The 2024 750 Word Story Challenge Support Thread

Just an idea I thought I'd pass along as I know several of us are submitting more than one story for this challenge. I plan to create a series called 750 Word Challenge Stories and organize all my entries there. I can add to it each year.
I just name my stories 750-1 Saturday Morning, 750-6 Year of the Dragon. etc. That way they're all in a nice bunch on the daily CSV and I can average their scores separately from the full size stories.
Can we turn them in early, since you never really know, if you'll make it February 1st??? LOL.

I'm putting the finishing editing touches on my very 1st entry into this contest.
Can we turn them in early, since you never really know, if you'll make it February 1st??? LOL.

I'm putting the finishing editing touches on my very 1st entry into this contest.
You can, but mistakes have already been made and a story or two got posted immediately. It happens, Laurel's bots were caught napping.
You can, but mistakes have already been made and a story or two got posted immediately. It happens, Laurel's bots were caught napping.
I was curious.
I guess bots even need some shuteye once in a while. LOL.
Pulled out an old attempt from last year. Hoped to finish it, but I might have butchered it instead. Still no closer to finishing it. :( Perhaps I won't be joining you fine folks in this challenge this year either. Anyway, I'll do my best to read the long list of stories when they post.

I’ve launched a little 750 word-related challenge on Xitter. I’ve prompted Lit authors to write a 750 word story about an image of a woman that I generated. I’m not posting the image here as I’m clear about the guidelines.

Won’t embed the Xitter post either, for the same reason, but it’s here. It’s SFW (as is virtually all of my Xitter).

No idea if anyone will bite. But I’ll try to write a second 750 worder about her myself.

I know five Lit authors (including me) who have written, or are writing 750 worders based on this image challenge. For three of them (again including me), it’s their second one this year.

I’ve launched a little 750 word-related challenge on Xitter. I’ve prompted Lit authors to write a 750 word story about an image of a woman that I generated. I’m not posting the image here as I’m clear about the guidelines.

Won’t embed the Xitter post either, for the same reason, but it’s here. It’s SFW (as is virtually all of my Xitter).
If Eva Green had a daughter...
I was curious.
I guess bots even need some shuteye once in a while. LOL.
I've posted two already, and they've been approved for publishing on Feb 1st..

In the Notes to Admin, you put:

Please publish on or after 1 February 2024.

Then when it's approved and pending, ensure the publish date says "02/01/2024"

If it shows a pending for the next day, either contact the Admins or just open it to edit and make a minor change, and include that a note saying they missed your requested date.
Lifestyle is just making doubly sure.
Can you put publishing dates in the Admin. Notes?? Could I upload a handful of stories and have the publishing staggered over the course of a month? 😲

I thought it was just a bot that kind of filed everything.
FWIW, I submitted yesterday and this morning, my pending file shows it with '02/01/2024'. Looks like I scraped by or else the bug has been fixed.
Can you put publishing dates in the Admin. Notes?? Could I upload a handful of stories and have the publishing staggered over the course of a month? 😲

I thought it was just a bot that kind of filed everything.
I only do it for these challenges and contests with date ranges for entry. As pointed out earlier, just the contest name doesn't mean the Admins are always paying such close attention. If I post early, I point it out.

But they might follow such requests, until it becomes too burdensome.
...As pointed out earlier, just the contest name doesn't mean the Admins are always paying such close attention. ...

I strongly suspect the need for the identifying text in the comments relates to this, the mandated "750 WORD PROJECT 2024", for example. This is probably in an SQL script that runs somewhere in the publication process looking for that exact phrase, which then changes the publication date to "02/01/2024" or whatever.

IOW, it's not something that Laurel needs to look for, it's supposed to be automatic. Now the one or two examples that were accidentally published prematurely either didn't have the exact matching phrase, or the script hadn't been modified for 2024 at that early moment.
I just finished my second 750 Worder! This is pretty fun!!! And I get to take a break from "the gang" that I've been writing about.

With my first 750, I really struggled to put words together and struggled to eek out the 750. With this second one, my first count was 884. Yikes! But I whittled it down.

Again, this exercise is fun!! Did Duleigh come up with it?
I've posted two already, and they've been approved for publishing on Feb 1st..

In the Notes to Admin, you put:

Please publish on or after 1 February 2024.

Then when it's approved and pending, ensure the publish date says "02/01/2024"

If it shows a pending for the next day, either contact the Admins or just open it to edit and make a minor change, and include that a note saying they missed your requested date.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
One thought about submitting stories now to go live on the first: There may be a whole slew of stories all published on that one day resulting in stories falling off the new stories list too quickly. I prefer to wait a few days until things settle down a bit. Of course, now if everyone waits a few days, the same thing will still happen. 😂
The official Literotica Xitter account has reposted this sub-challenge.

I’ve seen a few of the stories, very diverse interpretations.

er... make that seven?

This will be my first 750 word submission, and my first time completing a story in one day :)
The official Literotica Xitter account has reposted this sub-challenge.

I’ve seen a few of the stories, very diverse interpretations.


After falling flat on my face with my first was was worse than just bad, it was BORING...I woke up at 5am with an idea that wouldn't let me go back to sleep til I wrote it.

I'm much happier with this new version.