I spoke to my doctor and he has spent a letter to the orthopaedics specialist requesting surgery... SO I have to wait to see the specialist on the 19th September to find out what is going on. But in the mean time I am still stuck in the boot. 16 weeks and counting...

So yeah... Here are some pictures!!!

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Being in a boot for 16 weeks would drive me crazy.
Being in a boot for 16 weeks would drive me crazy.
You think it hasn’t pushed me to craziness yet? I still have at minimum another week in it until I go back and see the specialist. And then if we do go down the route of surgery… well yeah… it’s going to be a while.

What most people don’t seem to realise is that I am constantly lop sided. I don’t have a shoe for my good foot that is the same thickness as the boot. So I am either too low or too high. Which means my poor hips, ass, lower back and then up my spoons into my shoulders and neck are a mess! Definitely need one hell of a good massage when all this is over.
Sorry once again from the absence! Life has been crazy hectic - mum has decided "lets renovate the whole entire yard..." so lots of shovelling, pulling out plants and cutting back trees - and lots of wounds along the way.




Also I had plants that looked somewhat... sexual when pulled out of the ground. Or maybe that's just where my mind has been of late...


Then there was the incident of a toad somehow getting into my room... I think its because I had the garage door open (my room is the garage) and when we did all the gardening one escaped into my room so I had to evict him...


And I am unsure if I have told people but the house we are renting backs onto the beach and I am STILL in this damn boot and unable to go on it... however I am pushing the limits and decided I can sit on the edge! And then maybe creep forward a little more... And yes its low tide but you can see how close to the water I would be if the tide was in.



HOWEVER this is not what you are all here for....

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Lots of ouches on the hands there! The primary reason I don't garden. :) Lovely pictures, including the last one.

(And having worn a boot for months on end, I feel for you.)
HAPPY ummm SUNDAY!!!!!

I have spent most of the days sleeping... I got put on some new meds and they make me sleepy.... So many naps. I didn't even go out on Saturday night as I was too tired. BUT hopefully these help with my mental health.

SO I spoke to my doctor and he has spent a letter to the orthopaedics specialist requesting surgery... SO I have to wait to see the specialist on the 19th September to find out what is going on. But in the mean time I am still stuck in the boot. 16 weeks and counting...

So yeah... Here are some pictures!!!

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I would love to be doing that with my teeth
Sorry for my absence! It's a long story but I will give you all the short version.

Due to some complications from being on one of my many long term anti-depressants my doctor had to take me off of them. So even though we took me off gradually I went into full blown drug withdrawals. At the worst I was constantly sweating even though it was 13c, I was vomiting and felt nauseous at all times, I was unable to sleep - at all - even with sleeping tablets. I did over 300 steps without leaving my bed from tossing and turning trying to sleep. I was in pain all over, constant headache from lack of sleep, lethargic, exhausted, stressed and my brain was a mess. The worst part was I didn't know how long it was going to last for... So that also caused a lot of head fuckery as I didn't know if it was going to just be a few days or weeks....

At first we were hesitant to take me off of them as I kinda need my mental health meds... but I am on a short list to see a Psychiatrist so I agreed knowing that they would fix up my meds... however I got a message the other day to say that psychiatrist number 5 could not take me on so back to the doctor next week. *sigh*

I also got eaten alive by sandflies... I didn't even know that I was bitten until later on. I didn't feel the bites - it wasn't until the bites came out...
This is the back of one of my legs... I can tell you now that I was bitten all over. Little fuckers got up my skirt! The bites did get bigger and worse...

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I am still in the moonboot... 14.5 weeks now! BUT I have had my MRI... and I have now got an appointment with a physio next Friday! So that is good news... so while I don't have results - I apparently can have physio. I have doctors on Tuesday so he will be able to tell me the news and hopefully it means I am out of the boot.

Now the good news is I am feeling much more much-ier. Still not 100% but I honestly don't think I will feel 100% for a while - not until my medication can be reviewed. So there will be some ups and downs for a while as I get use to it all but hopefully it will be all okay.

NOW... I believe I have missed a few pictures...

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Now what would happen if I was above you dangling them right above your face...

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Those are absolutely spectacular

After 3 X-rays, 2 ultrasounds and 1 MRI it was finally determined that all up I had fractured a bone, tore 2 ligaments - one of them even pulled a bit of bone off with it and damaged a third ligament.
No wonder it hurt….

Good news is I don’t need surgery. And it’s healed enough that I’m not at immediate risk of rupturing it so….

After 20 long weeks of being stuck in the moonboot I am finally free!!! I can wear shoes again!!!! Though I do need to buy a new set of boots…

Physio has already started this afternoon and apparently I’ve been doing well with the gentle exercises my doctor has put me on. I even have gotten a fancy ass brace which has supports to help me while I build up strength in my muscles again because I’ve had significant muscles loss in my leg. But we are aiming to get me out of all supports asap.

Apparently I’ve got a long road ahead as I need to re-learn how to walk properly. I have to consciously think “heel - toe…. Point feet forward not to the side….” As I walk. So that’s going to be fun. Lots of strength, range and agility exercises. However I’ve been told if I work hard I could be good in 3 months. Though I’ve also been told that pain is probably going to get worse before it gets better.

Thankfully all my exercises I can do indoors… outside is scary. Afterall this all happened because I was walking on flat level grass and rolled my ankle….



Sorry about the size of the pictures I’m on my phone and it doesn’t want to let me play nice and let me resize it…

After 3 X-rays, 2 ultrasounds and 1 MRI it was finally determined that all up I had fractured a bone, tore 2 ligaments - one of them even pulled a bit of bone off with it and damaged a third ligament.
No wonder it hurt….

Good news is I don’t need surgery. And it’s healed enough that I’m not at immediate risk of rupturing it so….

After 20 long weeks of being stuck in the moonboot I am finally free!!! I can wear shoes again!!!! Though I do need to buy a new set of boots…

Physio has already started this afternoon and apparently I’ve been doing well with the gentle exercises my doctor has put me on. I even have gotten a fancy ass brace which has supports to help me while I build up strength in my muscles again because I’ve had significant muscles loss in my leg. But we are aiming to get me out of all supports asap.

Apparently I’ve got a long road ahead as I need to re-learn how to walk properly. I have to consciously think “heel - toe…. Point feet forward not to the side….” As I walk. So that’s going to be fun. Lots of strength, range and agility exercises. However I’ve been told if I work hard I could be good in 3 months. Though I’ve also been told that pain is probably going to get worse before it gets better.

Thankfully all my exercises I can do indoors… outside is scary. Afterall this all happened because I was walking on flat level grass and rolled my ankle….

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Sorry about the size of the pictures I’m on my phone and it doesn’t want to let me play nice and let me resize it…

YO!!! Good to hear, recovery starts now 😀😀😍😍