Ted Haggard Struggles with His Sexuality

I watched the HBO segment last night - he admits to still struggling with his sexuality. He compares it to alcoholism, but I think that is incorrect because it is not an addiction - it is part of who he is as a person - it's wired into his personality.

That's not to say the desires can not be suppressed, but it probably depends on how close he is to homosexual end of the spectrum.

One can not help but feel compassion for him: he is honest and sincere in the answers despite past brutal depictions by the media as a pervert. His every effort to contribute positively to society today is subverted by the press into more evidence of Haggard's bizarre sexual inclinations.

Several years ago he may have been a contemptible and misguided evangelical pastor, but today he is simply man suffering the indignities of society's prejudice and hatred toward homosexuality. It's sad...very sad.
I watched the HBO segment last night - he admits to still struggling with his sexuality. He compares it to alcoholism, but I think that is incorrect because it is not an addiction - it is part of who he is as a person - it's wired into his personality.

That's not to say the desires can not be suppressed, but it probably depends on how close he is to homosexual end of the spectrum.

One can not help but feel compassion for him: he is honest and sincere in the answers despite past brutal depictions by the media as a pervert. His every effort to contribute positively to society today is subverted by the press into more evidence of Haggard's bizarre sexual inclinations.

Several years ago he may have been a contemptible and misguided evangelical pastor, but today he is simply man suffering the indignities of society's prejudice and hatred toward homosexuality. It's sad...very sad.

I absolutely and wholeheartedly agree with this. His story is so illustrative of far too many young and old men and women raised in homophobic families, who struggle with their internal moral compass. Haggards is amplified by the fact that he is not straight, yet he can never live as a gay man for fear of being publicly humiliated and excoriated

...who will be the one to cast the last stone in this sad tale...I hope it is not Mr. Haggard.
I saw the documentary the other day, and I thought the poor guy was just odd.

Can you suppress your sexuality? I imagine you can, if you want to be miserable. I got into a heated arguement with a friend once about my "choice." She believed it is a choice, that I could choose to be straight or gay (why are gays always the ones that make a "choice" but straights rarely seem to...?) Sexuality is not a choice; how you act on it is.
What could Anne Frank have possibly learned about life? She only lived to be 14.

Why would her age prove that she had not learned enough about life? I would think that the older one gets the more others color our views. My children amaze me with their potential for love and compassion. The views of the world are often the most interesting in children and teenagers than in people in their middle-age. That little girl had more compassion in her heart than most people I know. Anne Frank is often discussed in our house and she is a very good role model.