Taking It Personally

dr_mabeuse said:
How do handle criticism of your writing? I don't mean being flamed; I mean honest criticism? Does it effect you personally? Does it sting?

In my experience, writers are more sensitive to criticism than most other artists. I think it's probably because we have nothing but our imaginations and our words to work with. Still, we all have to take criticism is we want to improve, so how do you handle it?

I know that there are people here who don't really care what people think about their stuff, so I'm not really asking them. I want to know what other serious authors do to tyake the sting out of criticism.


Truth be known, all critique made by critics is opinion. And as with assholes, everyone has their own opinion.

One of the first things I had to learn as a writer was how to decipher critisism. For instance: If the critic was offended by the content, or the story's realism as to what happens compared to life itself as say in an interracial story, and they are offended because of their own bigotry, then I consider that good feedback. The story was so good that their bigotry flared up to the point of making them send me the feedback. The same is true for incest, or any other erotic story written on this site. If the author makes it real for the readers then the story is going to get flamed, and flamed hard by these idiots. But to me, that's a sign that my writing is right on track.

Since I do a complete edit on every story that I submit, I rarely get feedback (None thus far) about grammatical, or spelling problems. The same is true for plot, and POV, so that such future feedbacks on either would be taken with a grain of salt, and butter.

I don't think there is anything that feels as good to me as someone complimenting some facet of my writing. It's the most amazing feeling and I absolutely treasure each little positive comment.

...that said, I'm also a little disappointed when I don't get constructive criticism. I waited a long time to share my work with people, even my friends. I wanted to take a writing class or workshop, but I didn't dare. There were a lot of reasons, but the main one was that I wasn't ready to hear criticism.

The first story I posted on Lit was my first time sharing anything, and I posted it because I was finally ready to hear about its flaws and to absorb ideas on how to improve. I was comfortable with myself and knew that a)I don't suck and I do have talent and b)I'm a beginner and I need a lot of help from readers and other writers to improve.

My experience here gave me the courage to enroll in a workshop and share my work with people in person. The first time I had a piece workshoped was incredible. We followed a pretty standard critique format--one good comment followed by one constructive comment--and I found the constructive comments made so much sense and were so helpful to me in improving the piece and in writing my next pieces that I was amazed.

In short, I love critique of my work, even harsh critique if it's given politely and in a spirit of helpfulness. I value it even more than compliments, despite how good the compliments make me feel. Actually I take it as a compliment that the critic believes I'm making a serious attemt to write well and that I want to improve and that I can understand what they're trying to tell me.
The kind of criticism I've been getting I welcome. People who have been reading the current series I've been writing seem to take a propriotory view of it and have strong feelings about the direction I should be going, or the way I'm handling a particular plot point.

If they feel that strongly about it, I pay attention. I've been fortunate enough not to receive cutting criticisms about this one, just advice from readers who want to make it better, or have a suggestion about the direction I should take it in.

Occasionally I have altered my story based upon some of the suggestions and criticism I have received. We're writing soft-core porn here. No one is going to nominated for a Pulitzer. If someone has a better idea, I listen.

Stories by thebullet

Well, I'm writing soft-core. If they made it into a movie, HBO would show it.

I'm just saying if someone thinks it's important enough to make a suggestion about what I'm writing, I'll honor it enough to consider incorporating the suggestion into my story.
It stings when they're right and I should have known. But I'm at the point now where I can take it. Calluses on the old ego and all ;)
